Construction Coordination and Mobility Management

What We Do

The Construction Coordination and Mobility Management (CCMM) is charged with coordinating projects planned for the right of way to save money, protect public assets, and reduce construction-related impacts. The CCMM sequences utility, paving, and other projects on Seattle’s streets by collecting schedule and location information on all planned construction, and by meeting with project managers, utility managers, and executives to create logical project sequences.

The CCMM team:

  • Manages the collection and analysis of information for planned projects that will impact the public right of way. We assist utilities in meeting their data reporting requirements according to City of Seattle Municipal Code (15.32.050).
  • Hosts project coordination groups to manage planning and sequencing of work in the right of way, six months to five years before projects begin
  • Coordinates active construction in designated areas where high impact projects are in close proximity to one another through the Access Seattle Hub Coordination program

What's New

  • In the interest of maintaining and improving transportation assets, Seattle City Council adopted Ordinance 125251 in February 2017, which amends SMC 15.04.100 to allow SDOT to credit use fees in exchange for voluntary transportation improvements. Completing voluntary transportation improvements that go beyond required restoration reduces multiple impacts to the pavement and improves public infrastructure for less money. Click here to learn more. 
  • SDOT launched a Project and Construction Coordination Map. The map is an interactive tool that displays current and future construction projects in the right of way, as well as other events that may impact traffic.

Program Goals

The Construction Coordination and Mobility Management team (CCMM) works to:

  • Improve the cost-efficiency of infrastructure investments
  • Protect the integrity and life cycle of public assets
  • Save both public and private entities time and money
  • Reduce construction-related impacts to the traveling public

Project Coordination Groups

CCMM has identified transportation corridors with high concentrations of planned utility work and major construction. Managers for these projects meet together in project coordination groups, up to five years before work begins, to optimize the sequence of planned projects and consolidate restoration. 

CCMM manages the coordination of work in the public right of way through data collection and analysis, strategic project planning and tactical impact scheduling.

Collecting project coordination data

By Municipal Code, utility agencies are required to provide data regarding planned capital improvement projects in the right of way for the following five (5) years. We compile this information with data on public transportation and infrastructure projects in our Coordinate (formerly dotMaps) application, and present it in the SDOT Project and Construction Coordination Map. This map is an interactive tool that displays current and future construction projects in the right of way, as well as other events that may impact traffic. Please note: all agencies performing work in the right of way that is planned at least 6 months ahead (SMC 15.32.050) must enter their project information into Coordinate. For more information on how to enter project data, please visit our Project and Construction Coordination Map page. Private companies are also encouraged to participate with the incentive of potential time and cost savings.

Identifying opportunities

Organizing data in our right of way management system allows us to overlay current and planned work with development maps and the City’s various modal plans. This helps us identify opportunities for improvements called for in pedestrian, bicycle, freight and other master plans when restoration is scheduled.

Sequencing work

The planned work of multiple projects in specific areas are assessed, then project coordination groups facilitate sequencing to optimize time and cost resources. Examples include:

  • Dig the deepest hole first
  • Schedule shared utility access to trenches where possible
  • Coordinate temporary and final restoration
  • Enforce a pavement opening moratorium for five years

Construction coordination

Specific areas where multiple projects are active in close proximity are designated as Construction Hubs. Projects in these areas are subject to enhanced reporting requirements regarding their proposed right of way impacts. Hub Coordinators review these proposals to proactively identify and mitigate potential conflicts.

Our collaboration with public agencies and private companies helps better maintain Seattle’s infrastructure, saves everyone money and reduces construction impacts on the traveling public.

Program Contacts:

CCMM Program Manager: Ethan Jackson,, (206) 639-0428

Data Reporting: Craig Moore,, (206) 684-5099

We are required to develop and publish a plan that lists projects scheduled for the next 12 months. The SUIP is published by the end of the calendar year and shows the location and timing of projects identified by utility companies, government entities, and City of Seattle departments. The listed projects may be under construction in the current year, but changes to project schedules are likely.

NOTE: The Street and Utility Improvement Plan shows the location and timing of projects identified by utility companies, government entities, and City of Seattle departments. The listed projects may be under construction in that stated year, but changes to project schedules are likely. Additionally, many of the projects listed are considered 'opportunity' projects that won't go into construction unless funding is secured.

The timing of the projects should not be relied on for any purpose. This information is provided as general information to the public about improvements in the right of way.

If you have questions about a project in your area, please contact the Project Coordination Office with the following information: Project Name, On Street, and Construction Dates; or Agency, On Street, and Construction Dates.

This Street and Utility Improvement Plan is not a substitute for codes and regulations.

2019 SUIP citywide map

Center City

Council District 1

Council District 2

Council District 3

Council District 4

Council District 5

Council District 6

Council District 7


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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