“Missing Link” Bike Route Study on NW Market St - Leary Ave NW - 17th Ave NW

July 8, 2024

What's Happening Now?

We’ve reached 30% design for the “Missing Link” Bike Route Study on NW Market St- Leary Way NW – 17th Ave NW and are excited to share this updated design! Our finalized initial concept at 30% design can be viewed via our full roll plot and 30% Design Documents. To learn more about the design changes we made based on community feedback from 10% to 30%, please read our summary here. We have received direction to continue to work towards 100% design.  

Thank you to all the community members who have talked with us, emailed us, and filled out our feedback form to share comments or ask questions about our 10% design for the “Missing Link” Bike Route Study on NW Market St - Leary Ave NW - 17th Ave NW! You can read our outreach summary here.

We encourage you to continue sharing with us via our feedback form or, through our project inbox. Please sign up for our listserv to follow us for future engagement opportunities.


People out and about on Ballard streets

Councilmember Dan Strauss and Mayor Bruce Harrell requested that SDOT study this route as an option for connecting the Burke-Gilman Missing Link with an all ages and abilities bicycle facility through Ballard along NW Market St, Leary Ave NW, and 17th Ave NW. You can read more details on the original request from Councilmember Dan Strauss’s blog, which can be found here.  

The Burke-Gilman Trail Missing Link is the long-planned multi-use trail safety improvements along 1.4 miles of Salmon Bay east of the Ballard Locks connecting the two existing sections of the Burke-Gilman Trail in Ballard.

SDOT has a 100% design for a proposed route along Shilshole Ave NW, however construction along this route has been paused due to ongoing litigation for over 25 years. This route remains an option if these legal challenges are resolved. Please see this website for more information on the Shilshole alignment.

Moving forward with designs for the Market/Leary/17th route will help us understand how this project can connect the Burke-Gilman Trail, improve connectivity in the bike network, as well as potential impacts.

We've launched a design and public engagement process to study what an alternative “Missing Link” connection using 17th Ave NW, Leary Ave NW, and NW Market St would look like and mean for community members and businesses. 


The newly proposed route would extend along NW Market Street two blocks east from 24th Ave NW and then run along Leary Ave NW to 17th Ave NW where it re-joins the Shilshole Route as designed to connect to the Burke Gilman Trail.

Map of proposed oute would extend along NW Market Street two blocks east from 24th Ave NW and then run along Leary Ave NW to 17th Ave NW where it re-joins the Shilshole Route

Project Elements 

  • A 10 ft wide minimum and .6-mile-long multi-use trail connection as part of the Burke Gilman “Missing Link.” Multi-use trails allow for two-way, off-street use for people walking, biking, rolling, and using other mobility devices. This trail would provide convenient access to businesses, residences, and other points of interest along Market, Leary, and 17th for all ages and abilities. Visit our Shared Use Design Standards webpage to read more about the variety of bike facilities we build. 
    • Only the south side of Market, southwest side of Leary, and west side of 17th would be reconstructed as part of this proposed design to move the curb line out. 
  • Safety improvements including:
    • New ADA-compliant curb ramps
    • Additional curb bulbs
    • Raised crossings at some intersections 
    • Traffic signal updates to accommodate trail crossings
  • Loading/parking lanes along the southwest side of Leary would be preserved. Around 50 additional back-in angle parking spots could potentially be added on NW 48th St and 22nd Ave NW and Leary Ave NW with the proposed operational changes to those roads.   
  • Replacing all existing trees that would need to be removed to accommodate the additional space for a trail connection at a 3 to 1 ratio within the project area. At this point around 30 trees would be impacted and require around 105 replacement trees.   

View this PDF for more graphics explaining this 30% design. 

17th Ave NW 

The graphics below show proposed plan views and cross section of 17th Ave NW between Leary Ave NW and Shilshole Ave NW, before and after improvements looking north. 
Improvements along this section of the route include: 

  • The 10’ multi-use trail standard across this design.
  • Increased sidewalk coverage, including a 6’ sidewalk on the west side of the street. The existing east side sidewalk would remain as it currently exists with upgraded ramps at the crossings. 
  • Parking would be retained along the west side of 17th Ave NW.
  • The crossings of both NW 48th Street and Ballard Ave NW would be raised. 
  • Additional parking would be designed on NW 48th Street as back-in angle with eastbound traffic only permitted from NW 48th Street onto 17th Ave NW.  

