Seattle Preschool Program (SPP)

$12,000 average annual savings
Application period
3/15/2024 - 3/14/2025
Time to apply
15-20 mins
Processing time
Age range
3-4 years old
Apply Online for SPP 
Children playing at preschool Child outside holding a stick with clay on it


Image of preschool child with text saying "Apply online today"

What is SPP?

Seattle Preschool Program (SPP) is high-quality, evidence-based preschool programming offered by the Seattle Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL) in partnership with a network of preschool providers throughout the city, including both community-based providers and Seattle Public Schools. Since 2015, SPP has helped prepare more than 6,300 children for kindergarten by developing pre-academic skills and supporting social-emotional growth. SPP is funded by the voter-approved Families, Education, Preschool and Promise (FEPP) Levy and aims to eliminate opportunity gaps in kindergarten readiness and provide access to high-quality early learning for all Seattle three- and four-year-olds. 

Kindergarten Readiness

Research shows that children who participate in high-quality early learning environments are more likely to succeed in kindergarten and throughout their educational journey. Seattle Preschool Program classrooms use evidence-based curriculum and promote culturally responsive, engaging, and nurturing adult-child interactions to create quality learning environments. View Kindergarten Readiness results from the 2021-2022 school year here.

Affordable Preschool for All

High-quality early learning should be affordable for all. SPP tuition is calculated on a sliding scale based on family size and household income, with most Seattle families qualifying for free preschool tuition. Learn more about SPP tuition on our parent portal and calculate your family's expected tuition rate.

Dual Language Programming and Inclusive Classrooms

While SPP classrooms are inclusive for all children, specialized programs for children with disabilities (SPP Plus) are available through the Seattle School District, the Hearing Speech and Deafness Center, and the Experimental Education Unit at the University of Washington. Dual-language programs that provide instruction in English and another language are also available at select sites, and include programs in American Sign Language, Spanish, Chinese-Mandarin, Somali, Arabic and Vietnamese.For more information on SPP providers and programs, visit our parent portal.

Seattle's Award-Winning Pre-K

Seattle has received national attention for its high-quality universal preschool program. The Seattle Preschool Program has been recognized for five consecutive years by CityHealth and the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) for its high quality, accessible Pre-K programming. SPP's learning environments improve school readiness for children and contribute to long-term benefits such as higher high-school graduation rates, higher lifetime earnings, and better health outcomes. For more information on SPP's awards, visit

Image of preschool child with Amharic text saying "Apply today"

የሲያትል ቅድመ- ትምህርት ቤት ፕሮግራም (SPP) ምንድን ነው?

የሲያትል ቅድመ ትምህርት ቤት ፕሮግራም (SPP) ከፍተኛ ጥራት ያለው የቅድመ ትምህርት ቤት ሆኖ በሲያትል የትምህርት እና የቅድመ ትምህርት ክፍል (DEEL) በመላ ከተማው ዉስጥ ካሉ የቅድመ ትምህርት ቤት አቅራቢዎች ጋር በመተባበር እንዲሁም ማህበረሰብ አቀፍ ፕሮግራሞች እና የሲያትል ሕዝባዊ ትምህርት ቤቶችን ጨምሮ የሚሰጥ ነው።  ከ2015 ጀምሮ የሲያትል ቅድመ-ትምህርት ቤት ፕሮግራም (SPP) ከ 6,300 በላይ ህጻናትን የቅድመ-ትምህርታዊ ክህሎቶችን በማስተማር እና ማህበራዊ-ስሜታዊ እድገትን በመደገፍ ለመዋዕለ ሕፃናት እንዲዘጋጁ ረድቷል:  ሁሉም የሲያትል ልጆች ከፍተኛ ጥራት ያለው የቅድመ-ትምህርት ዕድል እንዲያገኙ እና ለመዋዕለ ሕፃናት ዝግጁ እንዲሆኑ በማቀድ የሲያትል ቅድመ-ትምህርት ቤት ፕሮግራም (SPP) በመራጮች ተቀባይነት ካላቸው ቤተሰቦች፣ ትምህርት፣ ቅድመ ትምህርት እና ተስፋ (FEPP) Levy የገንዘብ ድጋፍ ያገኛል።

የመዋዕለ ሕፃናት ዝግጁነት

ጥናቶች እንደሚያሳዩት ከፍተኛ ጥራት ባለው የቅድመ-ትምህርት ውስጥ የሚሳተፉ ልጆች በመዋዕለ ሕፃናት እና በትምህርታቸው በሙሉ ስኬታማ የመሆን እድላቸው ሰፊ ነው።  የሲያትል ቅድመ-ትምህርት ቤት ፕሮግራም የመማሪያ ክፍሎች በጥናት ላይ የተመሰረተ ሥርዓተ-ትምህርት ይጠቀማሉ እና ለልጆች አሳታፊ እንዲሁም ተንከባካቢ አዋቂዎች እና የመማሪያ አካባቢዎችን ይሰጣሉ።  ግባችን ሁሉም የሲያትል ልጆች ለመዋእለ ህፃናት ዝግጁ እንዲሆኑ ነው።

ተመጣጣኝ ክፍያ ያለው ቅድመ ትምህርት ቤት ለሁሉም

ከፍተኛ ጥራት ያለው የቅድመ-ትምህርት ትምህርት ለሁሉም በተመጣጣኝ ዋጋ መሆን አለበት ብለን እናምናለን።  የሲያትል ቅድመ-ትምህርት ቤት ፕሮግራም (SPP) ክፍያ በቤተሰብ ብዛት እና በቤተሰብ ገቢ ላይ የተመሰረተ ሲሆን፣ አብዛኛዎቹ የሲያትል ቤተሰቦች ለነጻ የቅድመ-መደበኛ ትምህርት ክፍያ ብቁ ናቸው።  በእኛው ፓረንት ፖርታል (parent portal) በመግባት ስለ ሲያትል ቅድመ-ትምህርት ቤት ፕሮግራም የትምህርት ክፍያ የበለጠ ይወቁ እና ከቤተሰብዎ የሚጠበቀውን የትምህርት ክፍያ መጠን ያስሉ፣ ይህን ጣቢያ ይጎብኙ፡

