Get Involved!
We welcome your participation
There are a fews ways to stay informed, learn, and contribute, whether you're a tech professional or not. We welcome diversity. You do not need to be a techie to care about Seattle's digital future, technology equity, open government and electronic civic participation. Of course tech expertise, as well as other skills, are needed as the Board carries out its work. Knowledge of communications and diverse community outreach, TV, policy & law, and education are some of the other talents that have helped the Board.
Here's how to stay informed and get involved:
- Attend our 2nd Tuesday, 6-8 pm monthly meetings where there is time for public comment and networking (See meeting page).
- Subscribe from the home page to stay informed and get meeting agendas. You can also follow the Board on their @SeaTechBoard Facebook page.
- Join a committee or project team (You don't need to be a member to be on a committee and this is a great way to learn more about technology, the City and the Board's work) See current committees on the What We Do page.
- Send us a note about a related issue that you care about. We rely on others helping to inform what community-wide technology issues we bring to the attention of the City.
- Apply to be a member of the Board. We are always accepting applications, and will publicly announce vacancies as they arise. Fill out an application here under "Apply to a Board or Commission", and our staff liaison will be in touch with you.
So come on, get involved!
It's a great experience and a chance to learn a lot about government, information and communications technology, new trends and new tech...and you can help make a difference.