17th Ave NW & Leary Ave NW & NW 48th St 

17th Ave NW & Leary Ave NW & NW 48th St showing a multi-use path, curb ramp improvements, raised crosswalk, and back in parking along NW 48th

17th Ave NW & NW Ballard Way & Shilshole Ave NW

17th Ave NW & NW Ballard Way & Shilshole Ave NW showing curb ramp improvements, a multi-use path, and raised crosswalks


A cross section of 17th Ave NW showing two vehicle lanes and two parking lanes, a 6 inch sidewalk on either side and a six inch planting strip


A cross section of 17th Ave after showing two driving lanes and one parking lane and one multi-use trail, and a bike ane

Leary Ave NW Improvements 

The graphics below show plan views and cross sections of Leary Ave NW between 17th Ave NW and NW Market St, before and after improvements looking northwest.  

Improvements along this section of the route include: 

  • The 10’ multi-use trail standard across this design, and wider than 10' where possible.
  • Increased sidewalk coverage, including an 8 to 10’ sidewalk on the southwest side of the street.
  • A center turn lane between the two driving lanes, and a bus lane on the east side of the street going northbound, consistent with the Route 40 project north of Ione.
  • A 5’ minimum planting strip separating the multi-use trail from the preserved parking lane on the southwest side of Leary Ave NW. 

NW Vernon Pl & 20th Ave NW & Leary Ave NW

NW Vernon Pl & 20th Ave NW & Leary Ave NW showing curb ramp improvements at all intersections, a bus only lane and a multi use path along Leary


A cross section of W Leary showing one bus lane, two vehicle lanes, and one turn lane and two parking lanes, a 10' sidewalk and 5' planting strip


A cross section of W Leary showing one bus lane, two vehicle lanes, one parking lane, one turn lane and a multi-use trail trail

NW Market St Improvements 

The graphics below show plan views and cross sections of NW Market St between NW Leary Ave and 24th Ave NW, before and after improvements looking east. 

Improvements along this section of the route include: 

  • The 10’ multi-use trail standard across this design. 
  • No changes to the north side of NW Market Street proposed with this project. 
  • An 8’ sidewalk on the south side of the street.
  • Bus lanes on both sides of NW Market Street.
  • Redesigned eastbound bus stop for Route 40/44 with 10 ft wide pedestrian loading area closer to 22nd Ave NW. A 5’ planting strip where additional street trees will be planted, separating the multi-use trail from the vehicular travel lane.
  • Retain existing space for 6’ minimum street cafes on both sides of the street. 

NW Market St between 24th Ave NW & Leary Ave NW

NW Market St between 24th Ave NW & Leary Ave NW showing curb ramp improvements, bus-only lanes, multi-use path

22nd Ave NW & NW Market St & Leary Ave NW

22nd Ave NW & NW Market St & Leary Ave NW showing bus only lane, curb ramp improvements, raised crosswalk, back- in parking, and multi-use path


A cross section of Market street with two bus lanes, two vehicle lanes lanes and no bike lanes


A cross section of Market Street showing two bus lanes, two vehicle lanes, and a multi-use trail


The Seattle Department of Transportation will use existing funds allocated to the Burke Gilman Trail Project to develop 100% design for the Missing Link Connection along Market/Leary/17th . This will allow SDOT to understand mobility impacts along this alternative route. 


We’ve reached a finalized initial concept at 30% design.

We have received direction to continue to work towards 100% design. 

Please sign up for our listserv to follow us for next steps on the project. 

We are continuing to collect community feedback on this route via the online feedback form or, through our project inbox.

Public Engagement

Councilmember Dan Strauss held stakeholder meetings in January 2023 and in February 2024 with Bicycle, Industrial, and Commercial interests to receive feedback on this proposed route for completion of the “Missing Link”. The initial feedback he received in 2023 specified both corridor-wide and street-specific design considerations. More details were posted in Councilmember Dan Strauss’s blog which can be found here.  

Additionally, the outreach team has mailed project information postcards to all 3,625 adjacent property owners of record along the route, met individually with business and property owners along the route, conducted multiple sessions of door-to-door flyering along the route, held an early design public meeting, held tabling events at the Ballard Farmers Market and again on the corner of Market and 24th Ave NW during the afternoon commutes on September 5th and November 28th , and completed a community survey that had over 1700 respondents. The results of our year-long engagement process can be found in our outreach summary

Project Documents

30% Design Plans

30% Roll Plot

30% Design Graphics

Changes between 10% and 30% Design

Outreach Summary (March 2024)

Presentation from Councilmember Stakeholder Meetings (February 2024) 

Project Fact Sheet Document (November 2023)

Survey Report Parts One and Two (Summer 2023)

Draft 10% Design Plans On 11X17 Aerial (November 2023)

Draft 10% Design Roll Plot (November 2023)

Draft 10% Design Graphics November 2023)

Q&A From the Open House  (August 2023)

Project Open House Video (August 2023)

Project flyer (July 2023) 

Project mailer (July 2023) 


Greg Spotts, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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