Employer and Hiring Entity Resources

We have dedicated staff who answer questions about Seattle’s labor standards from businesses and individuals that are covered by Seattle’s laws. These conversations are private and your identity and business name are not shared with our enforcement team. We encourage you to contact us with your questions!

OLS will also provide trainings upon request as capacity allows. Please also check out our recorded webinars and other educational events here.

To ask us a question or to request a training:

  1. Send us a message online.
  2. Call us at (206) 256-5297.
  3. Visit our office in downtown Seattle.

We will provide language interpretation and translation upon request.

If you are a business that is under investigation and have questions, please contact us and request to speak with the investigator listed on the Notice of Investigation form. Our investigators are neutral fact-finders that will explain the investigation process and share more about what you can expect.

We also prepared this overview of what to expect during an investigation:

The Office of Labor Standards contracts with several business and community organizations that provide outreach, education, training, and technical assistance on Seattle’s labor standards to businesses, including and especially small businesses. Please visit the below page to find out about our current partners.

Most of Seattle’s labor standards require employers and hiring entities to keep records that show compliance with the laws. OLS prepared this employer guide that provides an overview of those requirements.

Each year, the Office of Labor Standards sends out an insert in the annual Finance and Administrative Services business license renewals that provides annual reminders and updates on Seattle’s labor standards. To view the updates, please visit these pages:

Please visit the Office of Economic Development for additional, general resources for businesses. They many additional supports, including consulting services on accounting and business, commercial space, small business legal assistance, and small business handbooks and toolkits.

Labor Standards

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The Office of Labor Standards enforces Seattle’s labor standards ordinances to protect workers and educate employers on their responsibilities.