Oversight Committee
The Levy Oversight Committee will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 10, from 5:00–7:00 pm.
In-person option: Room 3832 in Seattle Municipal Tower; 700 5th Ave, Seattle, WA.
SDOT staff will bring in-person attendees up from the security desk on the 4th floor
at 4:55pm and at 5:05pm. Please call (425) 282-7772 if you need to be let in at
another time.
Virtual options:
- You may click here to join the meeting remotely through Microsoft Teams.
- Join through Teams website with meeting ID 223 393 560 419 and passcode eZ8Q38.
- Call (206) 686-8357, phone meeting ID 188 926 241#.
Next scheduled meeting: TBA
To receive monthly meeting announcements by e-mail, please sign up here.
The Levy Oversight Committee generally meets on the first Tuesdays of the month. All Levy Oversight Committee meetings are open to the public. We make every effort to post meeting materials in advance of committee meetings.
Meeting materials
The Levy to Move Seattle Oversight Committee will serve as a vital mechanism of accountability on how levy revenues are spent. The Oversight Committee is an advisory body that monitors revenues, expenditures, and program and project implementation. The Oversight Committee advises the City Council, the Mayor, and SDOT on responding to program and project cost savings or overruns. The Oversight Committee review's SDOT's program and project priorities and financial plans, and makes recommendations to the Mayor and City Council regarding the spending of levy proceeds. The Oversight Committee will publish annual reports to the Mayor, City Council and people of Seattle.
Committee members
The Oversight Committee consists of 16 members:
- The Chair of the Transportation Committee
- The City Budget Director
- One representative each chosen by and from among the respective members of the Seattle Pedestrian Advisory Board, the Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board, the Seattle Transit Advisory Board and the Seattle Freight Advisory Board
- Five Seattle residents appointed by the City Council
- Five Seattle residents appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council
Name | Appointing authority |
Rachel Ben-Shmuel, Secretary |
Mayor |
Lisa Bogardus, Vice-Chair | Mayor |
Samuel Ferrara | Mayor |
Tyler Blackwell | Council |
Clara Cantor | Mayor |
Dennis Gathard | Council |
Alex Bejaran Estevez | Council |
Donna McBain Evans | Bicycle Advisory Board |
Inga Manskopf | Council |
Vacant | Transit Advisory Board |
Jessica Nguyen | Mayor |
Geri Poor, Co-chair | Freight Advisory Board |
Natasha Riveron | Pedestrian Advisory Board |
Kevin Werner, Co-chair | Council |
Councilmember Rob Saka | |
Budget Director Julie Dingley (delegate Saroja Reddy) |
Levy Oversight Committee Responsibilities, Policies, and Procedures - Adopted March 2021