City Light Public Policies

Seattle City Light follows strict policies to ensure the safety, equity, and efficiency of the work we do for the customers and communities we serve.

We have documented policies for the following areas:

  • Account Service Charge (III-405): Policy for assessing a service charge for new accounts or residences.
  • Advanced Metering Opt-Out (III-427): Policy for customers who want to opt out of a digital meter meeting the new metering standard - including opt-out procedures, eligibility and charges.
  • Assignment of Labor Charges (III-415): Policy for when City Light charges for work performed by the department where a customer is responsible. Specific cases outlined here.
  • Billing Corrections (III-432): Policy for a situation where a customer’s energy usage was not billed or was inaccurately billed; City Light will issue a corrected bill.
  • Billing for Electric Service Disconnect/Reconnects-Vacant Premises (III-414): Policy for the maintenance of electric service to vacant residential premises.
  • Budget Billing Plan (III-419): A process and criteria for allowing customers to pay one year's billing in equal monthly payments.
  • Credit and Collections (III-302): General credit and collection policies for money owed to City Light and disconnection of electric service due to credit and collection actions.
  • Customer Dispute Resolution and Utility Hearing Officer (III-425): Policy covering the billing dispute resolution process, including roles and responsibilities of the Hearing Officer and other department staff.
  • Electric Account Closing Bill Adjustments (III-411): In cases where notice is not given to City Light to close an account, this policy states the process for making adjustments to customer accounts.
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Station Use and Fees (III-1102): Policies and procedures for fees relating to the use of public electric vehicle (EV) charging stations owned and operated by City Light.
  • Lighting (III-401): Policy and fees for providing City Light customers with lighting services.
  • Residential Thermostat Demand Response Pilot (III-433): Policy establishes a residential thermostat demand response pilot program called “TempWise.” This pilot opens a distributed energy resource management system platform to City Light customers who have installed compatible, Wi-Fi enabled thermostats in their homes.
  • Residential Vacancy Billing (III-404): Policy relating to the maintenance of electric service to vacant residential premises.
  • Security Deposits (III-301): Documents policy and procedure on residential or commercial security deposits on accounts. The criteria for deposits and payback processes in place.
  • Service Installations (III-417): How we charge customers for the costs of installation of new, additional, modified or temporary electric service or service removal/relocation.
  • Utility Discount Program (III-428): The qualifications, application process, documentation requirements, determination criteria and eligibility for City Light's Utility Discount Program offering reduced rates to low-income customers.
  • Voluntary Conversions to Underground Service (III-421): Policies for when customers or groups of customers request overhead distribution conductors be placed underground.

  • Maintenance of Underground Services (III-423): The policy and procedures for the maintenance and repair of underground conductors, including billing for these services.
  • Wireline Attachments on City Light Poles (III-804): The DPP clarifies the Department policy for wireline attachments made to poles owned wholly or in part by the City and under the jurisdiction of the Department ("poles"), as further set forth in Seattle City Light's Construction and Materials Standards and Practices ("Standards") and the Master Pole Attachment Agreement ("MPAA").
  • Trenching in Public Right-of Way Areas (III-424): Guidelines for trenching in the public right-of-way for underground installation of electric service.
  • Wireless Attachments on City Light Poles (III-805): Policy for wireless attachments (e.g. antennas, power supplies, cables, and fiber optic cables) made to poles owned or in part by City Light.

Public Policies Open for Comment

DPP Name PDF Link Public Review Period
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(to adopt revised DPP):

III - 400 Scheduled Outage Customer Notification

Purpose: This policy sets forth the process the Department utilizes for notifying Seattle City Light’s customers of scheduled outages. It establishes guidelines for notification, with the intent to maximize customer convenience. The process depends on cross division coordination to ensure excellent customer service while maintaining maximum crew safety and efficiency.

Revision Summary: This new DPP outlines City Light’s process for scheduled outage customer notifications. It applies to scheduled outage customer notifications on very sizeable or long-term projects.

Link for #400 PDF

7/23/24 to 8/6/24

Comments may be filed during the review period by mail to:

Seattle City Light General Manager and CEO
Attention: DPP Coordinator
P.O. Box 34023
Seattle, WA 98124-4023

Or email

If you have questions about our policies, please email

City Light

Dawn Lindell, General Manager and CEO
Address: 700 5th Ave, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34023, Seattle, WA, 98124-4023
Phone: (206) 684-3000

Seattle City Light was created by the citizens of Seattle in 1902 to provide affordable, reliable, and environmentally responsible electric power to the City of Seattle and neighboring suburbs.