Traffic Operations
We work with and respond to resident concerns and requests regarding traffic safety, signs, and other issues related to improving safety on all streets. We also proactively make engineering improvements at high-collisions intersections across the city.
Traffic Operations (TO) helps ensure safe traffic operations on Seattle's neighborhood streets. We respond to resident's questions and concerns regarding traffic safety, traffic signs and similar issues. We proactively review intersections that have the highest collision rate City-wide and develop appropriate engineering solutions. For non-arterial intersections, we typically install traffic circles. More information is available on our Traffic Circle Program
Under the Seattle Municipal Code, the speed limit on our non-arterial streets is 20 mph. Most people travel under the speed limit when the street is 25 feet wide and there is parking on both sides.
When there is no curb, cars park on the planting area and traveling vehicles tend to go faster. Consequently, SDOT focuses traffic calming funds on streets that have no curbs. Other considerations for prioritization are areas around schools, parks and/or other pedestrian generators.
Residents in any area of the City may still pursue Traffic calming, but the funding for actual devices is possible through Other Funding Sources.
Answers to common inquiries about traffic on neighborhood streets, such as questions about stop signs, speeding, and how to negotiate a traffic circle, can be found in our Frequently Asked Questions. The FAQ also contains information about traffic laws, parking, pedestrian and bicycle issues, and other traffic and transportation topics. information.