Active Members

Most City of Seattle employees are automatically enrolled as members of the Seattle City Employees' Retirement System. Exempt employees have the option to enroll.  Temporary or part-time employees may enroll after a certain amount of service time. You are an active member of the Seattle City Employees' Retirement System if:

  • You have enrolled in the Retirement System and you are still working for the City of Seattle; or,
  • You enrolled in the system, left City employment, left your contributions in the system, and have not yet started receiving retirement benefits from the Retirement System

Plan for retirement will help you:

  • Determine whether you are a member of the Retirement System, or eligible to become a member
  • Learn more about workshops offered by the Retirement System to help you plan for retirement
  • Determine whether you are eligible to buy back service time

How To Retire lists eligibility for retirement and the steps to retire.

Change status gives you information on how to make changes to your address, name, or beneficiary.  You will also find information on reporting deaths.


Jeffrey S. Davis, Executive Director
Address: 720 3rd Ave, 9th Floor, Seattle, WA, 98104
Phone: (206) 386-1293
Fax: (206) 386-1506
Contact Us

The City of Seattle Employees' Retirement Office has two major functions: administration of retirement benefits and management of the assets of the Retirement Fund. Employee and employer contributions as well as investment earnings provide funding for the System.

The Mission of SCERS is to fulfill the promise made to our members by delivering the retirement benefits they have earned.