Landscape Professionals

Give your customers what they want

Photo of children playing in sustainable landscape
Sustainable streetscape Issaquah Highlands

The fastest growing sector of the landscape industry is providing “green” services that minimize chemical use and water waste, and maximize plant health and efficient resource use. Get started with Natural Landscaping: Design, Build, Maintain (pdf), or in Spanish Paisajismo natural: Diseño, Construcción, Mantenimiento (pdf).

Sustainable Landscaping Topics

  • Training Opportunities for landscape professionals: register now for upcoming workshops or view previous presentations. También vea entrenamiento profesional en español.
  • For Property Managers: Connect to SPU services, find a landscaper, develop a maintenance contract, save money on irrigation, or learn how to maintain your own landscape.
  • Landscape Design & Construction Learn about code requirements and best practices for soils, stormwater, trees, and overall sustainable design.
  • Soil Best Practices Learn about new code requirements to protect and restore soil quality on every construction site.
  • Lawns, Plants & Trees Best practices for healthy landscapes, plus links to code requirements and resources to learn more.
  • Landscape Maintenance Plans Use these examples to develop professional plans that sell your services to homeowner associations, institutions, and residents.
  • Integrated Pest Management Pest identification and least toxic control methods – safer for your staff and customers, wildlife, and our environment.
  • Irrigation System Tips & Rebates Professional automatic irrigation system resources for commercial customers, and links to rebates for business and home irrigation systems.

Questions? Call the Garden Hotline For IPM and other landscape questions, or to request a print copy of one of the guides or factsheets, call the Garden Hotline (206) 633-0224 or email questions from

For more information about:

Print material

Related links

Natural Yard Care Information for residents, including best practices and resources useful to professionals.
Natural Pest, Weed & Disease Control Practical IPM approach for homeowners and professionals, and pest management resource links.
Choose the Right Plant for Your Site Plant lists, planting, and plant care tips.
Backyard Composting
Building Healthy Soil
Yard Waste Disposal to commercial composting and sources of compost from Cedar Grove and Green Blenz.
Hazardous Waste Disposal

Additional resources

EnviroStars Certification for Landscape Professionals Get certified and promote your business.
Saving Water Partnership - conservation information and rebates for homes, schools, and businesses.
Pesticide Information - alternatives from the Hazardous Waste Management Program Grow Smart Grow Safe - rates safe products.
Soils for – information for designers, builders, and landscapers on best practices for soil preservation and restoration, now required by codes in western Washington.

Public Utilities

Andrew Lee, General Manager and CEO
Address: 700 5th Avenue, Suite 4900, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34018, Seattle, WA, 98124-5177
Phone: (206) 684-3000

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Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) is comprised of three major direct-service providing utilities: the Water Utility, the Drainage and Wastewater Utility, and the Solid Waste Utility.