2021 Supporting Youth and Young Adults for Success RFP

The Youth and Family Empowerment (YFE) Division of the Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) is seeking applications from a diverse group of agencies with experience:

  • actively engaging and working with low income young people from Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) communities in Seattle between the ages of 14 and 24;
  • developing and providing year-round supportive services;
  • using an anti-racist approach that supports positive cultural identities; and
  • preparing young people to get and keep good paying jobs.

This Request for Proposal (RFP) is investing $3,732,398 from the HSD General Fund and HSD intends to fund up to 18 proposals. This RFP is competitive and open to any agencies that meet the standard HSD Agency Minimum Eligibility Requirements and any additional requirements outlined in Guidelines Section III. Program Requirements. All eligible proposals will be rated and interviewed. Initial funding will be for the period of January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022. Contract renewal for an additional three years depends on performance and funding availability.

Timeline graphic from Guidelines and Application form

Information Sessions and One-on-One Help

HSD will offer two webinar information sessions. Any agency interested in learning more about this RFP is encouraged to attend a session and ask questions; but the webinar information sessions are not required.

Baker Consulting will provide help to applicants as they develop their proposals. Priority will be given to agencies without access to professional grant writing support or who have not received funding from HSD before. BakerGuidelines2Consulting may help agencies understand application and budget questions, think through proposal ideas, and review proposal drafts. They will not write proposals for applicants. Help sessions will be scheduled by appointment and will be held between March 1 and April 2, 2021. Applicants are encouraged to schedule appointments as early as possible by emailing Kevin Baker at kevin@thebakerconsulting.com.

The Last Day to Submit Questions will be Wednesday, March 24, 2021 by 5:00 p.m. HSD will not provide individual notice of changes, and agencies are responsible for regularly checking this web page for any changes. HSD will not pay for any expense agencies may incur while they are preparing their application, providing information requested by HSD, or participating in the selection process.

HSD seeks to contract with a diverse group of providers to help ensure the result of this investment is that all youth in Seattle successfully transition to adulthoodApplications must be submitted through the HSD Online Submission System or email at HSD_RFP_RFQ_Email_Submissions@seattle.gov. No faxed or mailed applications will be accepted. Completed application packets are due by 12:00 p.m., Noon on Monday, April 5, 2021.

If you have any questions, please contact: Ann-Margaret Webb, Funding Process Coordinator, via email at ann-margaret.webb@seattle.gov.

Human Services

Tanya Kim, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 5800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34215, Seattle, WA, 98124-4215
Phone: (206) 386-1001

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The mission of the Seattle Human Services Department is to connect people with resources and solutions during times of need so we can all live, learn, work and take part in strong, healthy communities.

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