Who We Are

The Community Technology Advisory Board (CTAB) was established in 1995, and revised in 2015 under the Seattle Municipal Code, (Section 3.22.050, Ordinance 124736). The 2015  revision changed the scope and the name from the Citizens Telecommunications & Technology Advisory Board (CTTAB); this evolved out of the City's cable tv advisory board before 1995.  The Board is composed of 10 members - six appointed by the Mayor and four appointed by the Council.  Two members represent specific constituencies: education and public access to telecommunications. The remaining members serve at large. All serve staggered two-year terms. In addition, CTAB has a young adult "Get Engaged" Program representative, who serves a one-year term. The Get Engaged position is appointed by the Mayor, and is one of six appointments. The Board members have opted to share some contact information.  Use the Contact Us page for general questions or communications to the Board.

Current Members

Omari Stringer (Position No. 1)

Omari Stringer PhotoOmari is currently working at Expedia Group in Enterprise Data Management and Governance. Omari is a passionate advocate for fairness, accountability, and transparency in technology, and wishes to bring smart policies in line with smart technology. Since arriving in Seattle over 5 years ago for higher education and earning a Master’s in Human Centered Design and Engineering, he fell in love with the Pacific Northwest’s natural beauty and strong sense of community. He hopes to bring his public policy, research, and technological experience, as well as lived experiences to inform the strategic direction of the City’s technology portfolio.

Term Expires: 12/31/2024 | Position: Vice-Chair | Appointed by: City Council

Dei’Marlon Scisney (Position No. 2)

Dei’Marlon ScisneyDei'Marlon "D" Scisney is a data engineer and social impact leader, serving as President of Scisney Social Impact, an 8-person data and ML engineering firm that helps businesses leverage data for growth and equity. As Treasurer of the Central District Community Preservation and Development Authority (CDCPDA), Dei'Marlon oversees $25 million in capital projects that preserve Seattle's cultural legacy while fostering economic development. 

On the Community Technology Advisory Board (CTAB), Dei'Marlon brings his expertise in data equity, machine learning, and community-driven solutions. He plans to enhance CTAB’s focus on bridging the digital divide by advocating for accessible technology and equitable digital infrastructure in underserved communities. His vision is to ensure technology innovation benefits all Seattle residents, particularly BIPOC communities.

With a Master of Science in Data Engineering and PMP, Dei'Marlon has led impactful initiatives like the $200M Community Reinvestment Project with Commerce, LCB's Cannabis Industry Needs Assessment, Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) Green Stormwater Infrastructure Project, and other social impact and equity analytics projects. His work connects data, business, and community to drive social change through data-driven solutions. Data is more than numbers; it is the key to understanding the challenges marginalized communities face and enables us to shape policies that directly target and dismantle those challenges.

Term Expires: 12/31/2025 | Position: Member at Large | Appointed by: Mayor

Isabel J. Rodriguez (Position No. 3)

Isabel J. Rodriguez PhotoIsabel J. Rodriguez (they/them) is a researcher and analyst with a passion for data storytelling and a deep curiosity of how policy, infrastructure, and organizations influence one another. They hold an M.S. in Physics with a minor in Ethnic Studies from Oregon State University, and are currently a Research Analyst & Communications Manager at a non-profit that advocates for inclusion in the tech industry. In addition to experience in qualitative and quantitative research methods, grant writing, and report writing, Isabel is committed to data equity, digital governance, and technology stewardship. They currently serve as co-chair of CTAB’s Privacy & Cybersecurity committee.

Term Expires: 12/31/2025 | Position: Member at Large | Appointed by: Mayor

Name (Position No. 4)

Term Expires: 12/31/2024 | Position: Member at Large | Appointed by: City Council

Aishah Bomani (Position No. 5)

Aishah Bomani PhotoAishah Bomani is an educator, born and raised in South Seattle. Aishah has served in both public and private education sectors, and is currently the Seattle Public School’s first Digital Equity Manager. Aishah has over ten years of experience working with students and families of diverse racial and economic backgrounds and establishments. Aishah graduated from Seattle University with a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, and from the University of Massachusetts-Boston with a Master’s in Education with a focus on learning, teaching, and educational transformation. Aishah’s goal as an educator is to cultivate space by engaging in proactive dialogues to establish likeminded goals that are geared towards dismantling systemic discrimination among the diverse demographics of the student population and is committed to uphold values centered in student success through equity, innovation, and social justice.

