Information for Tenants

What does this mean for the tenants?

This notification allows for tenants to become aware of the potential sale of their building from the date the notice is posted.  

To determine whether a unit rent is affordable to a household earning 80% of AMI please refer to the schedule below. Please be sure to account for any utilities the tenant is responsible for: Maximum rents at 80% of AMI chart

How can tenants get help if they need to relocate?

The Tenant Relocation Assistance Ordinance within the Seattle Department of Construction & Inspections as a program that could help with the cost of relocation.  

Do tenants need to begin relocating when a notice is posted?  

If a Notice of Intent to Sell is posted in a building it does NOT terminate any of the current occupant's tenancy. Tenants who are on a fixed term lease with a future termination date, and tenants who are on a month-to-month lease (including verbal leases) have protections when a building containing 2+ rental units is advertised for sale. 

  • Tenants who are on month-to-month leases are protected under Seattle's Just Cause Ordinance
  • Tenants on fixed term leases with a future termination date are protected until the termination date named in their lease. 

Tenants can find more answers to their questions through the Renting in Seattle webpage.

Information for Affordable Housing Developers

The list of properties that have provided sale notification is available to affordable housing developers and community members interested in preservation opportunities. To receive the list, please enter your email address in the form at right.

Tenant Protection Resources

City of Seattle (206) 615-0808
Puget Sound Sage
Washington Community Action Network
Tenants Union Tenants Rights Hotline: (206) 722-6848 x106

Resources to Help Purchase a Building

Down Payment Assistance (2-4 unit buildings) Homesight -
Information about Community Land Trusts HomeStead -


Maiko Winkler-Chin, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 5700, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 94725, Seattle, WA , 98124-4725
Phone: (206) 684-0721
Fax: (206) 233-7117

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