West Seattle Junction Area

Junction On-Street Parking Changes

SDOT is issuing a decision to create a new Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ) in the West Seattle Junction in fall 2019 along with additional unpaid time limits and individual parking space changes. See the notice of decision mailer for more details.

Thank you to all who participated in this process. 

For more information see:

Next Steps

We will be sending residents in the new RPZ 35 area (the orange-shaded area on the map above) information on purchasing permits prior to RPZ sign installation. Zone 35 signs will be installed beginning the week of November 18. 

Project Background

As Seattle continues to grow, so too does the demand for access and parking in the City's busiest areas, including our urban villages and neighborhood business districts like West Seattle. Specific to West Seattle, SDOT also received a formal request for a new Restricted Parking Zone. SDOT reviewed parking and access in the area with local stakeholders to determine potential improvements to area parking management and will be implementing parking changes in fall 2019.

Outreach – Past Meetings and Materials

August 23, 2017: West Seattle Junction Merchants’ Association

September 18, 2017: Project fact sheet

September 19, 2017: Junction Neighborhood Organization (JuNO) Meeting

October 5, 2017: Neighborhood mailer and online survey link

February 28, 2018: West Seattle Junction Merchants' Association

March 29, 2018: West Seattle YMCA Meeting Handout 

April 26, 2018: Junction Neighborhood Organization (JuNO) presentation and handout

May 9, 2018: District 1 MHA Open House handout

July 29, 2018: West Seattle Farmers Market drop-in session 10 AM - 2 PM

August 10, 2018: Cupcake Royale at 4556 California Ave SW drop-in session 10 AM - 11:30 AM

February 28, 2019: Public Hearing at the Senior Center of West Seattle 6 PM - 8:30 PM

Data and Project Studies

November 2017: West Seattle Junction Access Intercept Study Results

December 7, 2017: West Seattle Junction Off-Street Parking Occupancy Study

March 13, 2018: Study Area Existing Load Zone Map

October 2018: Summary of West Seattle Junction RPZ Survey Results

In the News

Westside Seattle, March 21, 2017: JuNO Meeting on RPZ and more March 21

West Seattle Blog, September 18, 2017: TUESDAY: Parking & park, @ Junction Neighborhood Organization

West Seattle Blog, September 20, 2017: Parking 'fact-finding mission,' park plan, more @ Junction Neighborhood Organization

Westside Seattle, September 21, 2017: Junction members discuss HALA, preserving parking and new open space at quarterly JuNO meeting

Councilmember Lisa Herbold's Blog, October 13, 2017: West Seattle Junction Parking Study

West Seattle Blog, February 28, 2018: West Seattle Junction still doesn't need paid on-street parking, SDOT says after first study in 9 years

West Seattle Blog, April 27, 2018: VIDEO: RPZ in Junction-area residential neighborhoods? SDOT updates JuNO

West Seattle Blog, July 17, 2018: Restricted Parking Zone in West Seattle Junction area? Here's how to tell SDOT what you think

Westside Seattle, July 30, 2018: Herbold: RPZ Results for the West Seattle Junction

West Seattle Blog, October 31, 2018: PARKING: SDOT plans to officially propose RPZ for West Seattle Junction area, two years after community request

West Seattle Blog, February 4, 2019: FOLLOWUP: See final proposal for West Seattle Junction-area Restricted Parking Zone and other street-parking changes

Councilmember Lisa Herbold's Blog, February 8, 2019: West Seattle Junction RPZ Proposal Up for Public Comment through March 15; February 28 Meeting

KING 5, February 28, 2019: West Seattle restricted parking proposal receives mixed reviews

West Seattle Blog, March 2, 2019: What was said and asked at SDOT's hearing on proposed West Seattle Junction Restricted Parking Zone, and what's next

West Seattle Blog, June 24, 2019: PARKING: SDOT's decision is in - West Seattle Junction area gets an RPZ, and other changes

KING 5, June 30, 2019: New parking restrictions coming to the West Seattle Junction

West Seattle Blog, September 16, 2019: West Seattle Junction RPZ: What's about to happen to make it official

Westside Seattle, September 19, 2019: West Seattle Junction area restricted parking zone goes into effect in early November


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is on a mission to deliver a transportation system that provides safe and affordable access to places and opportunities for everyone as we work to achieve our vision of Seattle as a thriving, equitable community powered by dependable transportation.