Term Expires: 12/31/2024 | Position: Education Member | Appointed by: Mayor

Hailey Dickson (Position No. 6)

Hailey Dickson is a Social Impact Specialist at TikTok and is passionate about harnessing technology
and digital storytelling for good. Hailey resides in West Seattle and earned her Bachelor's in Global
Health and Master's in Human Rights Practice at the University of Arizona. She has conducted research
on youth, technology and mental health as a Fulbright Scholar. As a Member of the Community
Technology Advisory Board, Hailey hopes to elevate community voices, promote digital democracy,
and advocate for digital wellbeing.

Term Expires: 8/31/2025 | Position: Get Engaged Member | Appointed by: Mayor

Name (Position No. 7)

Term Expires: 12/31/2025 | Position: Member at Large | Appointed by: City Council

Coleman R. Entringer (Position No. 8)

Coleman Entringer PhotoColeman is a technology focused professional with a passion for improving digital accessibility, representation, and equity within the Seattle community. After attending the University of Washington, Coleman began work as a strategy consultant with a focus on large technology companies on the West coast. His professional work has included product accessibility strategy for consumer technology companies, promoting technology access in developing countries, and improving equity within the talent pipeline of the technology industry. He has also served as the co-chair of the Digital Equity Committee of the CTAB for the past 2 years, helping to organize a range of committee activities from promoting telehealth for seniors to organizing community forums. He looks forward to exploring new and innovative ways to improve the lives of Seattle residents by leveraging technology.

Term Expires: 12/31/2025 | Position: Member at Large | Appointed by: Mayor

Femi Adebayo (Position No. 9)

Femi Adebayo
Femi is currently a Program Manager at Microsoft, responsible for driving Windows app experience for both consumer and enterprise customers. 

Prior to Microsoft, Femi worked at Accenture and JP Morgan where he led a variety of customer centric digital transformation projects across financial services, mobile telecoms, energy and utilities, and technology industries.

In addition to technology, Femi's background showcases a dedication to diversity and inclusion. He is experienced in building high performing and diverse cultures. In his current role, he developed mentoring opportunities for students looking to gain an edge early in their career journey. (EDGE Program) at the University of Washington, Bothell business school. He also currently serves as a board member on the Community Technology Advisory Board for the City of Seattle. Femi is passionate about technology and an eminent believer that technology can be used to increase racial equity, bring people, and information together to solve problems, and improve outcomes.

Femi holds a bachelor's degree in Management Information Systems from Chicago State University and an MBA from Washington State University. 

Term Expires: 12/31/2024| Position: Member at Large | Appointed by: City Council

Phillip Meng (Position No. 10)

Phillip Meng PhotoPhillip Meng studies Information Systems, Finance, and Global and Regional Studies at the University of Washington, and is currently a Young Global Professional at the Atlantic Council's GeoEconomics Center. Phillip previously worked at Qualtrics and interned at the Boston Consulting Group, and has researched business and technology policy issues as an intern at the Bipartisan Policy Center. At UW, he leads the Polling and Open Data Initiative at the University of Washington (a data analytics student organization) and Business Impact Group (a small business consulting organization), and is an undergraduate fellow at the Center for Environmental Politics.

Term Expires: 12/31/2024 | Position: Chair | Appointed by: Mayor

Community Technology Advisory Board

Seattle Boards and Commissions
Mailing Address: Suite 2700, P.O. Box 94709, Seattle, WA , 98124-4709
Phone: (206) 308-3192

The Community Technology Advisory Board (CTAB) was established in 1995 by Seattle Municipal Code (SMC) 21.60.060.