ባለሁለት ቋንቋ ፕሮግራሚንግ እና አካታች የመማሪያ ክፍሎች

አካል ጉዳተኛ ልጆችን ለመደገፍ ልዩ ፕሮግራሞች (SPP Plus) በመላ የሲያትል ትምህርት ቤት ዲስትሪክት፣ የንግግር መስማት እና መስማት የተሳናቸው ማእከል፣ እና በዋሽንግተን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የሙከራ ትምህርት ክፍል በኩል ይገኛሉ።  የእንግሊዘኛ እና የሌላ ቋንቋ ትምህርት የሚሰጡ ባለ ሁለት ቋንቋ ፕሮግራሞች በተመረጡ ጣቢያዎች ላይም ይገኛሉ፣ እና ፕሮግራሞችን በአሜሪካ የምልክት ቋንቋ፣ ስፓኒሽ፣ ቻይንኛ-ማንዳሪን፣ ሶማሊኛ፣ አረብኛ እና ቬትናምኛ ያካተቱ ናቸው።  ስለየሲያትል ቅድመ-ትምህርት ቤት ፕሮግራም (SPP) አቅራቢዎች እና ፕሮግራሞች፣ የበለጠ መረጃ ለማግኘት የኛን ፓረንት ፖርታል ይጎብኙ ።

እንዴት ማመልከት እንደሚቻል

የሲያትል ቅድመ-ትምህርት ቤት ፕሮግራም በፕሮግራሙ ዓመት ዉስጥ እስከ ነሐሴ 31 ሶስት ወይም አራት አመት ለሚሞላቸው በሲያትል ለሚኖሩ ህጻናት ሁሉ ክፍት ነው።  ወላጆች ለቀጣዩ የትምህርት ዘመን ከማርች 15 ጀምሮ በቀጥታ ከተሳታፊ የሲያትል ቅድመ-ትምህርት ቤት ፕሮግራም አቅራቢዎች ዘንድ ወይም የሲያትል ቅድመ-ትምህርት ቤት ፕሮግራም የመስመር ላይ ማመልከቻ በኩል ማመልከት ይችላሉ።  ማመልከቻዎችን ዓመቱን በሙሉ ይቀበላሉ፣ እና ምዝገባው በክፍል ክፍት ቦታዎች ላይ የተመሰረተ ነው።  የመስመር ላይ ማመልከቻ ለማስገባት የኛን ፓረንት ፖርታል በ ይጎብኙ።

(206) 386-1050

የቋንቋ እርዳታ አለ።

Image of preschool child with Chinese text saying "Apply today"

什么是 SPP?

西雅图学前教育计划 (Seattle Preschool Program,SPP) 是西雅图教育和早期学习部 (Seattle Department of Education and Early Learning, DEEL) 与全市学前教育提供者(包括社区计划和西雅图公立学校)合作提供的高质量学前教育。 自 2015 年以来,SPP 通过教导学前技能和支持社交与情感发展,帮助了超过6,300 名儿童为上幼儿园做准备。 SPP 由选民批准的家庭、教育、学前教育和承诺 (Families, Education, Preschool and Promise, FEPP) 征费资助,其目标是让所有西雅图的儿童都能获得高质量的早期教育,并为上幼儿园做好准备。


研究发现,参与高质量早期教育环境的孩子更有可能在幼儿园及其整个教育过程中取得成功。 SPP 的教室采用以研究为基础的课程,并为孩子们提供兼具吸引力和培育能力的老师与学习环境。我们的目标是让所有西雅图的儿童都能准备好上幼儿园。


我们相信高质量的早期教育应该让所有人都负担得起。 SPP 学费取决于家庭人口数目和家庭收入,大多数西雅图家庭都有资格获得免费的学前教育。 您可以在我们的家长门户网站上了解更多有关 SPP 学费的信息和估算您家庭应缴的学费,在此访问网站: 


西雅图学区(Seattle School District)、听力言语和耳聋中心(Hearing Speech and Deafness Center)以及华盛顿大学的实验教育部门(Experimental Education Unit )提供支持残疾儿童的专门计划 (SPP Plus)。 特定学校还提供以英语和另一种语言教学的双语课程,包括美国手语、西班牙语、汉语-普通话、索马里语、阿拉伯语和越南语。 想了解更多 SPP 提供者和计划的信息,请至我们的家长门户。


SPP 向所有居住在西雅图、在计划年度的 8 月 31 日之前满 3 或 4 岁的儿童开放。 欲申请下一学年的入学资格,从 3 月 15 日开始,家长可直接向 SPP 的参与提供者申请或使用西雅图学前教育计划的在线申请表。全年接受申请,招生根据班级空缺名额而定。 欲提交在线申请,请至我们的家长门户网站。

(206) 386-1050


Image of preschool child with Oromo text saying "Apply today"

SPPn maali?

Sagantaa Barnootaa-Duraa Siyaatil (SPP) barnoota-duraa sadarkkaan qulqullummaa isaa olaana ta'e Damee Barnoota fi Barumsa Duraa (DEEL) tiin kennama dhiyeesitoota barnoota-duraa magaalicha keessa jiran waliin michuu ta'uun sagantaawwan hawaasaatti- irratti hunda'an fi Manneen Barnoota Hawaasaa Siyaatil dabalatee. Erga 2015 tii, SPPn dandeettii barnoota-duraa fi guddina hawaasumma-miraa deeggaruudhan daa'imman 6,300 oli oolmaa-ijoolleetif akka qoopha'an gargaare. SPPn kaayyoo daa'imman Siyaatil martuu baruumsa duraa sadarkaan quliqullummaa isaa ol'anaa ta'e akka argatan fi oolmaa-ijjoolleettii akka qophaa'oo ta'anniif Qaraxa Baruumsa Maatiiwwanii, Barnoota-Duraa fi Waadaa (FEPP) filataan-mirkanaa'en maallaqaan kan gargaaramu dha.

