Specific Project Information Forms (SPIF)

All Specific Project Information Forms (SPIF) are in Microsoft Word (docx).

SPIF Cover Page

Method 1: Delineation of Work Areas and Project Startup

Method 2: Clearing, Grubbing, Grading, & Placement of Temporary Fill

Method 3: Work Area Isolation and Fish Removal I Streams, Large Waterbodies, and for Pipe Bypass

Method 4: Pipe, Culvert and Outfall Installation, Replacement and Maintenance

Method 5: Vactoring, Jetting, and Excavating Accumulated Sediments and Debris, Sediment Test Boring, and Pipe, Culvert, and Bridge Maintenance

Method 6: Bank Stabilization

Method 7: Habitat Addition or Maintenance

Method 8: Beach Nourishment and Substrate Addition

Method 9: Boat Launch Improvement, Repair and Maintenance

Method 10: In-water and Overwater Structure Repair and Replacement

Method 11: Seawall Repair and Maintenance

Method 12: Site Restoration

Method 13: Landscaping and Planting


Public Utilities

Andrew Lee, General Manager and CEO
Address: 700 5th Avenue, Suite 4900, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34018, Seattle, WA, 98124-5177
Phone: (206) 684-3000

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Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) is comprised of three major direct-service providing utilities: the Water Utility, the Drainage and Wastewater Utility, and the Solid Waste Utility.