
Updated December 16, 2021

The Climate Pledge Arena is open!

To see a list of Events/Dates that will trigger Event Rates in Uptown, please click here, or visit www.seattle.gov/eventparking

On May 24, 2021, SDOT released a final curbspace and access plan for the Uptown neighborhood surrounding the Climate Pledge Arena, which is scheduled to open in October 2021. SDOT collaborated with the Uptown community to design a curbside management plan to support access for residents, businesses, and visitors and prevent gridlock. Over 600 people engaged in the creation of this plan and influenced the outcome.  

In response to stakeholder feedback, the plan includes the following adjustments from the draft proposal: 

  • Reducing the RPZ size. The northern boundary will be W Kinnear Pl/ Ward St. 
  • Retaining no parking from 6 PM to midnight, except by RPZ 13 permit on RPZ blocks

Residents who live within the area shown in the final plan map can apply for Zone 13 permits.

Final Plan Map 

Final map of Uptown Arena curbspace changes

Download final map here.

Please view the final plan mailer here.

The final plan reflects broadly supported community goals: 

GOAL: Prioritize access for businesses, residents and visitors in a quickly growing Urban Center

  • Expand Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ) 13 and paid parking as shown in orange and blue shaded areas on map.
    • RPZ permits currently cost $65 per vehicle for a two-year cycle and renew in March of odd years. 
    • A $10 income-eligible permit is available. 
    • Employees are not eligible for RPZ permits. 
  • Paid parking allows up to 4 hours of parking from 8 AM to 8 PM, Monday - Saturday to encourage vehicle turnover in the business district for reliable customer access. Rates installed on new blocks will be the same as other neighborhood rates. 

GOAL: Discourage Arena event goers from using on-street parking

  • Implement on-street event parking rates in all paid parking locations shown on the map during Arena events anticipating 10,000 or more attendees.
    • During events, rates will likely be in place from 5 PM to 10 PM in the evenings and on Saturday afternoons. 
    • To support shorter visits to neighborhood businesses, event parking rates will be lower during the first 2 hours and higher for the remaining 3 hours. This encourages people to ride transit, walk, bike or park off-street using the Arena's parking reservation system. 
    • Event rates could also be used on Sundays and holidays.

GOAL: Prioritize transit, biking and loading, and manage ride-hailing services to support a sustainable and equitable transportation system 

  • Redesign blocks to optimize commercial and passenger loading needs.
  • Include designated disabled parking spaces where possible, likely at the end of blocks.
  • Continue coordinating with the Arena team on a management plan for ride-hailing services. 

Overall Project Timeline  

 Action  Date
 Initial neighborhood outreach (surveys/virtual meetings)  August-September 2020
 Analyze feedback  October 2020
 Release survey results and draft plan  December 2020
 Neighborhood engagement, feedback on draft plan (includes RPZ public hearing)  January-April 2021
 Release final plan  May 2021
 Design and install changes  Summer 2021
 Implement event rates with Arena opening  October 2021

Project Background 

SDOT is working to create a curbside plan in the Uptown neighborhood to be in place prior to the Climate Pledge Arena opening in fall 2021. Our goal is to balance neighborhood business and residential access with a combination of parking and access tools, which can include on-street loading, restricted parking zones, paid parking, non-paid time limits, bicycle parking, disabled parking and other changes. 

SDOT Curbside Management, Project Development Division and Street Use Division staff are also working directly with the Oak View Group (OVG) who is developing the Climate Pledge Arena into a new world class sports and entertainment venue. Our shared goals are to continue to develop the Arena Access Master Plan (AAMP), to prioritize transit and other modes of getting to the Arena, and to manage ride-hailing.

Outreach - Past Meetings and Materials 

March 18, 2021: SDOT held a virtual public hearing regarding RPZ 13. 

  • To download a PDF of the presentation click here.
  • To watch a recording of the hearing please click here.

January 2021FAQ which addresses many questions received about RPZs. 

December 2020: Draft proposal mailer here

November 2020: SDOT conducted a survey in September 2020 and received 448 responses. 84% agreed with these project goals: 

  • Prioritize access for businesses, residents and visitors in a quickly growing Urban Center 
  • Discourage Arena eventgoers from using area on-street parking 
  • Prioritize transit, biking and loading, while also managing ride-hailing to support a sustainable and equitable transportation system 

View presentation of September 2020 survey results. 

August 31, 2020: Access in Uptown in Preparation for the Climate Pledge Arena 

August 2020Initial Project Survey Mailer 

October 7, 2019: Uptown Parking Study Results

July 8, 2019: Uptown Alliance Transportation Committee Meeting Handout 

Additional Information 

North Downtown Mobility Action Program

Arena Transportation Information 


Greg Spotts, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is on a mission to deliver a transportation system that provides safe and affordable access to places and opportunities for everyone as we work to achieve our vision of Seattle as a thriving, equitable community powered by dependable transportation.