Residential Drinking Water Rates

Base Service Charges


All charges per month, per meter and effective January 1, 2024. 

Water pipe diameter Inside Seattle Outside Seattle Shoreline &
Lake Forest Park*
3/4" and less
(Most common residential size)
$19.60 $22.35 $23.75 $24.30
1" $20.20 $23.05 $24.50 $25.05
1-1/2" $31.15 $35.50 $37.80 $38.60
2" $34.50 $39.35 $41.85 $42.75
3" $127.80 $145.70 $155.00 $158.35

* These rates apply to the Cities of Shoreline and Lake Forest Park, not the water districts.


All charges per month, per meter and effective through December 31, 2023.

Water pipe diameter Inside Seattle Outside Seattle Shoreline &
Lake Forest Park*
3/4" and less
(Most common residential size)
$19.60 $22.35 $23.75 $24.85
1" $20.20 $23.05 $24.50 $25.60
1-1/2" $31.15 $35.50 $37.80 $39.15
2" $34.50 $39.35 $41.85 $43.30
3" $127.80 $145.70 $155.00 $159.35

* These rates apply to the Cities of Shoreline and Lake Forest Park, not the water districts.

Note: One CCF equals 100 cubic feet or 748 gallons of water. 

Residential Commodity Charges


All charges per CCF and effective January 1, 2024. 

Water Usage Inside Seattle Outside Seattle Shoreline &
Lake Forest Park*
Off-Peak Usage (Sept. 16 - May 15) $5.76 $6.57 $6.99 $7.14
Peak Usage (May 16 – Sept. 15)
First-Tier: Up to 10 CCF in 60 days
$5.92 $6.75 $7.18 $7.34
Peak Usage (May 16 – Sept. 15)
Second-Tier: Next 26 CCF in 60 days
$7.32 $8.34 $8.88 $9.07
Peak Usage (May 16 – Sept. 15)
Third-Tier: Over 36 CCF in 60 days
$11.80 $13.45 $14.31 $14.62

* These rates apply to the Cities of Shoreline and Lake Forest Park, not the water districts.


All charges per CCF and effective through December 31, 2023.

Water Usage Inside Seattle Outside Seattle Shoreline &
Lake Forest Park*
Off-Peak Usage (Sept. 16 - May 15) $5.76 $6.57 $6.99 $7.33
Peak Usage (May 16 – Sept. 15)
First-Tier: Up to 10 CCF in 60 days
$5.92 $6.75 $7.18 $7.53
Peak Usage (May 16 – Sept. 15)
Second-Tier: Next 26 CCF in 60 days
$7.32 $8.34 $8.88 $9.26
Peak Usage (May 16 – Sept. 15)
Third-Tier: Over 36 CCF in 60 days
$11.80 $13.45 $14.31 $14.62

* These rates apply to the Cities of Shoreline and Lake Forest Park, not the water districts.

Note: One CCF equals 100 cubic feet or 748 gallons of water.

Third-Tier Water Rates

Peak residential water rates are in effect from May 16 through September 15 each year. Peak rates incorporate a three-tiered rate structure with progressively higher rates as water consumption increases. Third-tier water rates are included in this rate structure.

Historically, roughly one out of twenty residential customers have some consumption at the third-tier level. Third-tier water rates affect single-family residential (SFR) and duplex customers who use more than 36 CCF for a 60-day billing period (or more than 18 CCF for a 30-day billing period). (The thresholds for a duplex are double the SFR level.)


Master Meter Residential Water Rates

Below are rates for drinking water master meter residential development.

Base Service Charge, 2024

All charges per month, per meter and effective January 1, 2024. 

Water pipe diameter  Inside Seattle Outside Seattle Shoreline &
Lake Forest Park*
1-1/2" $31.15 $35.50 $37.80 $38.60
2" $34.50 $39.35 $41.85 $42.75
3" $127.80 $145.70 $155.00 $158.35
4" $183.05 $208.70 $222.00 $226.80
6" $225.00 $257.00 $273.00 $279.00
8" $265.00 $302.00 $321.00 $328.00
10" $324.00 $369.00 $393.00 $401.00
12" $437.00 $498.00 $530.00 $542.00
16" $491.00 $560.00 $595.00 $608.00
20" $614.00 $700.00 $745.00 $761.00
24" $771.00 $879.00 $935.00 $955.00

* These rates apply to customers in the Cities of Shoreline and Lake Forest Park. These rates also do not apply to developments that pay Public Utility Tax directly to the State of Washington.

Base Service Charge, 2023

All charges per month, per meter and effective through December 31, 2023. 

