North Transfer Station Odor Evaluation Project Open House
SPU invites our North Transfer Station neighbors to attend an open house to share what we’ve learned and our plan to minimize odors originating at the transfer station.
Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 5:30 to 6:30 PM
In-person attendance has reached capacity. Please join virtually via Webex.
More info: Event flyer.
Fee for Uncovered Load
The fine for transporting an unsecured load is $216.
Driving with an unsecured load is against Washington state law. If an item falls off a vehicle and causes bodily harm, the driver faces gross misdemeanor charges and penalties of up to $5,000 and/or up to a year in prison. You will be charged an additional fee for uncovered or unsecured loads at all Transfer Stations.
How do I secure a load?
- Cover your load. Covering your load with a tarp and then securely fastening the tarp to the vehicle is good way to ensure that your load is secure.
- Tie down your load using rope, netting, straps, or chains. Tie large items directly to your vehicle. Make sure that any covering is securely tied down.
- Put lighter items lower and place heavier items on top to help keep them in place and secure the heavy items to your vehicle.
- Don't overload your vehicle.
- Double-check that your load is secure.