Design Review - Full
What Is It?
Full Design Review is required for mid- and large-sized commercial and residential development projects such as:
- An office building or apartment building
- Commercial or multifamily development
- Other large developments that meet the size thresholds in certain zones
- Land Use Code to review the thresholds and zones
- Design Review Program
- Tip 238, Design Review: General Information, Application Instructions, and Submittal
Design Review considers multiple aspects of a building and site such as:
- The overall appearance of the building
- How the proposed building relates to adjacent sites and the overall street frontage
- How the proposed building relates to unusual aspects of the site, like views or slopes
- Pedestrian and vehicular access to the site
- Quality of materials, open space, and landscaping
For full Design Review projects, we hold virtual public meetings where the Design Review Boards review projects during the early design guidance and recommendation phases.
Our review process includes an opportunity for public comment and involvement before we approve your design. You may request "departures" for flexibility from the Land Use Code requirements as part of your Design Review proposal.
To find the design guidelines that apply to your project, go to our Design Review Guidelines page. There you can find the citywide (multifamily and commercial buildings) and neighborhood-specific design guidelines.
How Much Does It Cost?
Our review fee is the hourly rate for Land Use review. Current fees, including an additional technology fee, are listed in the Fee Subtitle. You need to pay up front for the first 10 hours of review when you submit your application. After we accept your application, we will send you a monthly invoice for all review time completed in that billing cycle. If you do not pay your invoice, we will stop reviewing your project.
- Fee Subtitle
- See Tip 201, Master Use Permit (MUP) Overview, for average review costs by application type
How Long Does It Take?
Our review process depends on several factors:
- The quality of your plans and project documentation
- Your response time to correction letters and requests for further information
- Public interest in your project
Your project may qualify for a shorter review if it meets criteria for Streamlined Design Review or Administrative Design Review.
Steps to get Your Permit:
Get your property information. Find property information to help you plan your project.
- Land Use Code, SMC Title 23
- Environmentally Critical Areas Ordinance, SMC 25.09
- State Environmental Policy Act, SMC 25.05
- Tree Protection Ordinance, SMC 25.11
- Director’s Rules
- Permit History
- Tools and Resources
- Zoning
Learn about Design Review.
- Tip 238, Design Review: General Information, Application Instructions, and Submittal Requirements
- Review the Design Review Website
Coordinate with other agencies. You may need permits or approvals from other agencies. These are the most common agencies you may need to work with for your permit type:
- City Light
- Seattle Public Utilities
- Seattle Department of Transportation
- Department of Neighborhoods
- Seattle Business Licensing
- Seattle Labor Standards – Hiring Independent Contractors
Learn about street improvement permits. Consult these documents to understand the required SDOT Street Improvement Permitting (SIP) Process:
- SDOT CAM 2200, Street Improvement Permitting (SIP) Process
- SDOT CAM 2201, 90% Complete Street Improvement Plan (SIP) Requirements
- SDOT CAM 2203, Dedication of Right of Way or Easement
- SDOT CAM 2209, Permitting Requirements for Street Improvements
- SDOT CAM 2211, SDOT Street Improvement Permitting (SIP) Design Guidance
- SDOT CAM 2212, Base Map and Survey Requirements for Street Improvement Plans (SIP)
- SDOT CAM 2213, 60% Complete Street Improvement Plan (SIP) Approval Process
- SDOT CAM 2214, 90% Street Improvement Plan (SIP) Intake Appointment and 90% Complete SIP Acceptance Processes
- SDOT CAM 2216, SDOT Street Improvement Permitting (SIP) Pre-Construction Process
Find incentive programs and zoning for your project. Research the City's different incentives that might apply to your project.
- Priority Green Expedited
- City Light Energy Conservation
- Stormwater Facility Credit
- Living Building Pilot
Start your application. Complete the Building & Land Use Pre-Application online using the Seattle Services Portal. You will also need to upload a site plan and a complete legal description for your site. You'll receive an email once we have added the pre-application site visit (PASV) fees to your project. A project number will be assigned to you. After you have paid the fee, we will perform the inspection. Your preliminary application materials will be sent to other departments for their review and comment.
