Right-of-way Maintenance

Step 1 - Verify the Maintenance permit is the right one for your work

Construction Maintenance permits (SUMAINT) are used for short-term construction projects that are minor in nature and have limited mobility impacts to the right-of-way, some examples include:

  • One-time maintenance on an existing building or structure (e.g., minor painting, minor siding repair, construction dumpster in the parking lane, etc.).
  • Residential short term maintenance work, minor sidewalk and/or driveway repaving (under 100 square feet). 
  • For anything greater than this, you'll need to apply for a ROW Construction Permit.

If you're unsure whether you qualify for this permit type, you can call us at (206) 684-5253 or send an email to sdotpermits@seattle.gov.

Note: These are guidelines, and we may require a different permit type at our discretion.

Step 2 - Determine the mobility impacts for your project

Construction Maintenance permits are intended to have minor mobility impacts to the public. If your project requires:

  • sidewalk closures less than 5 days on an arterial street or less than 20 days on a non-arterial street
  • bike lane and/or travel lane closures on non-arterial streets
  • less than 90 days in duration

If the mobility impacts associated with your project are beyond the listed examples, you will need to apply for a Right-of-Way Construction (SUCONST) permit which is designed for larger, more complex projects.

Step 3 - Prepare the documents required for submittal

The Maintenance permit requires the following documents to submit for your permit.

  • Right of Way Impact Plan (ROWIP): The ROWIP will need to include all construction impacts to the right of way. This would typically include material staging, deliveries, equipment, and any other impacts to the right of way. More information on what is required for the ROWIP is found in Client Assistance Memo CAM 2116
  • Traffic Control Plan (TCP): A TCP is required if your project requires any mobility impacts in the right of way. TCP requirements and additional information can be found in Client Assistance Memo CAM 2111

ROWIP and Site Plan templates can be found here.

Step 4 - Apply for your permit!

Go to the Seattle Services Portal. You can also use the button in the right side bar when you're ready to get started!

Under “Create New” click Permits-Street Use

If this is your first time applying for a permit online, click on the “New Users: register for an Account” located at the bottom of the page.

Once you are registered, you can log on and apply by selecting “ROW Maintenance” under the ROW Construction record types.

Follow the step by step instructions to complete the application process.

If you would like to estimate fees for your project, we've created a tool to help you!

Step 5 - Issuing your permit

Once we approve your permit, you’ll receive an email indicating that your permit is ready to issue upon payment.

Once you receive that email, you can pay for your permit online through the Seattle Services Portal and print your permit!

Step 6 - Scheduling the job start notification and temporary non-park permits

Prior to starting your project, you will need to notify us of when your project will begin by scheduling a job start notification. Review your approved plans and carefully read all the conditions of your permit and then schedule the job start.

To schedule a job start notification, follow the instructions found in this Help article.

For more information on inspections, visit our Inspections page.

If you need to reserve a non-paid parking space, follow the instructions on our Temporary No Parking Permits page.


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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