Water pipe diameter  Inside Seattle Outside Seattle Shoreline &
Lake Forest Park*
1-1/2" $31.15 $35.50 $37.80 $39.15
2" $34.50 $39.35 $41.85 $43.30
3" $127.80 $145.70 $155.00 $159.35
4" $183.05 $208.70 $222.00 $227.80
6" $225.00 $257.00 $273.00 $280.00
8" $265.00 $302.00 $321.00 $329.00
10" $324.00 $369.00 $393.00 $402.00
12" $437.00 $498.00 $530.00 $543.00
16" $491.00 $560.00 $595.00 $609.00
20" $614.00 $700.00 $745.00 $762.00
24" $771.00 $879.00 $935.00 $956.00

* These rates apply to customers in the Cities of Shoreline and Lake Forest Park. These rates also do not apply to developments that pay Public Utility Tax directly to the State of Washington.

Note: One CCF equals 100 cubic feet or 748 gallons of water.

Master Meter Residential Development Commodity Charges, 2024

All charges per CCF and effective January 1, 2024. 

Water Usage  Inside Seattle Outside Seattle Shoreline &
Lake Forest Park*
Off-Peak Usage
(Sept. 16 - May 15)
$5.76 $6.57 $6.99 $7.14
Peak Usage (May 16 - Sept. 15):
Up to 5 CCF per month
$5.92 $6.75 $7.18 $7.34
Peak Usage (May 16 - Sept. 15):
Next 13 CCF per month
$7.32 $8.34 $8.88 $9.07
Peak Usage (May 16 - Sept. 15):
Over 18 CCF per month
$11.80 $13.45 $14.31 $14.62

* These rates apply to customers in the Cities of Shoreline and Lake Forest Park. These rates also do not apply to developments that pay Public Utility Tax directly to the State of Washington.

Master Meter Residential Development Commodity Charges, 2023

All charges per CCF and effective through December 31, 2023. 

Water Usage  Inside Seattle Outside Seattle Shoreline &
Lake Forest Park*
Off-Peak Usage
(Sept. 16 - May 15)
$5.76 $6.57 $6.99 $7.33
Peak Usage (May 16 - Sept. 15):
Up to 5 CCF per month
$5.92 $6.75 $7.18 $7.53
Peak Usage (May 16 - Sept. 15):
Next 13 CCF per month
$7.32 $8.34 $8.88 $9.26
Peak Usage (May 16 - Sept. 15):
Over 18 CCF per month
$11.80 $13.45 $14.31 $14.62

* These rates apply to customers in the Cities of Shoreline and Lake Forest Park. These rates also do not apply to developments that pay Public Utility Tax directly to the State of Washington.

Note: One CCF equals 100 cubic feet or 748 gallons of water.


Additional Information

Low income assistance

Eligible low income customers can receive a 50% credit on their bill. Learn more about the Utility Discount Program.

Higher summer rates

Although Seattle generally has plenty of water in the winter, we have less precipitation during the summer when demand is highest. During the summer, we depend on water stored in our mountain reservoirs to meet customer demand while leaving enough water in the rivers for fish. Higher summer water rates encourage customers to use water wisely.

Water conservation

From May through September, water use in our region increases 35 to 45 percent, primarily to irrigate lawns and gardens. Experts estimate that 30 percent or more of this water goes to waste due to evaporation, runoff, or simply over-watering. For suggestions about smart watering practices, view residential sustainability tips. You may also contact the expert staff at the Garden Hotline at (206) 633-0224 (language interpretation available).

SPU employee monitoring Cedar River Watershed with binoculars, standing beside truck.

The watersheds that provide our drinking water are protected and monitored for anything that could threaten water quality.

History of third-tier rates

A two-tiered residential summer rate was first introduced in 1989. A third-tier was developed during the 1992 drought along with rate surcharges and mandatory restrictions on water use. However, these temporary measures were rescinded as soon as the drought was over. Residential customers were reintroduced to third-tier water rates during the 2001 drought to discourage discretionary summertime water use. The third-tier rate was continued for 2002, but the Mayor and City Council reduced the rate and increased the ccf threshold effective July 16, 2002. Seasonal third-tier rates remained the same until 2009, when they increased at the same percentage as other retail rates.


Related links

Water rates questions and answers
Water conservation for residents
Saving Water Partnership

Photo of the South Fork of the Tolt River
The water supply from the South Fork of the Tolt River is part of the 12,500-acre Tolt River Watershed, including 8,400 acres of protected, City-owned land.

Public Utilities

Andrew Lee, General Manager and CEO
Address: 700 5th Avenue, Suite 4900, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34018, Seattle, WA, 98124-5177
Phone: (206) 684-3000

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Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) is comprised of three major direct-service providing utilities: the Water Utility, the Drainage and Wastewater Utility, and the Solid Waste Utility.