Qoophaa'insa Oolmaa-Ijoollee

Qo'annaan akka agarsiisutti daa'imman haala barnootaa sadarkkaan qulqullummaa isaa ol'aana ta'e keessatti hirmaatan oolmaa-ijoollee keessattii fi baruumsa isaan guututti carraan milkaa'uu isaanii caaladha. Dareewwan Sagantaa Barnoota-duraa Siyaatil qabiyyee-barnoota qo'annoo irratti hundaa'e kan fayyadamuu fi daa'imman namoota gayeeyyii fi haala baruumsaa simataa fi kunuunsaa ta'an kan dhiyeessu dha. Kaayyoon keenya daa'imman Siyaatil marti akka oolmaa ijjoolleetiif qoopha'oo ta'aniif. 

Barnoota-duraa kan Hundaafuu Gatiin Madaalawaa ta'e

Baruumsi duraa sadarkkaan qulqullummaa isaa ol'aana ta'e hundaafuu kan gatiin madaalawaa ta'e akka ta'u amanna. Kafaltiin baruumsaa SPP lakkoofsa maatii fi galii maatii irratti hundaa'a, maatiiwwan Siyaatil baay'een kafaltii barnoota-duraa bilisa ta'eef ulaagaa ni guutu. Foddaa warraa keenya irratti waa'ee kafaltii baruumsaa SPP baradhaa akkasumas ammamtaa kafaltii baruumsaa maatii keessan irraa eegamuu irreegaa, marsaaritii kana daawwadha:

Saganteessuu afaan lamaa fi Dareewwan hammatoo

Sagantaawwan addaa daa'imman ir'ina qaamaa qabaniif (SPP Plus) ni argama karaa Mana Barnootaa Aana Siyaatil, Giddu-gala Dhageettii Dubbii, fi Giddu-gala duudummaa/Dhaga'uu-dhabuu/, fi Damee Qorannoo Barnoota tan Uniivarsitii Waashingtaniitiin. Sagaantaawwan afaan-lamaa baruumsa Ingliffaa fi afaan biraatin dhiyeessan bakkeewwan filatamanitti ni jiru, akkasumas sagantaawwan Afaan Mallattoo Ameerikaa, Spanish, Chinese-Mandarin, Somali, Arabic fi Vietnamese kan dabalatuu dha. Dhiyeesitoota SPP fi sagantaawwan irratti odeeffannoo dabalataatif, foddaa warraakeenya daawwadhaa.


Waggaa sagantichaa Hagayya 31 tti daa'imman umrii sadii ykn afur guutan Siyaatil keessa jiraatan maraaf SPPn banaadha. Warri kallatiin dhiyeessitoota SPP hirmaataa jiranitti ykn karaa Sagantaa Barnoota-Duraa Siyaatil iyyannoo suduudaa Bitootessa 15 jalqabanii bara barnootaa dhufuufi iyyachuu ni danda'u. Iyyannoowwan waggaa guutuu fudhatamu, akkasumas galmaa'uun banaawwan daree mana baruumsaa irratti hundaa'a. Fooddaa warraa keenya daawwadhaa iyyannoo suduudan irratti galchuuf.

(206) 386-1050

Gargaarsi afaanii ni jira.

Image of preschool child with Somali text saying "Apply today"


Seattle Preschool Program (SPP) waa dugsi-hoose tayo sare leh oo ay bixiso Waaxda Waxbarashada iyo Waxbarashada Hore ee Seattle (DEEL) iyadoo la kaashanaysa bixiyayaasha dugsiyada barbaarinta ee magaalada oo dhan, oo ay ku jiraan barnaamijyada bulshada ku salaysan iyo Dugsiyada Dadweynaha Seattle. Ilaa 2015, SPP waxa ay caawisay in ka badan 6,300 oo caruur ah in ay u diyaar garoobaan xanaanada iyada oo bartay xirfadaha waxbarashada kahor iskuulka iyo taageerta kobaca shucuurta-bulshada. SPP waxa maalgeliya codbixiyuhu ansixiyay Qoysaska, Waxbarashada, Dugsiga ka hor iyo lagu khasbay (FEPP) iyada oo ujeedadu tahay in dhammaan carruurta Seattle ay helaan waxbarasho hore oo tayo sare leh oo ay diyaar u yihiin xannaanada.

U Diyaargarowga Dugsiga barbaarinta caruurta

Cilmi-baaristu waxay muujinaysaa in carruurta ka qaybqaata jawi waxbarasho oo tayo sare leh ay aad ugu dhowdahay inay ku guuleystaan dugsi Barbaarinta hoose iyo inta waxbarashadooda oo dhan. Fasalada Barnaamijka Preschool Seattle waxay adeegsadaan manhaj cilmi-baaris ku salaysanyahay waxayna siiyan carruurta ka-qaybgalka iyo kobcinta dadka waaweyn iyo jawi waxbarasho. Hadafkayagu waa in dhammaan carruurta Seattle ay diyaar u yihiin xanaanada.

Dugsiga barbaarinta la awoodi karo ee Dhammaan

Waxaan aaminsanahay in waxbarashada hore ee tayada sare leh ay tahay mid la awoodi karo dhammaan. Waxbarashada SPP waxay ku salaysan tahay tirada qoyska iyo dakhliga qoyska, iyadoo qoysaska Seattle badankoodu ay u qalmaan waxbarashada barbaarinta bilaashka ah. Wax badan ka baro oo ku saabsan waxbarashada SPP boggayaga waalidka oo xisaabi heerka waxbarashada qoyskaaga ee la filayo, booqo boggan:

Barnaamijaynta Labada Luuqad iyo Fasalo Loo wada Dhan Yahay

Barnaamijyada gaarka ah ee lagu taageerayo carruurta naafada ah (SPP Plus) waxaa laga heli karaa degmada dugsiga Seattle, Xarunta Hadalka Maqalka iyo Dhagoolnimada, iyo Qaybta Waxbarashada Tijaabada ee Jaamacadda Washington. Barnaamijyada labada-luqad ee bixiya waxbarida Ingiriisiga iyo luqad kale ayaa sidoo kale laga heli karaa goobaha la doortay, oo ay ku jiraan barnaamijyo ku qoran Luqadda Calaamadaha Ameerika, Isbaanish, Shiine-Mandarin, Soomaali, Carabi iyo Fiyatnaamiis. Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan bixiyayaasha SPP iyo barnaamijyada, booqo boggayagawaalidka.


