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Lighting Seattle since 1905 Jorge Carrasco, Superintendent
Seattle City Light Conservation | Tip of the Day

Tip 4 - How Dry I Am
Americans bought $4 billion worth of washers and dryers in 1988. The only concern most of us about having a clothes dryer, once we buy one, is where to put it. But since dryers use a considerable amount of energy, they have a big impact on the environment.
  • The energy efficiency of a clothes dryer depends on unobstructed air circulation. So the filter and exhaust hose should be kept clear.
  • People often leave their dryers on longer than necessary. The clothes already are dry but they don't feel like going to the basement and shutting off the dryer. Overdrying clothes wears fabric in addition to wasting energy.
  • Clean the dryer's lint filter after each use. That allows the air to circulate efficiently. The harder it is for air to circulate past your clothes, the longer the dryer must run.
  • Dry full loads, but don't overload your dryer. The clothes need room to tumble.
  • If your dryer has a moisture sensor setting, use it. It will shut off the dryer automatically when the clothes are dry and typically cuts energy use by 10 percent to 15 percent.
  • Dry heavy and light fabrics separately. That way, all clothes in the load will be dried at once.
  • Don't add wet items to a load that already is partly dry.
  • Try drying loads consecutively to take advantage of built-up heat.
  • Try using a clothes line. It's natural, it's old-fashioned and the energy is free. For small loads such as socks and underwear, try a small indoor drying rack.

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