App-Based Worker Minimum Payment Ordinance

Ordinance: SMC 8.37

Rules: SHRR Chapter 240 (Administrative Rules)

Rules: SHRR Chapter 140 (Complaint Procedure)

2025 Notice of Rights for App-Based Workers

App-Based Worker Pay Calculator

Records Reporting Guide for Network Companies

On May 31, 2022, City Council passed the App-Based Worker Minimum Payment Ordinance, SMC 8.37.

This law became effective on January 13, 2024.

The ordinance applies to certain app-based workers (sometimes referred to as gig workers) and provides for several rights and protections for covered workers. Key rights include:

  • Minimum Payment: Right to minimum pay based on the time worked and miles travelled for each offer.
  • Transparency: Right to upfront disclosures of offer-information and right to receipt and payment records.
  • Flexibility: Right to access the network platform without limitations (except for health and safety limitations), right to not be penalized for limiting availability or refusing offers, and the right to cancel an offer with cause.

Minimum Compensation: Network companies must pay the greater of

  • Minimum per-minute amount and minimum per-mile amount


  • Minimum per-offer amount
Minimum Amounts 2024 2025

Minimum Per-

Minute Amount

$0.44 $0.45

Minimum Per-

Mile Amount

$0.74 $0.77

Minimum Per-

Offer Amount

$5.00 $5.20

Notice of Rights: The Notice of Rights for App-Based Workers must be made available in the network company’s worker platform in English and the primary language spoken by the worker.

Translations of the Notice of Rights are available in Amharic, Arabic, Chinese (traditional), French, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Oromo, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, Tigrigna, Ukrainian and Vietnamese on the App-Based Worker Ordinances webpage here or on the Seattle Office of Labor Standards Languages webpage under “App-Based Worker Protections” at

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