SPP waxay u furan tahay dhammaan carruurta ku nool Seattle ee da'doodu tahay saddex ama afar jir agoosto 31 ee sannadka barnaamijka. Waalidiintu waxay si toos ah uga dalban karaan bixiyayaasha SPP ee ka qayb qaadanaya ama codsiga khadka tooska ah ee Barnaamijka Preschool ee Seattle laga bilaabo Maarso 15 ee sanad dugsiyeedka soo socda. Codsiyada waa la aqbalaa sanadka oo dhan, diiwaangelintuna waxay ku saleysan tahay boosaska bannaan ee fasalka. Booqo bogga waalidka ee si aad u soo gudbiso arji onlayn ah.

(206) 386-1050

Kaalmada luqadda waa laga heli karaa.

Image of preschool child with Spanish text saying "Submit your application"


El Programa de Educación Preescolar de Seattle (SPP) es un programa preescolar de alta calidad ofrecido por el Departamento de Educación y Aprendizaje Temprano de Seattle (DEEL) en colaboración con proveedores de servicios preescolares de toda la ciudad, incluidos los programas comunitarios y las escuelas públicas de Seattle. Desde 2015, el SPP ha ayudado a más de 6.300 niños a prepararse para el kínder mediante la enseñanza de aptitudes pre-académicas y apoyo con el desarrollo socio-afectivo. El SPP está financiado por el impuesto aprobado por los votantes para las Familias, la Educación, el Preescolar y el Programa Promise (FEPP) con el objetivo de que todos los niños de Seattle tengan acceso a un aprendizaje temprano de alta calidad y estén preparados para el kínder.

Preparación para el kínder

Las investigaciones demuestran que los niños que participan en entornos de aprendizaje temprano de alta calidad tienen más probabilidades de tener éxito en el kínder y a lo largo de sus estudios. Los salones de clase del Programa Preescolar de Seattle utilizan un plan de estudios basado en la investigación y brindan a los niños entornos de aprendizaje y adultos motivadores y enriquecedores. Nuestro objetivo es que todos los niños de Seattle estén preparados para el kínder.

Educación preescolar asequible para todos

Creemos que el aprendizaje temprano de alta calidad debe ser asequible para todos. La matrícula del SPP se basa en el tamaño de la familia y en los ingresos del hogar, y la mayoría de las familias de Seattle cumplen con los requisitos para la matrícula preescolar gratuita. Infórmese más sobre la matrícula del SPP en nuestro portal para padres y calcule el costo de matrícula previsto para su familia, visite este sitio.

Programa de lenguaje dual y salones de clase inclusivos

Hay programas especializados de apoyo para los niños con discapacidades (SPP Plus) que están disponibles mediante el Distrito Escolar de Seattle, el Centro para la audición, el habla y la sordera, y la Unidad de Educación Experimental de la Universidad de Washington. Los programas de lenguaje dual que ofrecen instrucción en inglés y en otro idioma también están disponibles en centros determinados, e incluyen programas en Lenguaje de señas estadounidense, español, chino-mandarín, somalí, árabe y vietnamita. Para obtener más información sobre los proveedores y programas del SPP, visite nuestro portal para padres.


El SPP está disponible para todos los niños que viven en Seattle y que tienen tres o cuatro años de edad para el 31 de agosto del año del programa. Los padres pueden presentar su solicitud directamente con los proveedores participantes del SPP o a través de la solicitud en línea del Programa de Educación Preescolar de Seattle a partir del 15 de marzo para el próximo año escolar. Se aceptan solicitudes durante todo el año, y la inscripción se basa en las vacantes disponibles en las aulas. Visite nuestro portal para padres en para presentar una solicitud en línea.

(206) 386-1050

Hay asistencia disponible en varios idiomas.

Image of preschool child with Tigrinya text saying "Apply today"

መደብ ቅድመ-ትምህርቲ ሲያትል (SPP) እንታይ እዩ?

መደብ ቅድመ-ትምህርቲ ሲያትል (Seattle Preschool Program) (SPP) ብክፍሊ ትምህርቲን ካብ ንእስነት ኣትሒዙ ዝወሃብ ትምህርቲን ሲያትል (Seattle Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL) ብምትሕብባር ምስ እቶም ኣብ መላእ እዛ ከተማ ዝርከቡ ናይ መዋእለ ህጻናት ኣቕረብቲን፣ ኣብ ማሕበረሰብ መሰረት ዝገበሩ መደባትን ናይ ሲያትል ህዝባዊ ቤት ትምህርቲታትን ብምዃን ዝቐርብ ልዑል ደረጃ ጽርየት ዘለዎ ቅድመ-ትምህርቲ እዩ።  ካብ 2015 ጀሚሩ፣ መደብ ቅድመ-ትምህርቲ ሲያትል ቅድመ ስሩዕ ትምህርቲ ክእለታት ብምምሃርን ማሕበራዊ ጥዕና ዕብየት ብምድጋፍን ንልዕሊ 6300 ዝኾኑ ቆልዑ ንመዋእለ ህጻናት ድሉዋት ክኾኑ ዝሓገዘ እዩ።  መደብ ቅድመ-ትምህርቲ ሲያትል (SPP) ኩሎም ኣብ ሲያትል ዝርከቡ ቆልዑት ልዑል ደረጃ ዘለዎ ብንእስነት ዝወሃብ ትምህርቲ ክረኽቡን ንመዋእለ ህጻናት ድሉዋት ንኾኑን ዝብል ሽቶ ብምሓዝ ብድምጺ ወሃብቲ ዝጸደቑ ስድራ ቤታት፣ ትምህርቲ፣ ቅድመ ትምህርቲን መብጽዓን (FEPP) ገንዘባዊ ምወላ ዝረክብ እዩ።

