Strategic Investment Fund

What's Happening Now?

Read a list of our finalized acquisitions and their benefits to the community.

Strategic Investment Fund (SIF)

Our City's growth, shaped by public and private investment, disinvestment, discrimination, public policy and more, has resulted in unequal displacement pressures across Seattle, falling heaviest for Black, Indigenous, People of color (BIPOC), Queer and Transgender BIPOC, people with disabilities, and low-income people. Our SIF will help communities buy land to keep residents, businesses, and community institutions rooted in place.

Through an open application process, the City will spend $30 million to help groups buy land and buildings to be used for affordable housing and other community benefits such as affordable space for business, community centers, cultural spaces, childcare, and open space. Other priority outcomes include:

  • Respond to an immediate need to move such as inability to pay rent, increase in rent, end of lease, demolition, etc.
  • Create community wealth, share resources, and strengthen relationships.
  • Co-locate affordable housing with other community benefits such as affordable commercial spaces, public open spaces, cultural spaces, and childcare facilities.
  • Fill gaps in existing funding for community led development.

Eligible applicants: Approximately $30 million is available, with a maximum of $5 million per award. Sites must be in neighborhoods with high displacement risk and near existing or planned transit and parks investments. Eligible Applicants include:

  • Community groups at highest risk of displacement.
  • Commercial or residential tenants at risk of displacement in partnership with non-profit and public development authorities.
  • Property owners in focus areas interested in discounting their land (only funded if matched with community lead)
  • Developers or owners of affordable housing with vacancies in commercial spaces, who are interested in offering community ownership opportunities (only funded if matched with community lead).

Review Process: Our Community Advisory Group will review and score applications with us. Additional support will come from Office of Arts and culture, Office of Economic Development, Office of Housing, Department of Neighborhoods, and the City Budget Office. Awards will be announced in the fall, pending City Council approval.

Please review the following materials to prepare and submit your application. Applications are now closed.

Information Sessions

The following information sessions will be available for potential applicants to learn more about the application process and ask questions of program staff. All of the webinars on hosted on Webex.

Translated Materials

We have created a one page informational flyer that is translated into many languages. Please share with those who need translations.

For More Information

Please email or call (206) 386-1598. When you email, please inform us if you need an interpreter.

Planning and Community Development

Rico Quirindongo, Director
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 94788, Seattle, WA, 98124-7088
Phone: (206) 386-1010

The Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) develops policies and plans for an equitable and sustainable future. We partner with neighborhoods, businesses, agencies and others to bring about positive change and coordinate investments for our Seattle communities.