Project Documents

Draft Housing Appendix

Since its initial adoption in 1990, the state Growth Management Act (GMA) has required local comprehensive plans to inventory and analyze existing and projected housing needs. The draft Housing Appendix addresses these requirements and provides a wealth of additional data to inform housing policies in the One Seattle Plan, consistent with GMA and regional frameworks.

The state Legislature recently strengthened GMA so that Seattle and other jurisdictions must “plan for and accommodate” housing affordable to all economic segments of the population. Our draft Housing Appendix documents Seattle’s share of projected housing needs for low- and moderate- income households and for emergency housing and shelters and provides analysis on zoned development capacity to meet these needs. In addition, the draft Housing Appendix:

  • Analyzes trends in demographics and housing supply and costs, demonstrating the importance of expanding the diversity of housing types and unit sizes, including moderate density housing and family-sized units affordable at lower cost than traditional detached housing.
  • Discusses barriers to fully address existing and future housing needs, including funding necessary to meet needs among low-income households through housing subsidies. 
  • Documents disproportionate housing challenges faced by households of color and maps existing disparities in access to key components of livability.
  • Analyzes policies and practices that have resulted in racially disparate impacts, exclusion, and displacement and, along with the Anti-Displacement Framework identifies areas that may be at higher risk of displacement as the city grows.

Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS, 2024)

DEIS Information

DEIS By Section

One Seattle Plan Community Meetings Report

We held five in-person community meetings and one online meeting from November 2022 to January 2023 to discuss our Comprehensive Plan update and to gather feedback to help shape the plan. Our report shares what we heard during these engagement events. 

Community Meeting Materials

These materials contain an overview of the plan and presentation boards used in our five community meetings.

An EIS provides information about potential environmental impacts and mitigating measures from a proposal to inform the decision-making process. The scoping report summarizes what we've heard and how we are updating the proposed approach to analysis.

Additional documents that were released before and during the scoping process:

Other ways to submit comments on the EIS:

Planning and Community Development

Rico Quirindongo, Director
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 94788, Seattle, WA, 98124-7088
Phone: (206) 386-1010

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The Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) develops policies and plans for an equitable and sustainable future. We partner with neighborhoods, businesses, agencies and others to bring about positive change and coordinate investments for our Seattle communities.