ንመዋእለ ህጻናት ዘሎ ድልውነት

መጽናዕቲታት ከምዘርእዩዎ፡ እቶም ልዑል ደረጃ ጽርየት ዘለዎ ብንእስነት ዝወሃብ ትምህርቲ ዝወሰዱ ቆልዑ ኣብ መዋእለ ህጻናት ኣትዮም ይኹን ኣብ መላእ ጻንሒት ትምህርቶም ናይ ምዕዋት ዕድሎም ገፊሕ እዩ።  እቶም ኣብ መደብ ቅድመ-ትምህርቲ ሲያትል ዘለዉ ክፍሊታት ኣብ መጻናዕቲታት ዝተመስረቱ ስርዓተ-ትምህርቲ ዝጥቀሙ ካብ ምዃኖም ብተወሳኺ ንቆልዑ ኣብ ክይዲ ምምሃር ዘሳትፉን ዝሃንጹን መምህራንን ናይ ትምህርቲ ከባቢታትን ዘቕርቡ እዮም።  ሽቶና ኩሎም ኣብ ሲያትል ዝርከቡ ቆልዑ ንመዋእለ ህጻናት ድሉዋት ክኾኑ ምግባር እዩ።

ንኹሉ ሰብ ብርትዓዊ ዋጋ ዝቐርብ ናይ ቅደመ-ትምህርቲ መደብ

ልዑል ደረጃ ጽርየት ዘለዎ ንቖልዑ ካብ ንእስነቶም ኣትሒዙ ዝወሃብ ትምህርቲ ንኹሉ ሰብ ብርትዓዊ ዋጋ ክቐርብ ኣለዎ ኢልና ንኣምን።  እቲ ኣብ መደብ ቅድመ-ትምህርቲ ሲያትል (SPP) ዝኸፈል ናይ ትምህርቲ ክፍሊት ኣብ ናይ ስድራ ቤት መጠንን ናይ ገዛ ኣታውን ዝተመስረተ ኮይኑ በዚ ድማ መብዛሕቲኦም ናይ ሲያትል ስድራ ቤታት ነቲ ናይ ቅድመ ትምህርቲ መደብ ብነጻ ተሳተፍቲ ንምዃን ብቑዓት እዮም።  ኣብ'ቲ ናይ ወለዲ ፖርታልና ብምኻድ ብዛዕባ ናይ መደብ ቅድመ-ትምህርቲ ሲያትል ናይ ትምህርቲ ክፍሊት ተወሳኺ ብምፍላጥ ነቲ ናይ ስድራ ቤትካ ትጽቢት ዝግበር ናይ ክፍሊት መጠን ጸብጽብ።

መደብ ድርብ ቋንቋን ሓቖፍቲ ክፍሊታትን

ነቶም ኣካላዊ ስንክልና ዘለዎም ቆልዑ ሓገዝ ዝህቡ ፍሉያት መደባት (SPP Plus) ብዲስትሪክት ቤት ትምህርቲ ሲያትል (Seattle School District)፣ ትካል ሂሪንግ ስፒች ኤንድ ደፍነስ ሰንተር (Hearing Speech and Deafness Center)፣ ከምኡድማ በቲ ኣብ ዋሺንግተን ዩኒቨርስቲ ዘሎ ናይ ፈተነ ትምህርቲ ኣሃድ ኣቢሎም ይርከቡ እዮም።  እቶም ትምርህቲ ብቋንቋ እንግሊዘኛን ካሊእ ቋንቋን ኣቢሎም ዘቕርቡ ናይ ድርብ-ቋንቋ መደባት ኣብ ዝተመረጹ ቦታታት ይርከቡ እዮም፣ ካብ'ዚ ብተወሳኺ እዞም መደባት እዚኦም ብናይ ኣሜሪካ ናይ ምልክት ቋንቋ፣ ስፓኒሽ፣ ቻይንኛ-ማንዳሪን፣ ሶማሊኛ፣ ዓረብኛን ቬትናምኛን ዝቐርቡ መደባት ዝሓቑፉ እዮም።  ብዛዕባ ናይ መደብ ቅድመ-ትምህርቲ ሲያትል (SPP) ኣቕረብቲን መደባትን፣ ተወሳኺ ሓበሬታ ንምርካብ ነቲ ናይ ወለዲ ፖርታልተወከስ።

ብኸመይ ከም እተመልክት

መደብ ቅድመ-ትምህርቲ ሲያትል (SPP) ንኹሎም ኣብ ሲያትል ዝነብሩ ዕድመኦም ክሳብ ነሓሰ 31 ኣብ ዘሎ ግዜ ካብ ሰለስተ ክሳብ ኣርባዕተ ዝኾኖም ቆልዑ ንምትእንጋድ ክፉት እዩ።  ወለዲ ብቐጥታ በቶም ተሳተፍቲ ዝኾኑ ናይ መደብ ቅድመ-ትምህርቲ ሲያትል ኣቕረብቲ ኣቢሎም ወይ ብመደብ ቅድመ-ትምህርቲ ሲያትል ኦንላይን መመልክቲ ኣቢሎም ካብ መጋቢት 15 ጀሚሩ ነዚ ዝምጽእ ዘሎ ናይ ትምህርቲ ዘበን ከመልክቱ ይኽእሉ እዮም።  ኣብ ምሉእ ዓመት ዝቐርቡ ምልክታታት ተቐባልነት ዘለዎም እዮም፣ ምዝገባ ድማ ኣብ'ቶም ዘለዉ ክፉታት ቦታታት ዝተመርኮዘ እዩ ክኸውን።  ኣብ ኦንላይ ምልክታ ኣታዊ ንምግባር ነዚ ናይ ወለዲ ፖርታልና ኣብ ተወከስ።

(206) 386-1050

ናይ ቋንቋ ሓገዝ ክርከብ ይኽእል እዩ።

Image of preschool child with Vietnamese text saying "Apply today"


