Rental Registration & Inspection Ordinance - Inspectors

What are the Requirements for Becoming a RRIO Inspector?

You can become a private inspector for RRIO if you register, complete a training class, and have at least one of these certifications:

  • American Association of Code Enforcement Property Maintenance and Housing Inspector certification
  • International Code Council Property Maintenance and Housing Inspector certification
  • International Code Council Residential Building (Code) Inspector certification
  • Washington State home inspector certification under RCW 18.280

How to Register as a Private Inspector

The only way to register as a Private Inspector is to use our new online registration program. Please read the instructions listed below before you register.

See the training schedule, located in the Meetings & Events box on the right-hand side of this website, to find available RRIO Private Inspector training classes. After you've registered, completed a RRIO training class, and paid the appropriate fees, you will be a qualified rental housing inspector. You can choose to have your name and contact information available on our website in our inspector directory. Property owners will have access to this directory and may contact you when they need a RRIO inspection.

Required Documents for RRIO Inspectors

Qualified rental housing inspectors must use our RRIO Inspection Results Inspector Checklist when performing RRIO inspections at all registered rental properties.

Qualified rental housing inspectors are also now required to print out a copy of the RRIO Tenant Leave Behind Survey for the tenant to fill out. Either leave a copy of the survey in an obvious location inside each rental unit that you have inspected, or hand the survey to the tenant.

Required documents for use by qualified rental housing Inspectors:

If you have questions regarding these documents, send an email to and write in the subject line: RRIO Checklist or RRIO Survey.

How do I Submit Inspection Results as a RRIO Private Inspector?

Private inspectors must submit private inspection results online through the Seattle Services Portal. You must log in to your account, using your active 002-registration number, to submit your inspection results. 

If you need help submitting your inspection results, follow the Submitting Rental Property Private Inspection Results instructions. Please be aware that the property owner or an agent for the property owner must pay a $50 filing fee to complete the inspection process. A 5 percent technology fee is added to RRIO fees.

What are the Inspector Registration Fees?

The fee for a two-year registration as a private qualified rental housing inspector is $300. You must pay the fee to complete your registration. Private inspectors must also participate in the City’s RRIO inspector training. The training fee is $300 and must be paid in advance of the training. Private inspector registration and payments must be made through the online system. A 5 percent technology fee is added to RRIO fees.

Learn More about RRIO

For more information about RRIO, see our About RRIO page.

Construction and Inspections

Nathan Torgelson, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 2000, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 34019, Seattle, WA, 98124-4019
Phone: (206) 684-8600
Phone Alt: Violation Complaint Line: (206) 615-0808
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SDCI issues land use, construction, and trade permits, conducts construction and housing-related inspections, ensures compliance with our codes, and regulates rental rules. SDCI is committed to an antiracist workplace and to addressing racism through our work in the community.