NE 130th St & NE 125th St Mobility and Safety Project

Updated December 20, 2024

What's Happening Now?

We’ve reached final design for improvements to make it safer and easier to get to the upcoming NE 130th St Infill Station and around the Haller Lake, Pinehurst, Victory Heights, Olympic Hills, Jackson Park, and Lake City neighborhoods. Thanks to everyone who met with us, joined our open houses and tabling events, and sent in feedback about the project. Learn more about what’s included in our final design below and check out our Outreach Summary to learn what we heard during design. 

Preparing for construction

We expect to start construction as soon as mid-2025. We’ll advertise the project for contactors in early 2025 and work with the community to prepare for construction.  

We encourage you to sign up for email updates to get the latest information on project activities. Find this project under the ‘Walking & Biking’ topic.

Translation services available

Translated project flyers are available in the Project Library section below and other materials can be translated upon request. Please let us know if you need translation or language services. You can call or write to us in any language. 

Project Overview

This project map shows the new light rail station and the streets where project elements will be built. The project area starts at NE 130th St and 1st Ave NE, heading southeast along Roosevelt Way NE, and then east along NE 125th St, ending east of Lake City Way NE.

Sound Transit is opening the NE 130th St Infill Station in 2026 and expects 90% of daily riders to get to the station by walking, biking, rolling, or taking the bus. We’re making it safer and easier to get to the station and around your neighborhood with improved crossings, a new street design, traffic calming, curb-protected bike lanes, and upgraded/new bus stops. These improvements on NE 130th St, Roosevelt Way NE, and NE 125th St from 1st Ave NE to Lake City Way NE support our Vision Zero goals to prevent serious and fatal crashes. 

Project Improvements


  • Safety redesign of the street to have 1 vehicle lane in each direction, protected bike lanes/facilities, and a center turn lane. This redesign will make it safer to make left turns and reduce conflicts between people driving and people walking, biking, or rolling. 
  • Redesign of 3rd Ave NE & NE 130th St to “right out only” from 3rd Ave NE with a raised crossing for the shared-use path to prevent collisions and calm traffic
  • New roundabout at Roosevelt Way NE & 10th Ave NE to improve traffic flow and safety. The roundabout includes flashing crossing beacons and concrete curb protected bike lanes.
  • Traffic calming with speed cushions (speed humps) and turn lane medians to prevent passing in some places
  • Upgraded intersections and signals to improve traffic flow and safety for all users

Walking, biking, and rolling

  • Raised 12-ft wide shared-use path for people walking, biking, and rolling on the north side of NE 130th St from 1st Ave NE to 5th Ave NE
  • 2-way bike lane with concrete curb barriers on the north side of the street from 5th Ave NE to 8th Ave NE to transition people between the shared-use path and the directional bike lanes east of Roosevelt Way NE & 8th Ave NE
  • Directional bike lanes with concrete curb barriers from Roosevelt Way NE & 8th Ave NE to NE 125th St & Lake City Way NE. Curb barriers are extended through the Roosevelt Way NE roundabout.
  • Sidewalk repairs and new ADA-accessible curb ramps in some places
  • New full traffic signal at 8th Ave NE and Roosevelt Way NE to support bike crossings
  • Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons at the Roosevelt roundabout and on NE 125th St at 20th Ave NE and 23rd Ave NE
  • Upgraded crossing signals and Leading Pedestrian Intervals that give people walking and rolling a head start in some locations


  • Bus only lanes on the I-5 overpass and near Lake City Way NE to help with bus reliability
  • Upgraded and new bus stops to support King County Metro’s new Route 77, including new bus shelters with lighting and raised bike lane crossings to make it easier for people to cross the bike lane
  • Bus signal priority upgrades that give buses a head start

Project Design

Project Design overall image

(Click to enlarge)

Key project sections (click to enlarge)

NE 130th St: 3rd Ave NE - 5th Ave NE

NE 130th St: 3rd Ave NE - 5th Ave NE image

Roosevelt Way NE and 8th Ave NE

Roosevelt Way NE and 8th Ave NE work map

Roosevelt Way NE Roundabout

Roosevelt Way NE Roundabout image

NE 125th St and 15th Ave NE

NE 125th St and 15th Ave NE image

NE 125th St: 30th Ave NE - Lake City Way NE

NE 125th St: 30th Ave NE - Lake City Way NE image


A graphic visualization of the project timeline showing the final design milestone

  • Planning (2023): We talked to community members and businesses to build on previous planning and community engagement work done in the area. Learn more about planning work in the Project Background section.
  • Design (2023-2024): We created and shared design proposals and gathered community feedback to reach the final project design. Read our Outreach Summary  to learn about how we engaged with people through the design process.  
  • Construction (2025-2026*): We plan to advertise the project for construction contractors in early 2025 and expect to start construction as soon as mid-2025. Before construction starts, we’ll work with the community to understand their needs during construction and share the construction schedule. During construction, we will provide regular updates about upcoming work and coordinate with neighbors about major construction impacts.
  • Light rail service begins (2026): Sound Transit plans to open the NE 130th St Infill Station and begin service in 2026.

*Construction schedules are subject to change based on crew and material availability.

Project Background

The NE 130th St & NE 125th St Mobility and Safety Project design was based on early planning efforts for the NE 130th St and NE 148th St light rail stations. Two studies were done by the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) and the Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) that identified safer streets and crossings, upgraded walking and biking facilities, and better connections to neighborhood services as priorities. 

  • NE 130th St & Shoreline South/NE 148th Stations: Multimodal Access Study: In 2020, SDOT worked with community members on a study of areas around the two new light rail stations. The study came up with 18 ideas for projects for the two new light rail stations. Three of the ideas (#1, #15, and #17) are part of the NE 130th St & NE 125th St Mobility and Safety Project.
  • 130th and 145th Station Area Planning: In 2019, OPCD started planning for the 130th & 145th (now called the 148th) Light Rail Station areas. This process brought together community members, City of Seattle staff, and other public agencies to talk about the changes these new light rail stations will bring to the region.

Nearby Projects

Project Library


  • Coming soon

Outreach Summaries

100% Design Materials

60% Design Materials

30% Design

10% Design


Greg Spotts, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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