Read our pre-application report. You will receive a preliminary application report that will include critical information based on preliminary reviews by our site inspector, land use planner, and drainage reviewer. This report will also include preliminary reviews by the Seattle Department of Transportation and Seattle City Light. Our report will highlight the required street or alley improvements for your project and may include other relevant project or code issues. You will also receive an email from the Department of Neighborhoods (DON) regarding the community outreach requirement associated with Design Review.
Conduct your community outreach. Visit DON's Early Community Outreach for Design Review webpage for information and resources about planning, conducting, and documenting your community outreach. The DON staff contact listed on that webpage is responsible for reviewing and approving your outreach documentation and is available to answer any questions you have about your outreach. You may begin your outreach at any time, however it must be completed before we will begin any review of your application.
Apply for a pre-submittal conference. Submit the following forms to the Virtual Applicant Services Center and pay fees in order to schedule your pre-submittal conference. At the pre-submittal conference we will go over the Design Review process, project issues and your questions.
- Next Available Appointment Times
- Pre-Submittal Conference Application
- Statement of Financial Responsibility / Agent Authorization
- Pay required Land Use Application Fees
- Basic Site Plan per Tip 103, Site Plan Requirements
We highly encourage you to upload your draft Early Design Guidance (EDG) packet along with your pre-submittal materials. This will allow staff to begin review of your packet and provide feedback at the pre-submittal conference, which will likely save review time after you submit your application. We also recommend that you use the EDG Packet Checklist Worksheet to document where you provided the information. Please provide a copy of this worksheet in your draft packet that you submit to your planner.
Attend the pre-submittal conference. Attend the pre-submittal conference with City staff who will answer your questions and provide you with advice about the Design Review process. You will need to take notes and email them to us after the pre-submittal conference. We will review the pre-submittal notes and make any changes that are needed.
Once we have finalized the pre-submittal notes and the SDCI planner has approved and uploaded them to the project file, you may submit your Early Design Guidance (EDG) application.
Submit EDG application. We will accept your EDG application after you submit a complete application through your Seattle Services Portal. You do not need to schedule an intake appointment for EDG applications. You do, however, need to follow the steps in How to Submit Your EDG Application. We may contact you for more information if anything is missing when we screen your materials.
Upload the following documents:
- Draft EDG packet (referred to as Design Review Proposal in the portal). Develop this document with all the information in the EDG Packet Checklist. In the Seattle Services Portal under the Description field, write: "draft EDG packet."
- If the financially responsible party or agent has changed for the project since the pre-submittal application, upload a new Statement of Financial Responsibility Form / Agent Authorization signed by the property owner.
Also upload your EDG packet here.
Pay fees. EDG fees are listed on the back of the Land Use Application Fee Requirements.
Prepare for your EDG meeting. We will contact you with a meeting date. Once we schedule a meeting, we'll review your draft EDG packet using the EDG Packet Checklist and give you our comments and feedback.
Wait for public notice and public comments. Once your meeting is scheduled, we will publish a public notice about your application in the public notice section of the Seattle Services Portal and mail notice to people within 300 feet of your site.
Submit final EDG packet. Update your draft EDG packet in response to our comments and feedback. The final EDG packets are due on the Monday at least two weeks prior to the scheduled meeting date. (Note, if Monday is a holiday, the deadline will shift to Tuesday). We will send your packets to the Design Review Board.
Please submit 8 hard copies of your 11x17 final packets per the instructions below:
For USPS/FedEx, please plan for guaranteed arrival before/on the date specified above.
