Data and Stats
Client Statistics
Time period: January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023
- Number of clients enrolled to program: 850
- Number of referrals: 1,897
- Number of responses: 1,185
- Documented Interactions (in-person and administrative): 3,896
- Documented in-person interactions: 1,513
- Percentage of clients who are unhoused: 50.5%*
*Clients are considered homeless if they are obviously residing in an outdoor location (tent, RV, etc.), if they are residing in an emergency shelter, or if they self-report as homeless.
Operational Statistics
Average scene time and dispatches per shift
In 2023 Health One units (including the Overdose Response Team) responded to an average of 5.8 runs/workday with an on-scene average time of 47 minutes. As of August 31, 2024, this is 7.5 runs/workday and 43 minutes, respectively.