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Lighting Seattle since 1905 Jorge Carrasco, Superintendent
logo for the Maple Leaf Neighborhood Power Project
Conservation: Environmental Action Pledge
This pledge focuses on your neighborhood environment. Check the left box beside actions you're already doing and the right box if you want to give the idea a try. Add your own ideas. Request information and assistance on a variety of conservation and environmental topics from Seattle City Light and other sponsors of Neighborhood Power. Your submitted pledge printout is available on request.

In My Home, Departamento, Loft, Space, Casa, Flat

1. DO TRY I will recycle as much of my household garbage as I can.
Please send me the brochure Recycling In's and Out's so that I can learn about all the materials that are acceptable in my curbside or apartment collection program.
2. DO TRY I will donate unwanted but usable items to charitable organizations rather than throwing them away.
3. DO TRY I will turn down my thermostat by degrees at night and when I am not home. Bonus: for every degree I turn it down, I will save at least 1% on my heating bill.
4. DO TRY I will give my home an Energy Audit. Please send me a Do-It-Yourself Home Energy Audit Guide.
5. DO TRY I will learn more about health risks from pollutants in my home.
Please send me a brochure about the Master Home Environmentalist program.
6. DO TRY I will wash full loads of clothes and dishes. Bonus: running the clothes washer and dishwasher when fully loaded saves hot water and the energy it takes to heat it.
7a. DO TRY I will check my toilet for leaks by putting ten drops of food coloring in the toilet tank and waiting about ten minutes to see if color appears in the bowl. I will call Seattle Public Utilities at 206.684.5849 for more information on how to detect leaks. If I cannot fix the leak, I will call a plumber.
7b. DO TRY If I find my toilet leaking or in need of repairs, I will consider a replacement toilet with a 1.6 gallons per flush (gpf) fixture. Bonus: I will save approximately 2 gallons of water for each flush resulting in annual savings of $26 - $155 in utility costs depending on my household size.

In My Yard, Jardin, Garden, Planter Box, Patio, Patch

8. DO TRY I will compost my food and/or yard waste and grasscycle my lawn clippings. Bonus: finished compost and mulch return nutrients to the soil and help soil retain moisture. Please send me more information on
Yard Waste Composting Mulching
Food Waste Composting Grasscycling
9. DO TRY I will plant roses or native thorny plants below my windows and/or fences to deter burglars from entering my home. I will call the Naturescaping Program at 206.764.3410 x130 for more suggestions on plants to use.
10. DO TRY I will plant flowers that attract birds and beneficial insects.
Please send me information on the Naturescaping Program, and how to create a "naturescape" in my yard.
11. DO TRY I will water my lawn and garden only during the coolest part of the day. Watering in the early morning is the ideal time because it reduces the amount of water lost to evaporation. Evening hours are my second best choice.
12. DO TRY I will use a soaker hose or other efficient irrigation system. I will call Seattle Public Utilities at 206.684.5849 for more information about efficient lawn watering.
13. DO TRY I will plant some drought resistant plants. Please send me Water Wise brochures about low water plants.
14. DO TRY During the summer when I water regularly, I will use a water timer on my outdoor faucet. Please send me a copy of Seattle Water's Water Conservation and the Northwest Lawn Brochure.
15. DO TRY I will make my lawn more environmentally friendly.
Please send me the Natural Lawn Care for Western Washington brochure.
16. DO TRY I will replace some of my lawn with low maintenance ground covers. I will call the Naturescaping Program at 206.764.3410 x130 for suggestions on plants to use.

Out Shopping, De Compras, Filling the Larder

17. DO TRY I will learn about energy efficient features in major appliances and consider efficiency as well as size and color when choosing a new appliance.
18. DO TRY I will avoid buying products with excessive packaging.
For example, I will try not to buy overly packaged single serving products and I will only use a produce bag when I need it.
19. DO TRY I will take reusable bags with me when I go shopping. Reusing bags cuts down on waste and saves money. Many grocery stores offer cash back to customers who reuse bags.
20. DO TRY I will rent, borrow or buy used merchandise instead of buying new, when practical. This saves space in my home and helps cut down on wasteful merchandise. Use It Again, Seattle , a directory of repair, rental and used goods businesses in Seattle, is available online. Internet access is available free at the main Seattle Public Library and branches.
21. DO TRY I will carry a reusable mug for buying coffee and tea away from home. Over 1 million coffee cups are thrown away in Seattle each week! Some coffee shops will give a discount when you bring your own mug.
22. DO TRY When I need a new electric water heater, I will buy an energy-efficient tank.
23. DO TRY I will buy 2 compact fluorescent lights and install them on my porch and/or in my home. LightWise bulbs are available at most home centers and hardware stores for about $10.

In My Neighborhood, Comunidad, Stomping Ground

24. DO TRY I will pick up litter as I see it in my neighborhood.
25. DO TRY I will participate in Block Watch and/or call 911 to report suspicious activity or crimes I witness. I can call 206.684.7555 to find out if there is a Block Watch on my block.
26. DO TRY I will assist a neighbor with at least one item on this pledge.
27. DO TRY I will scoop up after my pet. Bonus: flushing pet wastes down the toilet or putting bagged pet wastes in the garbage keeps local streams and Puget Sound cleaner.
28. DO TRY I will become a Friend of Recycling volunteer.
Please send me information on the next training.
29. DO TRY I will volunteer to help plant and care for city trees.
30. DO TRY I will participate in graffiti removal projects in my neighborhood.
31. DO TRY I will participate in community art projects in my neighborhood.
Please tell us your conservation ideas:
If you've requested printed material, we will need your name and address:
Street Address
City State Zip
Your e-mail address [optional]

For more information on Seattle City Light's Neighborhood Power Project, please e-mail an Energy Adisor, Project Manager, at or call an Energy Adisor at 206.684.3800.

Neighborhood Power Projects are a collaboration between neighborhood residents and businesses and the City of Seattle and other agency partners to promote resource conservation and strong neighborhoods.

City Agencies

If you have questions, contact us at:
or call (206) 684-3800

Neighborhood Power Project

The Seattle City Light Web Team:

Seattle City Light -- 700 5th Avenue, Suite 3200, Seattle, WA 98104-5031 -- 206.684.3000
Mailing address: 700 5th Avenue, Suite 3200, P.O. Box 34023 Seattle, WA 98124-4023