- For USPS deliveries, please use the following address:
ATTN: Brinn Campaz, Design Review Program
Seattle Dept. of Construction and Inspections
PO Box 34019
Seattle, WA 98104-4019 - For FedEx deliveries, please use the following address:
ATTN: Brinn Campaz, Design Review Program
Mail and Distribution Services
700 5th Ave, Suite 304
Seattle, WA 98104-4019
For courier/in-person drop offs, please address your packets to the first address listed above and bring them to the following location at Seattle Municipal Tower (700 5th Ave):
- Finance and Administrative Services (FAS) - Distribution Services, Suite 304 (from the 4th floor lobby, take the escalator or stairs down to the 3rd floor)
- Use the telephone next to the FAS Distribution Services room sign to call the FAS mailroom (using the programmed button) and request to have the packet picked up
- Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
In addition, upload the following to your portal site as follows:
- Final EDG packet (referred to as Design Review Proposal in the portal) developed using the EDG Packet Checklist. In the Description field in the portal write: “Final EDG packet.”
- Digital Image of massing concepts (referred to as Design Review Proposal cover page in the portal).
Please also upload these documents to Hightail following these instructions for preparing and sending your packet and digital image.
Attend your EDG meeting. You must present your proposal to the Design Review Board and the public. See Tip 238, Design Review: General Information, Application Instructions, and Submittal Requirements.
- Before and during the meeting, the community is invited to comment on your project
- The Design Review Board will discuss your project and provide guidance to develop the design
- We will send an EDG guidance report summarizing the board's feedback to you and other interested parties and post it on our website
Schedule an intake appointment. Your EDG Report must be completed before you apply for a master use permit. Schedule an intake appointment through your Seattle Services Portal. You must upload all application documents by 7:00 a.m. the day of your appointment. We may contact you for more information when we screen your application materials.
Submit your master use permit application. Upload the following information to the portal for your appointment:
- Response to Guidelines: MUP Application for Design Review (referred to as Design Review Application - Attachment B in the portal)
- Existing preliminary site plan as described in Tip 103, Site Plan Requirements (referred to as Site Plan in the portal)
Other helpful forms and information:
- Land Use / Master Use Permit Submittal Requirements Checklist
- Tip 103A, Site Plan Guidelines
- Tip 106, General Standards for Plans and Drawings
- Tip 242A, Tree Requirements Associated with Development
- Tip 242B, Tree Removal on Private Property
Here's more information about other types of land use / master use permits:
- Land Use / Master Use Permit - Conditional Use
- Land Use / Master Use Permit - Environmentally Critical Areas (ECA)
- Land Use / Master Use Permit - Overview of MUP
- Land Use / Master Use Permit - Plat
- Land Use / Master Use Permit - Rezone
- Land Use / Master Use Permit - Shoreline
- Land Use / Master Use Permit - State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)
- Land Use / Master Use Permit - Variance
Pay fees. You must pay a minimum fee for your review, any accrued land use hourly fees, and noticing fees at intake. You will receive an email once we have added fees to your project. You must pay your fees before we will post any public notice or conduct any reviews. We will invoice you monthly for additional fees during the review process. We will stop reviewing your project if you do not pay your monthly invoice.
Wait for public notice. We will issue a public notice for your project as required by SMC 23.76.012, including posting the public notice information at the site. You are responsible for building and installing a large land use notice sign. (This sign must remain in place until the end of the appeal period or the Hearing Examiner decision, if applicable.). Once you've installed the sign, let us know by submitting an Environmental Sign Installation Notification using the Seattle Services Portal.
- Large Notice Sign Template (.zip file)
We will start a 14-day public comment period on your project. The comment period can be extended for another 14-days by request. We'll consider all public comments we receive during the project review.
Make corrections and resubmit your plans. Once all of our reviews are done, will receive an email telling you that you can upload corrected and / or additional documents into your portal. Update your plans and / or provide the information in the correction letters. Your project may require multiple correction rounds before our reviews are complete. You will also need to upload your draft Recommendation packet to the portal (see next step).
It may be helpful to meet with your assigned land use review planner to review your draft Recommendation packet and discuss how to respond to design review corrections.
Develop design recommendation packet. Include all the information identified in the Land Use Review correction letter and the REC Packet Checklist (referred to as Design Review Proposal in the portal). When you are ready to submit your corrections, upload the following documents to the portal:
- Updated plans and correction responses
- Draft digital Recommendation packet developed using the REC Packet Checklist (referred to as Design Review Proposal in the portal). In the Description field in the Seattle Services Portal, write: “Draft REC.”