Chương Trình Giáo Dục Mầm Non Seattle (Seattle Preschool Program, SPP) là một chương trình giáo dục mầm non chất lượng cao do Sở Giáo Dục và Học Tập Mầm Non Seattle (Seattle Department of Education and Early Learning, DEEL) hợp tác với các trường mầm non trên toàn thành phố, bao gồm các chương trình cộng đồng và thuộc hệ thống Trường Công Lập Seattle. Kể từ năm 2015, SPP đã giúp hơn 6.300 trẻ em chuẩn bị cho việc học mẫu giáo bằng cách dạy các kỹ năng trước khi đi học và hỗ trợ quá trình phát triển cảm xúc và các kĩ năng xã hội. SPP được tài trợ bởi tiền thuế của chương trình Gia Đình, Giáo Dục, Mầm Non và Hứa Hẹn (Families, Education, Preschool and Promise, FEPP) được cử tri chấp thuận với mục tiêu là tất cả trẻ em ở Seattle đều được tiếp cận với chương trình mầm non chất lượng cao để chuẩn bị cho việc học mẫu giáo.

Chuẩn Bị Để Vào Mẫu Giáo

Nghiên cứu cho thấy rằng trẻ em tham gia vào môi trường học tập sớm với chất lượng cao sẽ có nhiều khả năng thành công hơn ở trường mẫu giáo và trong suốt quá trình học tập của trẻ. Các lớp học của Chương Trình Mầm Non Seattle sử dụng chương trình giảng dạy dựa trên nghiên cứu và cho phép trẻ em tiếp cận với những người lớn và môi trường học tập tốt. Mục tiêu của chúng tôi là tất cả trẻ em ở Seattle đều được chuẩn bị tốt trước khi đi học mẫu giáo.

Trường Mầm Non Phù Hợp Túi Tiền Cho Tất Cả Mọi Người

Chúng tôi tin rằng lớp mầm non chất lượng cao phải phù hợp túi tiền cho tất cả mọi người. Học phí cho SPP dựa trên quy mô gia đình và thu nhập hộ gia đình, với hầu hết các gia đình ở Seattle đủ điều kiện để được học lớp mầm non miễn phí. Để tìm hiểu thêm về học phí cho SPP trên cổng thông tin dành cho phụ huynh của chúng tôi và xem xét học phí cho gia đình quý vị, hãy truy cập trang web này.

Lớp Học Song Ngữ và Khuyến Khích Hòa Nhập

Các chương trình đặc biệt để hỗ trợ trẻ em khuyết tật (SPP Plus) được cung cấp thông qua hệ thống Trường Công Lập Seattle, Trung Tâm Nghe Nói và Điếc (Hearing Speech and Deafness Center), và Đơn Vị Giáo Dục Thực Nghiệm (Experimental Education Unit) tại đại học University of Washington. Các chương trình song ngữ cung cấp hướng dẫn bằng tiếng Anh và một ngôn ngữ khác cũng có sẵn tại một số địa điểm và bao gồm các chương trình bằng Ngôn Ngữ Ký Hiệu Hoa Kỳ (ASL), tiếng Tây Ban Nha, tiếng Trung-Quan Thoại, tiếng Somali, tiếng Ả Rập và tiếng Việt. Để biết thêm thông tin về các trường mầm non và chương trình của SPP, hãy truy cậpcổng thông tin dành cho phụ huynh của chúng tôi.


Tất cả trẻ em sống ở Seattle và từ 3 đến 4 tuổi tính trước ngày 31 tháng 8 trong năm học của chương trình đều đủ điều kiện cho chương trình SPP. Phụ huynh có thể đăng ký trực tiếp với các trường mầm non tham gia vào SPP hoặc thông qua đơn đăng ký trực tuyến của Chương Trình Giáo Dục Mầm Non Seattle bắt đầu từ ngày 15 tháng 3 cho năm học sắp tới. Đơn đăng ký được chấp nhận trong suốt năm, và việc ghi danh dựa trên chỗ trống của lớp.  Truy cập cổng thông tin dành cho phụ huynh của chúng tôi tại để nộp đơn đăng ký trực tuyến.

(206) 386-1050

Có sẵn hỗ trợ bằng ngôn ngữ.

How much can I save with this program?

With this program, you can expect to save an average of $12,000 annually.


Who is eligible?

Eligibility is based on child age and address. Upon enrollment, you will be required to submit documents to verify eligibility.

Child Age

  • Children must be age 3 or 4 on or by August 31, the start of the program year.
  • Children who are 5 years old before August 31 are eligible for kindergarten and are not eligible for City-Funded preschool programs.


  • SPP is only open to Seattle residents.
  • Children residing in unincorporated Seattle, or outside Seattle city limits, are not eligible.
  • You can confirm your residency by using this address lookup tool.

Tuition Calculator

  • Enter your household size and annual pre-tax, pre-deduction income to find out how much your estimated monthly tuition.
  • Families with siblings participating in the Seattle Preschool Program are eligible for a 10% discount on the second child’s tuition. Please email us at if you have any questions.

How to Apply

We highly encourage parents to apply directly online through our online portal. You may also submit a paper application or complete an application over the phone. To learn more or for help applying, contact us at (206) 386-1050 or

Download printable applications for 2024-2025:


For the 2024-2025 school year:

  • Applications submitted between March 15-April 15 will be notified of initial placement by May 1st.
  • Applications submitted after April 15 will be notified on a rolling basis as seats are available.

Provider Locations

SPP is provided in partnership with community-based providers, family child care hubs, and Seattle Public Schools.

Preschool locations listed by region

Preschool location provider map


When is the deadline to apply?

SPP applications open on March 15th every year and enrollment continues through March 31st of the following year. For the 2024-2025 school year:

  • Applications submitted between March 15-April 15 will be notified of initial placement by May 1st.
  • Applications submitted after April 15 will be notified on a rolling basis as seats are available.

Can I apply through SPP but also apply through a preschool provider?

For some of our SPP locations enrollment is completed by the Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL), and for other SPP locations enrollment is completed by the provider. To know if a site's enrollment is handled by DEEL or the provider, please visit that site's profile page.

