Consultant Contracting
View all bid and solicitation opportunities on the City of Seattle's new procurement tool.
Each City department awards and executes its own consultant contracts. However, there are general Citywide standard procedures issued by Purchasing and Contracting that each department must follow. Different solicitation requirements apply depending on the type of consultant project. See policies and templates below.
Departments are not required to advertise contracts under $69,000 and may select any consultant for these projects. City departments may also use the City's Consultant Roster to select a consultant for projects valued at $410,000 or less.
City departments will conduct a request for proposal or request for qualification process for projects valued above $410,000. These solicitations will be advertised and managed by the department. You may learn of these by searching OpenGov, the Daily Journal of Commerce, City department websites and the listing below.
Consultant contracting policies and templates
Purchasing and Contracting issues policies, guidelines and boilerplates to City departments for all City bid and contract responsibilities. These are internal documents; they benefit and instruct departments about expected approaches, responsibilities and decision points. These are subject to change at any time.
- Standard/roster consultant agreement
- Consultant small agreement
- Guidelines for contracting for consultants and services
- RFP/RFQ step-by-step planner
- RFP/RFQ standard boilerplate
- Consultant questionnaire (includes Equal Benefits declaration)
- Risk Management checklist
- Insurance transmittal form
- Sample invoice for consultants (Word) (or Excel version)
- Invoice preparation checklist for consultants
- Performance evaluation
- Statement of qualifications federal Standard Form 330 (for architect-engineer firms)
- Consultant contracting WMBE inclusion plan