City Planning for Alaska Junction & Avalon Stations

About This Project

Informing City and Sound Transit decision making about this station

Alaska Junction* and Avalon* Stations are part of Sound Transit’s West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions project and will connect the West Seattle Junction area and surrounding neighborhoods to the regional Link Light Rail system by 2032**.

City of Seattle centers Racial Equity in our work, and together with communities and Sound Transit we have identified project-wide outcomes under the framework of a Racial Equity Toolkit (RET):

  • Advance environmental and economic justice to improve economic and health outcomes for communities of color;
  • Enhance mobility and access for communities of color and low-income populations;
  • Create opportunities for equitable development that include expanding housing and community assets for communities of color;
  • Avoid disproportionate impacts on communities of color and low-income populations;
  • Create a sense of belonging for communities of color at all stations, making spaces where everyone sees themselves as belonging, feeling safe, and welcome; and
  • Meaningfully involve communities of color and low-income populations in the project.

*Station names are temporary, final station name will be selected based on Sound Transit’s Station Naming Policy

**For details on the project delivery dates, please refer to Sound Transit’s website

Station Area Planning and Community Planning

Read our fact sheet on Station Area Planning to learn more about how the City will help communities prepare for new light rail service and accompanying neighborhood change.

What’s Happening Now?

Informing City and Sound Transit decision making about this station

Sound Transit is beginning Phase III of the Environmental Review process, which includes the Final Environmental Impact Statement (Final EIS). Phase III starts in mid-2022 and is expected to conclude in early-2024.

In July 2022, Sound Transit Board has selected Medium Tunnel 41st Street (WSJ-5) as the preferred alternative for Alaska Junction Station, and the Retained Cut (WSJ-5) option for Avalon Station. The preferred alternative designation indicates a preference, but it is not final decision or obligation. Additionally, Sound Transit Board directs further study on option to shift a station entrance to 42nd Ave SW at the Alaska Junction Station. Final decision on station locations and route alignment to be built will not be made until after the Final EIS is published. Please see Sound Transit press release on the Board Motion for more information.

Station Area Planning and Community Planning

The City has not begun station area planning work in this area.

Get Involved

Informing City and Sound Transit decision making about this station

The City has begun preliminary engagement with communities in the West Seattle Junction area regarding the two proposed light rail stations, please contact Nicole Kistler, Engagement and Partnerships Advisor ( for more information.

Station Area Planning and Community Planning

The City has not begun station area planning work in this area.

Sound Transit

Sound Transit is also conducting engagement in the neighborhood, please refer to its’ West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions page for more information.

Project Documents

City of Seattle Ongoing and Past Planning Efforts in the Neighborhood


City of Seattle’s partnership with Sound Transit on West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions

Sound Transit Plans and Studies

Planning and Community Development

Rico Quirindongo, Director
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 94788, Seattle, WA, 98124-7088
Phone: (206) 386-1010

The Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) develops policies and plans for an equitable and sustainable future. We partner with neighborhoods, businesses, agencies and others to bring about positive change and coordinate investments for our Seattle communities.