My child has an IEP (Individualized Education Program) through Seattle Public Schools. Can I apply for SPP?

Yes, you are welcome to apply to SPP! If you are interested in having your child receive their IEP services in an SPP+ classroom, please reach out to your IEP team to discuss placement options. If you are not sure how to contact your child’s IEP team, please reach out to for support.

SPP Plus has a class size of 18, and 5 of those seats are selected and enrolled by SPS Special Education Early Learning for children with an IEP. If your child is on an IEP with SPS, you are encouraged to work directly with your child's IEP team to determine the best learning environment for your child. In order for a child with an established IEP to attend an SPP Plus classroom, the parent must apply through the SPS "Letter of Intent" process which is communicated directly to families of children with IEPs. Contact if you have additional questions about applying for SPP Plus for a child with an IEP. Otherwise, if you’re interested in other locations within the SPP network, please submit an application.

If my child attends a SPP classroom located within one of the Seattle Public Schools, does this mean my child will attend kindergarten at that school?

No. You must register for kindergarten separately with Seattle Public Schools. Your child is guaranteed a spot at their neighborhood elementary school. If you do not want your child to attend their neighborhood school, you must complete a School Choice Form which can be found on the Seattle Public Schools website.

What documentation is required to enroll?

View information about what documents may be used to provide proof of child's age and address.

Where can I get additional forms for enrollment?

Once a child has been offered a seat in SPP, the enrollment process involves either a paper enrollment packet or completion of enrollment through the online parent portal. Parent/Guardians will be required to submit documentation to demonstrate the child's age, the household address and the household income. The following forms may be required depending on your household situation:

Housing Affidavit: Used by families experiencing homelessness or families who are unable to provide documentation to demonstrate address.

Declaration of No Income: Used by families who have no income received by the parent/guardian of the enrolling child.

Opt-Out of Income: Used by families who agree to accept full tuition without verifying specific income for the household.

Self-Employment Form: Used by parent/guardians who are self-employed or work "gig" jobs to demonstrate income.

Child Support Form: Used by parent/guardians who receive child support for any child in their household, formally or informally.

How long does it take before my child is enrolled?

Once all enrollment documents have been received, enrollments are typically finalized within two weeks. A program intake representative (PIR) will review your enrollment information and documents for completion/accuracy. They will be in touch with you if anything is missing or needs additional information. You will receive an email confirming when your child is fully enrolled and the amount of tuition you may owe. Families without email addresses will receive their letter via mail.

Can my child start school as soon as we get the spot? Or do we have to wait to start the program?

The program begins in the fall at each agency, approximately the first week of September. Start dates are determined by individual providers. All providers have additional paperwork required for enrollment at their specific location. This may include emergency contact information, extended day requirements, program orientation, or other program-specific paperwork. Parent/guardians should be in touch with their individual preschool provider before starting, if the provider has not been in touch with the parent/guardian already.

Do I have to enroll now, or can I apply and enroll in SPP later in the school year?

Waitlists can vary at each site. To have a better idea of the best time to apply for a mid-school year enrollment, please contact us at or (206) 386-1050.

How does the selection process work?

The Seattle Preschool Selection process takes into consideration various factors. Eligible preschoolers will be selected through a random selection process that utilizes the following criteria:

Child's age: Children who are age 4 on or before August 31 of the school year will receive priority over children who are age 3.

Home address: If you select a site that is in the same Seattle Public Schools elementary attendance zone as your home address, you will receive priority for that site over children living in other parts of the city.

Siblings: Additional preference is given to children with siblings who will be enrolled/attending SPP at the same time or attending Seattle Public Schools in the same building. To receive preference for an SPS sibling, please include the SPS student ID on your application.

Homeless and Foster/Kinship Care: Children from families experiencing homelessness or in foster/kinship care will receive priority placement.

Dual Language or Lower Income 3-year olds: Three-year old children who do not have attendance zone priority will receive priority if they have a household state median income (SMI) below 54% OR if they speak a heritage language AND have a household state median income (SMI) below 94%.

My child was 3 at the August 31 cutoff date, but has since turned 4. Does he/she get the age 4 priority now?

No. If your child is 3 by August 31 of the program year, your child is considered a 3-year-old for the remainder of the program year. This policy aligns to the public-school age cut off.

I have an older child in an SPS school. Does that give my preschooler priority for that SPP classroom?

Preschoolers will be given priority to attend the same SPS school that an older sibling attends, if that school is a SPP location. In order for the priority to be applied, parents must enter the older siblings SPS ID on the application.

Is there a waitlist?

Yes. Families who submit applications between March 15th and April 12th will be included in the initial placement process and will be notified by May 1st if they have been offered a spot for the following September. If your child is not selected and placed initially, or your application is received after April 12th, you will be placed on the waitlist for each SPP location selected on your application. Vacancies are filled on a rolling basis through March of the applying program year.

Can I rank my preschool choices?

No. Families are unable to rank their choice in preschools (i.e., 1st choice, 2nd choice) thus please ensure all preschool locations selected would work for your family, keeping in mind address, program hours, and availability of before/after school care. If offered a SPP location that is not your first choice, you are able to decline the offer and remain on other waitlist(s) -OR- accept and enroll at the offered location while remaining on the waitlist for other locations selected on your application.

Where do I fall on the waitlist?

Students are placed on a waitlist for each preschool on your application. Students are placed on the waitlist in order of the program priorities.

  • Homeless and Foster/Kinship Care: Children from families experiencing homelessness or in foster/kinship care will receive priority placement.
  • Child's age: Children who are age 4 on or before August 31 of the school year will receive priority over children who are age 3.
  • Home address: If you select a site that is in the same Seattle Public Schools elementary attendance zone as your home address, you will receive priority for that site over children living in other parts of the city.
  • Siblings: Additional preference is given to children with siblings who will be enrolled/attending SPP at the same time or attending Seattle Public Schools in the same building. To receive preference for an SPS sibling, please include the SPS student ID on your application.
  • Dual Language or Lower Income 3-year-olds: Three-year old children who do not have attendance zone priority will receive priority if they have a household state median income (SMI) below 54% OR if they speak a heritage language AND have a household state median income (SMI) below 94%.

