Land Use / Master Use Permit - Overview of MUP
What Is It?
A master use permit (MUP) is a land use application. MUP and land use application are terms used to describe a review process that typically includes discretionary review. Discretionary review is a review that requires us to use judgement when making our best decision based on criteria defined in the Seattle Municipal Code (SMC). Usually the criteria assess impacts of a proposed use or development project. This review includes:
- Public notice, a comment period, and the ability to appeal the decision
- A decision made by us, the Seattle Office of the Hearing Examiner, or City Council
Master Use Permit projects are:
- Land Use / Master Use Permit - Conditional Use
- Land Use / Master Use Permit - Environmentally Critical Areas (ECA)
- Land Use / Master Use Permit - Plat
- Land Use / Master Use Permit - Rezone
- Land Use / Master Use Permit - Shoreline
- Land Use / Master Use Permit - State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)
- Land Use / Master Use Permit - Variance
We have 5 different types of land use decisions, each with its own process.
- Type I MUP. Projects, such as a 4-week temporary use, lot boundary adjustment, and zoning review on a construction permit that do not need public notice. SDCI makes the MUP decision, which is not appealable.
- Type II MUP. These projects require public notice of your application. SDCI makes the MUP decision which can be appealed to the City’s Hearing Examiner or to the Shoreline Hearings Board.
- Type III MUP. Our only Type III MUP is a subdivision. The MUP decision is made by the City Hearing Examiner following public notice, our recommendation and a public hearing.
- Type IV Council Action. These MUPs apply to large projects, such as rezones. City Council makes the MUP decision after public notice, our recommendation, a public hearing, and a recommendation by the City Hearing Examiner.
- Type V Council Action. Applications for certain City facilities or for proposals with implications for large sections of Seattle, like a Land Use Code amendment or an area-wide rezone, are Type V MUPs. City Council makes the MUP decision after public notice, our recommendation, and a public hearing.
- See Tip 201, Master Use Permit (MUP) Overview, for a detailed description of each decision type
- Procedure for Master Use Permits and Council Land Use Decisions, SMC 23.76
- Environmental Policies and Procedures, SMC 25.05
How Much Does It Cost?
Our hourly review fee is listed in the Land Use Application Fee Requirements, below. You will provide a deposit when you submit your land use application. After we accept your application, we will send you a monthly invoice for all review time completed in that billing cycle. If you do not pay your invoice, we will stop reviewing your project. All fees are subject to an additional technology fee. See our Fee Subtitle for details.
Steps to Get Your Permit
The steps to get your master use permit depend on the type of MUP you are applying for. In general, you need to follow these steps:
1. Research
Find your property information, such as zoning, permit history, and environmentally critical areas information. Read our codes to determine which standards will apply to your proposal. If you still have questions, you can attend a coaching session to get information about drainage, land use, geotechnical, or construction permits.
Find incentives for your project. Research the City's different incentives that might apply to your project.
- Green Building Incentives
- City Light Energy Conservation
- Stormwater Facility Credit
- Saving Water Partnership
- Additional Multifamily Floor Area Ratio
- Additional Commercial Floor Area Ratio
2. Start Preliminary Application
Complete the Building & Land Use Pre-Application online using the Seattle Services Portal. You will need to answer questions about your proposal and upload a site plan. You'll receive an email once we have added the pre-application site visit (PASV) fees to your project. (Most projects require a PASV.) After you have paid the fee, we will perform the site visit. Your preliminary application information will be reviewed by other departments for comment.
- Tip 103, Site Plan Requirements
- Tip 103A, Site Plan Guidelines
- Land Use Application Fee Requirements
Review your preliminary application report. You will receive a preliminary application report that will include critical information about whether you need Design Review, SEPA, or street improvements. Our report will include information from the utilities about your specific site and proposal. Our report will also identify potential project stoppers.
Attend a pre-submittal conference. We require pre-submittal conferences for all proposed subdivisions, Design Review, and rezone applications. At a pre-submittal conference you will discuss our requirements and our application process. You must pay a minimum two-hour pre-submittal conference fee before we schedule your appointment. We might charge additional hourly fees based on the number of City staff attending the conference, and the amount of follow-up time required.
Apply for exemptions. You may be eligible for exemptions from code or permitting requirements if your project is located in an environmentally critical area or near the shoreline. You need to apply for and resolve any exemption requests during the preliminary application process before you submit your permit application. Submit your exemption requests using the Seattle Services Portal.
- Tip 205, Street and Alley Improvement Exceptions - Description and Application Instructions
- Tip 209A, Shoreline Substantial Development Exemptions
- Tip 327A, Environmentally Critical Areas Exemptions, Relief from Prohibition on Steep Slope Development, and Modifications to Submittal Requirements
- Tip 327B, Environmentally Critical Areas - Small Project Waivers
Coordinate with other agencies. You may need permits or approvals from other agencies. These are the most common agencies you may need to work with for your permit type:
- City Light
- Seattle Public Utilities
- Seattle Department of Transportation
- Department of Neighborhoods
- Seattle Business Licensing
- SDOT CAM 2200, Street Improvement Permitting (SIP) Process
- SDOT CAM 2201, 90% Complete Street Improvement Plan (SIP) Requirements
- SDOT CAM 2203, Dedication of Right of Way or Easement
- SDOT CAM 2209, Permitting Requirements for Street Improvements
- SDOT CAM 2211, SDOT Street Improvement Permitting (SIP) Design Guidance
- SDOT CAM 2212, Base Map and Survey Requirements for Street Improvement Plans (SIP)
- SDOT CAM 2213, 60% Complete Street Improvement Plan (SIP) Approval Process
- SDOT CAM 2214, 90% Street Improvement Plan (SIP) Intake Appointment and 90% Complete SIP Acceptance Processes
- SDOT CAM 2216, SDOT Street Improvement Permitting (SIP) Pre-Construction Process
Prepare your plans and technical documents. Plans should be to scale. You may need to upload technical documents including a survey, geotechnical and wetland reports, and other types of reports. Our Tips and code standards provide additional detail on the type of plans and reports we require to review your proposal.
See your specific land use permit type for specific application instructions.
- Tip 106, General Standards for Plans and Drawings
- Tip 201, Master Use Permit (MUP) Overview
- Statement of Financial Responsibility / Agent Authorization Form (if needed, see Director's Rule 2003-5)
3. Submit Application and Plans
Schedule an intake appointment. Schedule an intake appointment using the Seattle Services Portal. You must upload all application documents by 7:00 a.m. on the day of your appointment. We may contact you that day for more information.
Public Notice
Public involvement is a primary element of the land use application process and review. All decision types, except Type I, require public notice at specific points in the process. During the MUP review, we accept public comment on the project. We may also require you to install a Large Notice Sign at the project site.
- Noticing requirements, SMC 23.76.012
- Large Notice Sign Template (.zip file)
Review, Decision, and Appeal
Our review, decision, and appeal processes vary depending on the type of MUP for which you are applying. For more information, please see Tip 201, Master Use Permit (MUP) Overview, and specific Tips for the type of MUP application you are submitting. Your assigned land use reviewer can also explain more of the process and what to expect after you submit your permit application.
MUPs and Building Permits
If your project involves a related building permit, we must issue the land use permit before we can issue the building permit. You can apply for a building permit at any point once your land use application is submitted. However, your project can change and evolve during the land use application review process. This can require building plan changes, which may cost you additional design fees.