Building a Regional Response Network

The MODVSA works to build a regional response network through coalition building where community organizers, government agency staff, community members and allies can work together to be prepared and respond with collective power and support for those in need. Working together, that power can be brought forth to ensure that all survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking—including BIPOC communities, immigrants and refugees, and those with limited English—are able to receive the support, assistance, and services they need to ensure their safety and stability.

Day One Program

The Day One® Program facilitates the process of providing immediate access to safety and services for domestic violence victims/survivors and their children through connections to domestic violence programs across the region. Currently, Day One Program participants include: 12 programs in King County, 1 in Whatcom County, 4 in Pierce County, 1 in Skagit County, 1 in Snohomish, and 1 in Thurston County.

Peace in the Home Helpline

Flyer in Amharic language featuring picture of a frightened woman, information on getting help, and a phone numberThe Peace in the Home Helpline - (888) 847-7205 - is a 24/7 hotline which connects survivors to an advocate who speaks their language with one call.

Since January 2009, the Seattle Human Services Department, in partnership with a collaborative of community-based agencies, has supported an innovative toll-free hotline for limited-English proficient (LEP) victims of domestic violence that provides single-line access to domestic violence services and information in 14 languages: Amharic, Chinese, Khmer (Cambodian), Japanese, Lao, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Somali, Tagalog, Thai, Tigrigna, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese.

The hotline is a unique and cost-effective call transfer system that routes LEP callers to community-based programs that can meet their language and service needs. It was the first such service in the country. The idea came from a community collaborative called the Multilingual Access Project, or MAP, founded in 2002 in Seattle to increase access to domestic violence and sexual assault services for limited-English speaking women and their families. Modeled after the Multilingual Access Model, or MLAM, at the Asian Women's Shelter in San Francisco, MAP's long-standing goal was to create single-line access to DV services in Seattle-King County.

Stakeholder Groups

As a convener, the MODVSA team also brings together stakeholder groups on a monthly, bi-monthly, and quarterly basis; focused on enhancing GBV response for community and systems. Participants in these efforts include community-based organizations, victim service agencies, and other government bodies, including law enforcement and criminal justice partners.

Access to Advocacy Network (ATA) - Coordinated training and information sharing network of advocates including Peace in the Home hotline agencies and agencies serving immigrant and refugee survivors.

Coordinated Effort Against Sexual Exploitation (CEASE) - Coordinated response team to address and provide services for survivors of commercial sexual exploitation.

Criminal Justice Committee (CJC) - A subcommittee of the DVPC, CJC works to enhance collaboration and coordination among criminal justice partners, and to bridge the gap between systems and communities to increase access for survivors and ensure that survivors receive support in a victim center, culturally relevant and timely manner.

Do One Thing - The Do One Thing Campaign encourages City Departments and members of the Domestic Violence Prevention Council to do one thing each year to address gender-based violence. The projects do not have to be big, but they do need to be measurable and can be completed within 12 months. Partners of the Seattle Do One Thing campaign include: Seattle Police Department, Seattle City Attorney's Office, Seattle Human Services, Seattle Office of Housing, Seattle Office for Civil Rights, Seattle Office of Labor and Standards, Seattle Department of Neighborhoods, Seattle Women's Commission, Seattle Fire Department, Seattle—King County Public Health, and the King County Prosecuting Attorney's Office. Learn more at the Domestic Violence Awareness Project.

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Stakeholders - Coordinated regional planning and information sharing for contracted and noncontracted service providers.

Domestic Violence Prevention Council (DVPC) - City of Seattle domestic violence response committee which includes representation from both Mayor and Council, and has representation from key departments and allies including, but not limited to: the Police Department, City Attorney's Office, Seattle Municipal Court, Seattle-King County Public Health, Office for Civil Rights, Department of Human Resources, Office of Intergovernmental Relations, Parks and Recreation, Fire Department, Central Budget Office, Human Services, Seattle Women's Commission, Coalition Ending Gender-Based Violence, and King County Prosecuting Attorney's Office.

Human Services

Tanya Kim, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 5800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34215, Seattle, WA, 98124-4215
Phone: (206) 386-1001

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