Wilson Avenue S Transportation Improvements Project

Updated: February 20, 2020

What’s happening now?

In September we reached out to folks requesting feedback on the planters lining the protected bike lane on Wilson Ave S and have been engaging with project stakeholders about the planters. Through this outreach we heard overwhelming support to remove the planters. Based on this feedback crews removed some of the planters on Wilson Ave S except those at intersections and where we need to restrict parking and maintain site distances.

The bike lanes and parking configuration through the project area, S Dawson St and S Morgan St, will remain in place. There isn't a plan to install more posts along the protected bike lane as they are already spaced to our standard.

Construction on the Wilson Ave S Transportation Improvements Project is substantially complete.

We thank residents and businesses on the project corridor for your patience as crews worked to complete this project. 

The best way to contact us is through SDOT's general information line:

Call 206-684-ROAD (7623)
Email 684-Road@seattle.gov

For past construction updates, see our construction email update archive

Project Overview

We're working to repave just over 2.5 miles of Wilson Ave S between S Dawson St and S Morgan St. As part of the repaving, we will be taking off the old top layer of the road, placing new asphalt and repainting the lane lines. In addition to repaving, we will also be putting in a new protected bike lane along Wilson Ave S between S Dawson St and S Morgan St. Our goal is to improve the safety, accessibility, and comfort for all users.

Other improvements include:

  • Installing or upgrading curb ramps to be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • Replacing traffic detection loops that control the signals
  • Repairing and replacing some sections of sidewalk in the project area
  • Bringing storm drainage into code compliance where triggered

Wilson avenue map

Cross section of layout

More information about SDOT's 2018 paving projects

Project Schedule


Initial design and outreach

Spring - Summer 2017

Community outreach continues

Fall 2017

Final design

Late 2017

Advertise for construction

Summer 2018

Construction begins

This schedule if a rough estimation of the project timeline. The schedule is subject to change.


Total project budget: $2.55 million
Funding Sources:

  • SDOT’s Arterial Asphalt and Concrete Program
  • Sidewalk Safety Repair Program
  • Levy to Move Seattle



Greg Spotts, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is on a mission to deliver a transportation system that provides safe and affordable access to places and opportunities for everyone as we work to achieve our vision of Seattle as a thriving, equitable community powered by dependable transportation.