About Us
The Community Technology Advisory Board (CTAB) studies and makes recommendations to the Mayor, Seattle IT, and the City Council on issues referred to CTAB by the Mayor or Councilmembers relating to information and communications technology. CTAB members may also bring forward for consideration other issues of community-wide interest relating to information and communications technology.
CTAB consists of ten members who serve two year terms, with six members appointed by the Mayor and four appointed by the City Council. All members serve without compensation. The duties of CTAB are as follows:
- Regarding information and communications technology issues, to conduct research, hearings, and workshops, to make written recommendations, and to report its findings and recommendations to the Mayor and City Council; and
- Perform such other duties as may from time to time be appropriate and approved by resolution of the City Council.
CTAB meetings are open to the public and are the 2nd Tuesday of the month from 6-8 pm.
Who We Are

The Community Technology Advisory Board (CTAB) was established in 1995, and revised in 2015 under the Seattle Municipal Code, (Section 3.22.050, Ordinance 124736). The 2015 revision changed the scope and the name from the Citizens Telecommunications & Technology Advisory Board (CTTAB); this evolved out of the City's cable tv advisory board before 1995. The Board is composed of 10 members - six appointed by the Mayor and four appointed by the Council. Two members represent specific constituencies: education and public access to telecommunications. The remaining members serve at large. All serve staggered two-year terms. In addition, CTAB has a young adult "Get Engaged" Program representative, who serves a one-year term. The Get Engaged position is appointed by the Mayor, and is one of six appointments. The Board members have opted to share some contact information.