Permit Templates and Checklists

We’ve assembled a quick-reference collection of SDOT materials below. Get everything from site plan templates to informational documents about the application process. This is not an exhaustive list of all available resources, but instead is a collection of the materials most commonly used to plan and apply for SDOT-permitted projects.

Construction Management Plan and Haul Route Templates

Projects with significant impacts to the public right of way may require a construction-management plan (CMP) and haul-route plan. These early planning tool helps ensure a smooth-running project by identifying potential problems up front. To learn more about this requirement, please see our construction-management plan FAQ.

For more detail on what is required as part of a construction-management plan, you may find the following document helpful:

Traffic Control Plan (TCP) Templates

A Traffic Control Plan (TCP) is a safety plan for work in the public right of way. You are required to submit a TCP with your permit application if your work impacts an arterial street in the right of way. Please use the following tools to assist you in creating your TCP. See CAM 2111, Checklist for Traffic Control Plan Submittal, for more information on TCPs.

Site Plan Templates

Every permit application requires a completed site plan, and we have multiple site plan templates to assist you. Below are downloadable, text-fillable PDF site-plan templates in two formats:

8.5” x 11” for small projects

11”x17” for large projects

Small Project Templates

Large Project Templates

Requirements Checklists

Applicants whose projects will potentially impact a sidewalk, crosswalk or pedestrian right of way must submit a completed Permittee Checklist for Pedestrian Mobility In and Around Work Zones with their permit application.

This document helps you to identify what you need to submit as part of your Urban Forestry permit application package.

This checklist is required to be completed and submitted with all utility major project applications.

Project Notification Templates

Project notifications are required for permitted work in the right-of-way that impede a mode of travel (e.g. pedestrian, bicycle, or vehicular closure). Notification requirements vary by project type and duration. Please see CAM 2117: Notification Requirements for Street Use Permittees.

For all permit types, the project notification must include the information listed in this template and in the "Project Notification Template Standards" listed in CAM 2117.

Specifically for Steet Improvement Permit projects. This project notification must include all information listed in this template.

If your project will be longer than six months in duration, you will need to post and maintain an on-site project notice at each closure location visible to the public.

For crosswalk closures exceeding two weeks in duration, a crosswalk closure notice must be posted to, and maintained on, each crosswalk-closure barricade.


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is on a mission to deliver a transportation system that provides safe and affordable access to places and opportunities for everyone as we work to achieve our vision of Seattle as a thriving, equitable community powered by dependable transportation.