Health Plans: Seattle City Employees' Retirement System (SCERS) Retirees

  • View the recorded 2025 Health Plan Options for Retiring Employees presentation (27 minutes)

Considering a City-Sponsored health plan? Please see the suggested timeline and FAQs below.

Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the chart to see the full timeline. 

 3 Months - 1 Year Before Your Retirement Date  At Least 60 - 90 Days Before Your Retirement Date  At Least 30 Days Before Your Retirement Date  OR  At Least 60 Days of Receiving COBRA Notification
  • Consider attending Health Plan Options for Retiring Employees. Register online through Cornerstone.

  • Schedule an appointment with a Retirement Specialist by calling (206) 386-1293. You will receive a health plan information packet at the meeting.
  • Enroll in Medicare Parts A and B on if you or your spouse/domestic partner are age 65 or more before or when you retire. You must provide a copy of your Medicare card in order to enroll on a City-sponsored plan.
  • Notify your department's benefits representative of your retirement date.

  • Consider your COBRA and retiree health plan options.

  • Submit completed forms in your health plan information packet and premium payments to the Benefits Unit, which administers the retiree health plans.

  • Submit your COBRA election form if you decide to continue active health plan coverage.

(Use the above scroll bar to see the full timeline.) 

Once you are enrolled in a City-Sponsored plan, remember to

  • Watch your home mail for an open enrollment packet in November.
  • If enrolled in COBRA, enroll in a retiree plan at least 30 days before COBRA ending.
  • Enroll in Medicare Parts A and B and, if desired, in a Medicare Advantage plan through the City 60-90 days before you and/or your spouse turn 65.
  • Notify the Benefits Unit within 30 days of any Qualifying Life Event such as divorce, legal separation, marriage, new dependent child, or death.
  • Notify the Retirement Office if you move by completing the change of address form.

Premium rate sheet for SCERS retiree medical plans

Premium rate sheet for COBRA plan

Medical plan information if you are an under age 65 retiree:

Moving From an Active Plan to an Under Age 65 Retiree Plan: Q & A

Aetna Preventive

Aetna Traditional

*Aetna Claims Appeal Infographic

Kaiser Permanente Standard

Kaiser Permanente Deductible

Medical plan information if you are an age 65 or older retiree (Medicare-eligible):


Kaiser Permanente MAPD3

Kaiser Medicare Advantage Plans Presentation

Kaiser Permanente MAPD4

United Healthcare   

Retiree Dental

If you have questions about the retiree dental plan, please contact
Independent Billing Services (253) 862-2122.

Other Resources

SCERS Retirees

If you have questions about the SCERS retiree health plans, please contact
City of Seattle Central Benefits Unit
(206) 615-1340

If you have questions about your pension check, please contact
Seattle City Employee's Retirement System
(206) 386-1293

Human Resources

Kimberly Loving, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 5500, Seattle, WA , 98124
Mailing Address: PO Box 34028, Seattle, WA, 98124-4028
Phone: (206) 684-7999
Fax: (206) 684-4157

The Human Resources Department provides human resource services, tools, and expert assistance to departments, policy makers, employees, and the public so that the City of Seattle's diverse work force is deployed, supported, and managed fairly to accomplish the City's business goals.