Project Description
City Light is working to replace Direct Current (DC) fast chargers for electric vehicles at five locations across City Light’s service area.
These new fast chargers will enhance charging speeds, increase reliability, and provide some protection against repeated incidents of vandalism and cable theft.
- South Service Center
- Alaska Junction
- Magnuson Park
- Madison Miller
- South Park
What's Happening Now?
Project Update (December 2024): Design work for these projects has been completed and permits are pending. The next steps in the projects include ordering charging equipment, electric service engineering, and construction. Anticipated completion for these projects is Summer/Fall 2025.
South Service Center
Location: 409 S Spokane St, Seattle, WA 98134
Project Status Update: Design work is complete, permits are pending.
Next Steps: Order charging equipment, electric service engineering, construction
Schedule: Anticipated completion – Summer/Fall 2025
Alaska Junction
Location: 4535 39th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98116
Project Status Update: Design work is complete, permits are pending
Next Steps: Order charging equipment, electric service engineering, construction
Schedule: Anticipated completion – Summer/Fall 2025
Magnuson Park
Location: Sportsfield Dr NE, Seattle, WA 98115
Project Status Update: Design work is complete, permits are pending
Next Steps: Order charging equipment, electric service engineering, construction
Schedule: Anticipated completion – Summer/Fall 2025
Madison Miller
Location: 2113 E Olive St, Seattle, WA 98122
Project Status Update: Design work is complete, permits are pending
Next Steps: Order charging equipment, electric service engineering, construction
Schedule: Anticipated completion – Summer 2025
South Park
Location: 8461 Dallas Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108
Project Status Update: Design work is complete, permits are pending
Next Steps: Order charging equipment, electric service engineering, construction
Schedule: Anticipated completion – Summer 2025
Why DC Fast Charging?
For charging on the go, DC fast chargers are the fastest charging option. These chargers are generally only available for public charging due to cost and large power requirements.
DC fast chargers are rated by the kilowatt (kW) output. A 60-minute charge at a 50kW charger will deliver 50 kilowatt hours (kWh) which is equivalent to 150 miles. The costs to charge vary depending on location and time of use.
Generally, the faster the charge, the higher the cost. This is because faster chargers are more complicated and expensive to build and maintain and put a larger strain on the electric grid.
Where to Find Charging
There are numerous public charging stations located throughout our region, including several owned by City Light. As EVs continue to grow in popularity, City Light and others are helping to improve EV infrastructure, making charging more accessible than ever.
We've installed fast public charging stations and curbside Level 2 chargers across our service area - allowing you to get a full charge for most vehicles through City Light's renewable electricity. And be on the lookout for new charging installations in the future!
Public Charging FAQ (English) or Public Charging FAQ (Spanish)
Help us understand your EV charging needs as we plan for new public chargers in our service area. Suggest a new location, or see what others have suggested.
Public EV Charging FAQs
City Light is installing publicly accessible electric vehicle (EV) fast chargers throughout the utility’s service area. City Light is running this program to own and operate EV fast chargers in order to understand the impacts of EV charging on the electrical system and to support City Light’s Transportation Electrification Strategic Investment Plan, which strives to remove barriers to EV adoption and reduce carbon emissions across the transportation sector.
There are three types of EV chargers: Level 1 (110-volt alternating current [AC] power), Level 2 (240-volt AC power) and fast chargers which use direct current (DC) to quickly charge an EV. City Light is installing 50-kilowatt (kW) or greater DC fast chargers at all locations and Level 2 chargers at select locations. Charging times depend on the EV battery and its state of charge, but the fast chargers can provide a typical EV with up to three miles of range per minute of charge time.
City Light has a responsibility to our customers to invest in and implement solutions that support sustainability, including transportation electrification. Chargers are being distributed equitably across our service area so that EV fast charging is accessible to all customers, especially in areas where the private sector is not installing EV infrastructure.
This program leverages City Light’s clean electricity and will play a critical role in helping the City of Seattle reach its carbon neutral goal by 2050. This program is part of Seattle’s Clean Transportation Electrification Blueprint, which focuses on delivering community-focused transportation solutions.
Users will pay by the kilowatt-hour (kWh) to use City Light’s chargers. Payment processing is managed by the network provider Shell Recharge (this will change in 2025) at Seattle locations and ChargePoint at our Burien and Shoreline locations. Users can activate and pay for a session by using either the network provider’s phone app, RFID card, or by calling the provider to pay by credit card.
Each charger will be equipped with a Combined Charging System (CCS) Combo connector, which are compatible with many fast-charge capable EVs. All fast charging sites will have at least one charger with a CHAdeMO and NACS connector to allow as many EVs as possible to charge.
Only EVs will be allowed to use the charging spaces, while actively charging. Electric vehicle charging will be time limited. Signs will be used to indicate maximum parking time limits.
Parking restrictions will be posted on signs at the charging station. Enforcement will be managed by the City of Seattle or local city jurisdictions within King County. Vehicles in violation of the parking restrictions may be fined or towed away at the owner’s expense. Chargers will include contact information for customer questions and payment by phone.
The cost to charge at a City Light EV charger depends on the charger type (Level 2 or DC fast) and time of day.
A typical charging session at a fast charger may take 30-minutes to deliver 20 kWh, and cost $4 - $7 depending upon location and time of use. 20 kWh can power approximately 60 miles of driving. The cost to charge is updated per department policy III-1102.
Fees are per kilowatt-hours (kWh).
DC Fast Chargers
All Day - $0.22
Monday - Saturday
12 a.m. - 7 a.m. - $0.22
7 a.m. - 7 p.m. - $0.36
7 p.m. - 12 a.m - $0.22
Level 2 Chargers
All Day - $0.21