TempWise Pilot

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Help your community save energy during critical times while you earn rewards with Seattle City Light’s TempWise! This program is a limited pilot and enrollment is based on a first-come, first-served basis. Participating is easy and connecting your smart thermostat takes just a few minutes.

What is the TempWise Pilot Program?

TempWise is a new program that rewards you for participating in energy-saving events with your smart thermostat. This program was started to help us continue to deliver affordable and reliable power to the community during demand spikes. These spikes usually happen during very hot days in summer or very cold days in winter, or when the grid is constrained.

What is an Energy-Saving Event?

At times when energy usage in your community is exceptionally high, City Light will make small temperature adjustments to your smart thermostat to reduce the energy use of your central air conditioner, electric furnace, heat pump, or electric baseboards. These changes are no more than 3 degrees and last no more than 3 hours. There will be no more than 15 events per season (in winter or summer), and events will only occur during times of peak demand on non-holiday weekdays. You can opt out of an event at any time, for any reason.

Earn Rewards

Eligible participants will receive a one-time $50 gift card after successfully enrolling. For staying enrolled through the end of the season with an eligible system, you can earn up to $40 annually ($20 per season). See TempWise terms and conditions for more details.

Ready to Join the Waitlist?

  1. Check to see if you qualify for the program.
  2. Select the smart thermostat you want to connect.
  3. Enroll with your City Light information.

Do I Qualify?

If you can answer “yes” to the following questions, you may be able to enroll your smart thermostat in TempWise.

  • Are you a Seattle City Light residential customer?
  • Do you have a Wi-Fi enabled Google Nest ®, Honeywell, Sensi, or Mysa smart thermostat?
  • Do you have a Wi-Fi network compatible with your smart thermostat (not a Wi-Fi hot spot)?
  • Do you have a heat pump system, mini-split heat pump, electric furnace, electric baseboards, and/or central air conditioning system controlled by your smart thermostat?


Visit our Frequently Asked Questions or email us at SCL_TempWise@seattle.gov.

You can also review our TempWise Terms & Conditions.

Share our program with others - TempWise Program Flyer.

* Google and Nest Thermostat are trademarks of Google LLC

City Light

Dawn Lindell, General Manager and CEO
Address: 700 5th Ave, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34023, Seattle, WA, 98124-4023
Phone: (206) 684-3000

Seattle City Light was created by the citizens of Seattle in 1902 to provide affordable, reliable, and environmentally responsible electric power to the City of Seattle and neighboring suburbs.