Project Documents
Mayor's Recommended Growth Strategy (2024)
- Overview of Growth Strategy and Zoning Update
- Detailed Summary of Growth Strategy
- Video summary of Growth Strategy
- Anti-Displacement Strategies (Large print version for accessibility)
Draft One Seattle Plan Update (2024)
- Draft One Seattle Plan Update
- Updating Seattle's Neighborhood Residential Zones
- Presentation to City Council
- Engagement Summary
- Growth Strategy Summary
- Draft Plan Summary (English)
- Anti-Displacement Framework
- Open House Presentation Boards (Large 32mb file)
- Virtual Open House Meeting, May 2
- Frequently Asked Questions
Draft Housing Appendix
Since its initial adoption in 1990, the state Growth Management Act (GMA) has required local comprehensive plans to inventory and analyze existing and projected housing needs. The draft Housing Appendix addresses these requirements and provides a wealth of additional data to inform housing policies in the One Seattle Plan, consistent with GMA and regional frameworks.
The state Legislature recently strengthened GMA so that Seattle and other jurisdictions must “plan for and accommodate” housing affordable to all economic segments of the population. Our draft Housing Appendix documents Seattle’s share of projected housing needs for low- and moderate- income households and for emergency housing and shelters and provides analysis on zoned development capacity to meet these needs. In addition, the draft Housing Appendix:
- Analyzes trends in demographics and housing supply and costs, demonstrating the importance of expanding the diversity of housing types and unit sizes, including moderate density housing and family-sized units affordable at lower cost than traditional detached housing.
- Discusses barriers to fully address existing and future housing needs, including funding necessary to meet needs among low-income households through housing subsidies.
- Documents disproportionate housing challenges faced by households of color and maps existing disparities in access to key components of livability.
- Analyzes policies and practices that have resulted in racially disparate impacts, exclusion, and displacement and, along with the Anti-Displacement Framework identifies areas that may be at higher risk of displacement as the city grows.
Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS, 2024)
DEIS Information
DEIS By Section
- Chapter 0: Front Sections
- Chapter 1: Summary
- Chapter 2: Proposal and Alternatives
- Chapter 3: Environment
- Chapter 3.1: Earth and Water Quality
- Chapter 3.2: Air Quality
- Chapter 3.3: Plants and Animals
- Chapter 3.4: Energy and Natural Resources
- Chapter 3.5: Noise
- Chapter 3.6: Land Use
- Chapter 3.7: Plans and Policies
- Chapter 3.8: Population, Employment, and Housing
- Chapter 3.9: Cultural Resources
- Chapter 3.10: Transportation
- Chapter 3.11: Public Services
- Chapter 3.12: Utilities
- Chapter 4: Acronyms and References
- Chapter 5: Appendices
- Notice of Availability
One Seattle Plan Community Meetings Report
We held five in-person community meetings and one online meeting from November 2022 to January 2023 to discuss our Comprehensive Plan update and to gather feedback to help shape the plan. Our report shares what we heard during these engagement events.
- Read the full report
- Read the full comment dataset
- Read the notes taken during the discussion groups
Community Meeting Materials
These materials contain an overview of the plan and presentation boards used in our five community meetings.
- One Seattle Plan Meeting Materials (English)
- One Seattle Plan Meeting Materials (Amharic)
- One Seattle Plan Meeting Materials (Chinese)
- One Seattle Plan Meeting Materials (Korean)
- One Seattle Plan Meeting Materials (Somali)
- One Seattle Plan Meeting Materials (Spanish)
- One Seattle Plan Meeting Materials (Tagalog)
- One Seattle Plan Meeting Materials (Vietnamese)
An EIS provides information about potential environmental impacts and mitigating measures from a proposal to inform the decision-making process. The scoping report summarizes what we've heard and how we are updating the proposed approach to analysis.
- EIS Scoping Report
- EIS Scoping Detailed Comment Summary
- Appendix A to Detailed Comment Summary: Letters and Emails
- Appendix B to Detailed Comment Summary: Engagement Hub Comments
- Appendix C to Detailed Comment Summary: Scoping Meetings Summary
- Appendix D to Detailed Comment Summary: Community Liaison Debrief Meeting Summary
- Additional Detail on Location of Neighborhood Anchors Studied in Alternative 2
Additional documents that were released before and during the scoping process:
- EIS Scoping Overview
- EIS Scoping Fact Sheet
- DRAFT Equity and Climate Metrics
- DRAFT Displacement Risk Index Summary
- EIS Scoping Notice
- Additional Detail on Alternatives for 130th and 145th Station Areas
- Scoping meeting slide presentation
- EIS Scoping meeting: Wednesday, June 29 (video recording)
- EIS Scoping meeting: Tuesday, July 19 (video recording)
Other ways to submit comments on the EIS:
- Visit our One Seattle Plan Engagement Hub
- Email:
- Mail: Brennon Staley, Office of Planning and Community Development, P.O. Box 94788, Seattle WA 98124-7088.
- Climate Vulnerability Assessment (Cascadia Consulting Group, July 2023)
- Phase 1 Engagement Report (September 2022)
- Presentation to Land Use Committee (May 2022)
- Comprehensive Plan 101 Presentation (April 2022)
- Issue Briefs (April 2022)
- Public Participation Program (March 2022)
- One Seattle Plan Overview
- Racial Equity Analysis (PolicyLink, July 2021)
- Market-rate Housing Needs and Supply Analysis (BERK Consulting, April 2021)