Please also upload these documents to Hightail following these instructions for preparing and sending your packet and digital image.
Prepare for design recommendation meeting.
- We will schedule your meeting, review your corrected plans, and give you feedback on your draft recommendation packet.
- If the design or packet is missing important information needed for the Board to review the project, we will delay scheduling the meeting
- We will post your meeting on our website and send notice to people interested in your project
Submit final recommendation packet.
The final recommendation packets are due on the Monday at least two weeks prior to your scheduled meeting date. (Note, if Monday is a holiday, the deadline will shift to Tuesday). We will send your packets to the Board.
Please submit 8 hard copies of your final packets per the instructions below:
For USPS/FedEx, please plan for guaranteed arrival before/on the date specified above.
- For USPS deliveries, please use the following address:
ATTN: Brinn Campaz, Design Review Program
Seattle Dept. of Construction and Inspections
PO Box 34019
Seattle, WA 98104-4019 - For FedEx deliveries, please use the following address:
ATTN: Brinn Campaz, Design Review Program
Mail and Distribution Services
700 5th Ave, Suite 304
Seattle, WA 98104-4019
For courier/in-person drop offs, please address your packets to the first address listed above and bring them to the following location at Seattle Municipal Tower (700 5th Ave):
- Finance and Administrative Services (FAS) - Distribution Services, Suite 304 (from the 4th floor lobby, take the escalator or stairs down to the 3rd floor)
- Use the telephone next to the FAS Distribution Services room sign to call the FAS mailroom (using the programmed button) and request to have the packet picked up
- Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Also, upload the following to your portal:
- Final Recommendation packet developed using the REC Packet Checklist (referred to as Design Review Proposal in the portal). In the Description field in the portal write: “Final REC.”
- Digital image of design rendering (referred to as Design Review Proposal cover page in the portal).
Please also upload these documents to Hightail following these instructions for preparing and sending your packet and digital image, as well as delivery of the hard copies noted above.
Attend the Recommendation meeting and present your design. Present your design development and response to the EDG to the Design Review Board and community. See Tip 238, Design Review: General Information, Application Instructions, and Submittal Requirements for helpful hints.
- Before and during the meeting, the community is invited to comment on your project.
- The Design Review Board will discuss your project’s response to EDG, consider public comment, and make recommendations. They may recommend conditions to change the design.
- We will send a Recommendation report summarizing the Board’s recommendations to you and other interested parties and post it on our website.
Make remaining corrections. Once all of our reviews are done, you will receive an email telling you that corrected, and/or additional documents can be uploaded into your portal. Submit your response to our corrections and recommended design conditions.
Pay outstanding fees. Once our review is complete, you will receive an email for any outstanding fees. You must pay these fees before we publish our decision.
Read our decision. We will publish our decision on your project in our public notice section of the Seattle Services Portal once all reviews are complete. We will also send a notice of our decision to everybody that made a written comment on your project. Our decision will include any required conditions of approval, some that you must meet before we issue your permit.
How to submit an appeal. If you or a member of the public disagrees with our decision, you may file an appeal with the Hearing Examiner within 14 days from when we publish our decision.
Note the expiration date. The expiration date of your permit is based on the date when the permit is ready to be issued before you have paid the outstanding fees. If there is an appeal, the expiration date is based on the end of the appeal or the City Hearing Examiner decision. Your permit may expire, and therefore your application may expire, without having a permit issued.
Pay final fees. We will notify you if you need to pay any final fees before we issue your permit.
Print your permit. We will notify you when we have issued your permit and the documents are available in your portal.
Apply for Construction Permit. You may apply for a construction permit at any time once you submit a land use / master use permit application. However, the project can change and evolve through the land use application review process. If you choose to submit a construction permit application before the master use permit is issued, please be aware that changes through the MUP review may require costly building plan changes.