Wedgwood Landbanked Site Park Development
Updated: November 21, 2024
Fall 2024
We are excited to be moving this project forward after it was one of the projects put on hold during the pandemic when the City of Seattle turned its focus to essential functions to address the pandemic and economic crisis. In Sept. 2022, the Seattle City Council, acting in their role as Seattle Park District Board, passed a new six-year funding plan for the 2023-2028 Park District cycle which included funding for this project.
The previous design consultant closed their business and so we are moving forward by contracting with a new design consultant to complete the construction documents and the design that was informed by the community prior to the pandemic. The building permit for construction of the park is in progress along with the Street Improvement Permit required by SDOT for work in the right of way. We anticipate construction will start in fall 2025.
SPR and the design consultant, Studio 41, worked closely with the community on the design for this new park. The design is a multi-use space that includes a central lawn, walking paths, a curved seat wall, seating and gathering areas, and a concrete pedestal for a potential future art installation. The Wedgwood neighborhood has a strong sense of community with a history rooted in farming, gardening, bird watching, art, and the natural landscape. Mature, heritage trees and natural rock outcroppings have long been signature elements of the neighborhood.
Seattle Park District provides $1,273,388 for planning, design and construction of this site into a park.
Site purchased in 2014 using King County Conservation Futures funding. This funding requires that use is restricted to low impact, passive recreation and impervious surfacing shall be limited to 15% or less.
Planning: 2018-2022 / Put on hold during pandemic
Permit & Design: Fall 2023 – Winter 2025
Construction Start: Fall 2025
Project Description
Seattle Parks and Recreation purchased this .33 acres in 2014 to provide the community access to open space within identified gaps across the city. The Seattle Park District funds the development of this parcel into a park. Seattle Parks and Recreation will work with the community to develop a design for the park. This parcel will not be accessible during construction.
Community Participation
Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) has determined that the project does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with SPR. This information is available to the public on request. The Determination of Non-Significance was issued November 22, 2021.
Download the DNS document for additional information
Download the Analysis and Decision of SPR
View the SEPA Environmental Checklist document here
Please participate in the public process as we work together to design your new park space.
Input Opportunity at the Wedgwood Community Picnic 9/15/2018
Public Meeting 2/25/2019
Public Meeting 4/3/2019
Public Meeting 6/29/2019