Outreach and Engagement

Mission: The purpose of this committee is to advise the City of Seattle on making recommendations regarding the promotion of CTAB initiatives and policies, develop programs and community events aimed to foster community engagement among CTAB, like minded civic technology organizations, and Seattle residents.

Meets: 3rd Wednesday of the month, 6-7 pm. Join the committee email list to get specifics, agendas & updates before meetings.

Chair: Femi Adebayo (CTAB Member, Position No. 9)

Contact: ctaboutreach@gmail.com

Community Technology Advisory Board

Seattle Boards and Commissions
Mailing Address: Suite 2700, P.O. Box 94709, Seattle, WA , 98124-4709
Phone: (206) 308-3192

The Community Technology Advisory Board (CTAB) was established in 1995 by Seattle Municipal Code (SMC) 21.60.060.