Please note, we have "moving waitlists" meaning children will be added to the waitlist in accordance with our program priorities (rather than a first come, first serve basis). Thus, your child's placement on the waitlist may fluctuate depending on new applications being submitted and if families choose to be removed from a waitlist throughout the school year. Please reach out to our staff if you would like more information on where your child falls on a waitlist.

Do some SPP locations complete their own application/enrollment process?

  • Yes, some SPP locations choose to manage their own waitlist and enrollment process. If SPP notifies you that your child/ren are on a waitlist, it does not include any location that completes their own enrollment. When you are selecting schools, please note any prompts that indicate if you must contact the preschool directly to apply and/or be added to their waitlist.
  • If you are completing an application online, a pop-up window will indicate if you need to contact the preschool location directly. Including locations on your application that complete their own enrollment and choosing the "Refer Me" button is to collect your interest in those sites only. It will be your responsibility to contact those locations to apply.
  • Paper applications (printed out or in PDF/Word format) will have asterisks (**) in front of the preschool's name if they complete their own enrollment. You must contact those locations directly to apply.
  • If you are unsure if you selected a location on your child's application that completes their own enrollment, please feel free to contact SPP for more information at or (206) 386-1050.

Is SPP open to children who are on an IEP or who have a developmental concern?

Yes. SPP is open to any child that is otherwise eligible for SPP.

What accommodations are made for children with special needs or Individualized Education Program (IEPs)?

SPP collaborates closely with Seattle Public Schools to deliver the specialized instruction or other services required by the child's IEP.

My child is currently enrolled in developmental preschool with Seattle Public Schools, can he/she also attend SPP?

Yes. Please coordinate with your IEP team to determine the best solution for your child. We discourage children from splitting their time between Preschool and Development PreK, however this determination is made by the Seattle Public Schools special education team.

What resources and supports are available for children with IEPs?

To learn about resources and supports provided by Seattle Public Schools for children with IEPs enrolled at an SPP site at Seattle Public Schools, please call the SPS Early Learning Department at (206) 252-0600 or email at For children with IEPs who are enrolled at a community-based organization through SPP, parents/guardians are encouraged to be in communication with their special education case manager for any modifications to, or questions about the child's IEP.

How will SPP+ classrooms work for children with IEPs?

To learn about resources and supports provided by Seattle Public Schools for children with IEPs enrolled at an SPP site at Seattle Public Schools, please call the SPS Early Learning Department at (206) 252-0600 or email at

My child has an IEP in a different district. How do we get it transferred to Seattle Public Schools?

For an overview of the process, please visit SPS's Special Education webpage, then visit the enrollment website to register with the Seattle Public School district, which will begin your IEP transfer process. You may also email for specific guidance.

What safety measures will be in place to protect students and teachers from the risk of exposure to COVID-19?

All SPP Providers follow guidance from Public Health - Seattle & King County for schools and child care. DEEL staff will ensure that providers are updated on any changes to public health guidance.

DEEL staff will ensure that providers are updated on any changes to public health guidance.

Does SPP have locations that offer remote programming?

Currently, all Seattle Preschool Program locations offer in-person programming. Programs may temporarily switch to remote as a response to a COVID closure.

What does drop-off/pick-up look like?

Some providers are not allowing people in the building, other than staff and children. Understandably, this can lead to some anxiety for parents and guardians who may be interested in touring the location, children who may be unfamiliar with the location, or for other siblings in the vehicle. Many drop-off protocols include a touchless temperature check and a brief health questionnaire of the child. We recommend connecting with specific providers to inquire about their procedures.

What is tuition and when will I know how much tuition will be?

View Tuition Guidelines for the 2023-24 school year.

Beginning in September, tuition letters will be sent on a weekly basis. These letters will reflect your child's specific preschool location. You can use our tuition calculator to determine your estimated tuition. Please remember, income is calculated by GROSS income (pre-tax, pre-deductions), not NET.

How do I pay tuition?

Tuition can be paid online, by phone or by mail. Please see our tuition guidelines for more details. Additionally, the City of Seattle has added an online option for tuition payments. You can access online payment with your invoice and customer number. If you cannot locate these numbers, please contact SPP billing by email at or (206) 684-5660. Online payment is available: Lookup Account Details ( Please note that, if the invoice is under $3000, both credit card and bank account are accepted. If the invoice is over $3000, only a bank account can be used.

Will there be tuition for summer extension for the 2022-23 school year?

Yes, there will be tuition for summer extension. All families who attend in June 2023, regardless of participation in summer will be charged full tuition for June, as outlined in the payment guidelines. If you are continuing for summer extension, you will be charged tuition based on the length of your summer programming. For example, if you participate in six weeks of SPP summer programming, you will be charged an additional six weeks of tuition.

From Our Blog

The Seattle Preschool Program (SPP) has received a third gold medal for high-quality preschool programming. This is the seventh year SPP has received national recognition.
Save the date for upcoming grants supporting kindergarten readiness. A preview of DEEL’s 2025 funding opportunities is available now on our website! The mission of the Department of Education and Early Learning is to transform the lives of [...]
How Hilltop blends classroom observations and play within the Seattle Preschool Program.

Learn More

Families, Education, Preschool, and Promise Levy
The Seattle Preschool Program is funded by the voter-approved Families, Education, Preschool, and Promise (FEPP) Levy.

Quality Practice & Professional Development
DEEL supports early learning educators with professional development resources and coaching.

Home Learning Resources
Engaging educational activities from DEEL coaches support family-directed learning and sensory exploration at home.


Phone: (206) 386-1050

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Gargaarsi afaanii ni jira.
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Có sẵn hỗ trợ bằng ngôn ngữ.


Education and Early Learning

Dwane Chappelle, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 1700, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 94665, Seattle, WA, 98124-6965
Phone: (206) 233-5118
Phone Alt: Childcare and Preschool: (206) 386-1050
Fax: (206) 386-1900

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