Youth Mental Wellness Resources
The City of Seattle is proud to offer a variety of free and low-cost mental health care options, resources, and supports for Seattle youth to thrive.
Free and low-barrier mental wellness resources for middle and high school aged Seattle youth, and young adults up to age 24.
The City of Seattle Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL) is proud to partner with a variety of mental health care providers and practitioners to support the mental wellness of Seattle youth and young adults, with a focus on young people ages 13 to 24.
DEEL partnerships include local, Seattle-based providers who offer in-person and virtual counseling and therapy services in 1:1 and group formats. They also include nationally recognized platforms that specialize in virtual telehealth. Additionally, through a longstanding partnership with Public Health – Seattle King County DEEL is proud to support mental health resources on-site through School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs).
Together, this unique range of mental wellness offerings is designed to remove barriers to access and grant options for youth to receive care in the ways best suited to their individual needs.
You are eligible to receive care if:
- You live and/or attend school in Seattle. Use this tool to determine if you live within city limits
- You are a middle or high-school aged youth, or young adult up to 24 years old at the time of enrollment
Please note: Several providers specialize in care for specific underserved communities (LGBTQI+ youth, immigrant and refugee youth, etc.). Please see provider details and read eligibility criteria before you seek to enroll.
How to Apply
Local provider care launches in spring 2025. Virtual care with Talkspace and school-based care are available now. Please see websites linked below to enroll and access services.
Questions? Contact
Please note: DEEL partner organization youth mental health providers and telehealth platforms are HIPPA compliant. A vendor contracted by the City of Seattle processes the information you provide and may use third-party tools to communicate. We recommend that you check the vendor’s privacy policy for details about information collection and use.
Local Providers
Offering In-Person and Virtual Care Options – Coming soon!
Asian Counseling and Referral Service
Specializing in culturally responsive services for Asian and Pacific Islander communities. For middle and high school youth ages 16-24 who are attending a K12 school/district.
Consejo Counseling and Referral Services
Serving the Latinx and BIPOC populations with integrated mental health and substance use disorder care. For middle and high school aged youth, and youth and young adults up to age 24.
Joon/Joon Care
A Seattle-based organization offering youth-centered telehealth therapy with a tech-forward, app-based approach. For youth ages 13 to 24.
Seattle Children’s Hospital - Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic
Delivering whole-person care to a diverse patient base, emphasizing behavioral health. For middle and high school aged youth, and youth and young adults up to age 22.
Seneca Family of Agencies
Providing trauma-informed care to youth and families impacted by systemic marginalization. For youth in middle and high school.
Southwest Youth and Family Services
A longstanding provider of holistic behavioral health services in West Seattle and South King County. For middle and high school aged youth, and youth and young adults up to age 24.
Therapy Fund Foundation
Focusing on accessible, culturally specific mental health care for Black communities and other historically marginalized groups. For middle and high school aged youth, and youth and young adults up to age 24.
Telehealth Providers
Virtual Care – Available now!
A leading online behavioral health care company meeting the mental health needs of Seattle youth ages 13 to 24 through virtual therapy and asynchronous texting-based support. For youth ages 13 to 24.
School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs)
On-Site as listed for all Seattle Public Schools students – Available now!
Access to SBHCs is available for all Seattle Public Schools students regardless of the presence of an SBHC on their school campus. Outreach and referrals for services are focused on students with the greatest need such as those experiencing non-academic barriers to learning, students not yet meeting grade-level learning standards, students less likely to access care in the community, and other historically underserved student groups, including students experiencing homelessness and LGBTQ students.
SBHC mental health supports include:
- Mental health screening, counseling, treatment and referral
- School-wide and targeted health education and health promotion
- Intensive interventions to support school success
Services are provided by trained professionals, including mental health therapists, mental health counselors, social workers, and psychologists.
To learn more and seek care, please visit the webpage for individual SBHC sites as listed here:
Health Care Sponsor |
Middle School |
High School |
Neighborcare Health |
Odessa Brown Children's Clinic, a clinic of Seattle Children's Hospital |
Kaiser Permanente |
Seattle Roots Community Health Formerly Country Doctor Community Health |
International Community Health Services |
Public Health - Seattle & King County |
Swedish Medical |
Additional Tools & Resources
Available now for Seattle residents of all ages
Reach Out Seattle
Call or text #988, 24/7. A community-wide approach to creating a healthy future for our entire city by intervening in mental health challenges before adulthood with care and support.
Erika’s Lighthouse
A nonprofit working to remove the stigma surrounding mental health and provide free depression education and suicide prevention programs to any school.
Shine Light on Depression
A web-based platform designed to amplify the conversation around childhood and teen depression and suicide through access to resources for classroom education, family engagement, and teen empowerment.
Coming soon
Translations coming soon
2024 | City of Seattle Innovation & Performance Youth Mental Health Report
2025 | Public Health – Seattle & King County Brief Youth Mental Health and Substance Abuse in King County: Needs Across a Continuum
Phone: (206) 386-1050
Language assistance is available.
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