Resources for Renters
Renting in Seattle Renter's Handbook is a summary of rights and responsibilities for tenants. It's also available in Amharic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Khmer, Korean, Lao, Oromo, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Thai, Tigrinya, and Vietnamese. For more information visit Renter's Handbook.
COVID-19 Resources
Governor's COVID-19 Resource Page up to date statewide resources.
Unemployment Law Project The Unemployment Law Project provides low-cost representation and free advice and counsel to people in Washington State who have been denied unemployment benefits or whose award of benefits is being challenged
2-1-1 COVID -19 Page 2-1-1 is the central ifnformaton and referral agency for all basic needs (rent assistance etc.) and resources in king county. You can call and talk to someone (translators are available) who can share a list of resources specific to your needs and zip code or you can visit the web site.
United Way COVID-19 resource page.
What if you need more help? Here is a list of common resources in our area.
- 2-1-1: For referrals to financial assistance, legal help, and housing advocacy resources in King County, call 2-1-1
- King County Bar Association: A local lawyer's organization that provides legal referrals, free neighborhood legal clinics and representation for low-income tenants facing eviction, through the Housing Justice Project
- Tenant Law Center (TLC): Free legal help for low income tenants facing eviction, subsidy terminations, or legal disputes with their landlords, hosted by Catholic Community Services of Western Washington
- Tenants Union: Provides information on tenant rights and on organizing tenants for community action
- Washington Law Help: Free legal information and court forms written by lawyers to guide you through the court processes of eviction and security deposit disputes