Inspections Your Permit Requires
Virtual Inspections
Depending on your project, we may be able to conduct a video inspection instead of an in-person inspection. Please read Video Inspections and SDCI Guide to Video Inspections to see if your project qualifies. Once you have completed your video inspection, please take our brief, anonymous survey to help us improve our process.
To schedule an inspection Schedule an Inspection Online or call our 24-hour automated phone line at (206) 684-8900.
We will process requests during regular business hours.
Inspection Types
We require a set of inspections for all permits to confirm various steps in the construction and installation process. Find out what's required and when to schedule each type:
- Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspections
- Construction Inspections
- Electrical Inspections
- Elevator & Escalator Inspections
- Furnace Inspections
- Mechanical Inspections
- Noise Inspections
- Side Sewer Inspections
- Sign Inspections
- Site Development Inspections
- Special Inspections
Residential Inspection Quick Sheets
Our Residential Inspection Quick Sheets provide more transparency to the inspection process. They were created to help you understand what our inspectors are looking for during inspections and to clarify the sequence of inspections.
Scheduling an Inspection
You can schedule most inspections by:
- Schedule an Inspection Online
- Calling our 24-hour automated phone line: (206) 684-8900
- Calling inspection support staff: (206) 684-8950
Annual inspections for boilers and elevators or escalators and inspections for code compliance and design review are scheduled automatically; special inspections require that you select an inspection agency and arrange site visits with them.
Find Your Inspector
To find the inspector assigned to your area, view the following: