Hoovervilles in Seattle

The stock market crash in October 1929 helped trigger a devastating depression that dominated the Northwest for nearly a decade. The economic downturn gradually affected more and more people. Mortgage foreclosures, delinquent taxes, and sharply rising unemployment were the experiences of many. Between 1929 and 1933, a hundred thousand businesses failed across the nation. Racial minorities, women, and the unskilled were the first to lose their jobs. By the time President Hoover left office in 1933, 13 million were unemployed, about 25% of the work force. Some unemployed became transients, searching for jobs and food. In Seattle, unemployment was 11% in April 1930, rising to 26% by January 1935.

Families doubled up in apartments, others were evicted and built makeshift houses. Groups of these dwellings for the homeless were called Hoovervilles. In Seattle, one of the largest cluster of homeless was located on the tide flats on the site of the former Skinner and Eddy Shipyard. Its boundaries were the Port of Seattle, warehouses, and Railroad Avenue. A city of shacks, dwellings were fashioned from packing boxes and any other discarded materials the residents could find. Hundreds of men lived there. Other large cluster of shacks in Seattle were located in the southern industrial section and in Interbay.

Several attempts were made to get rid of the shack towns during the 1930s. City officials saw them as a health problem and a nuisance. Finally, in 1941, a shack elimination program began and the shack towns were systematically eliminated.


Flyer for demonstration and petition for relief to unemployed  (Feb. 1931) - CF 130044

Petition for community bath houses in Hooverville and response from Health Department (May 1935) - CF 147091

Excerpt from Health Department Annual Report (1935)

1937 request for removal of Interbay shacks (April 24, 1937) - CF 154992

1938 request for removal of Interbay shacks (March 4, 1938) - CF 158274

Protest against Hooverville evictions (October 10, 1938) - CF 160628

Petition of Hooverville Committee for removal of WPA Project (October 24, 1938) - CF 160740

Reports and correspondence discussing number, conditions, and occupancy of shacks, including map (1941) - CF 169237

Petition of Seattle Housing Authority regarding demolition of shacks. (May 21, 1941) - CF 170058

Request from Commissioner of Health regarding additional staff (1941) - CF 170168

Correspondence regarding destruction of shacks (1942) - CF 173660

Excerpt from "The Story of Hooverville, In Seattle" by Jesse Jackson, Mayor of Hooverville (1935)

Excerpt from "Hooverville: A Study of a Community of Homeless Men in Seattle" by Donald Francis Roy (1935) - entire document courtesy University of Washington

Excerpt from "Seattle's Hooverville" by Leslie D. Erb (1935)

First (1933) and Second (1937) Inaugural Addresses of President Franklin D. Roosevelt


Hooverville at Skinner and Eddy Shipyard
Hooverville at old Skinner and
Eddy Shipyard (July 20, 1932)
90.2.0515. Seattle-King County Dept.
of Health Photographs, Box 1
(112-275), King County Archives
Shacks along railroad tracks near 6th and Holgate
Shacks along railroad tracks near
6th and Holgate (June 2, 1933)
90.2.0688. Seattle-King County Dept.
of Health Photographs, Box 1
(112-275), King County Archives
Shacks at 100 Block of Elliott W.
Shacks at 100 Block of Elliott Ave. W.
(June 2, 1933)
90.2.0685. Seattle-King County Dept.
of Health Photographs, Box 1
(112-275), King County Archives
Hooverville from west
Hooverville from west (June 20, 1933)
90.2.0521. Seattle-King County Dept.
of Health Photographs, Box 1
(112-275), King County Archives
Hooverville from above
Hooverville from above (March 1, 1934)
90.2.0523. Seattle-King County Dept.
of Health Photographs, Box 1
(112-275), King County Archives
Citation: Shantytown and garbage dump on Sixth Avenue South. Item 39279, Seattle Municipal Archives.
Shantytown and garbage dump on
6th Avenue South (October 25, 1939)
Item 39279, Engineering Dept.
Negatives (Record Series 2613-07),
Seattle Municipal Archives


Berner, Richard C. Seattle 1921-1940 From Boom to Bust. Vol. 2. Chapter 19, "Politics of Unemployment and Relief." Seattle: Charles Press, 1992.

Graham, Otis L., Jr. An Encore for Reform: The Old Progressives and the New Deal. New York: Oxford University Press, 1967.

Leuchtenburg, William. Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1940. New York: Harper and Row, 1963.

Schwantes, Carolos Arnold. "The Depression Decade" in The Pacific Northwest: An Interpretive History. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1989.

Municipal Archives, City Clerk

Jeanie Fisher, Interim City Archivist
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Mailing Address: PO Box 94728, Seattle, WA, 98124-4728
Phone: (206) 684-8353

The Office of the City Clerk maintains the City's official records, provides support for the City Council, and manages the City's historical records through the Seattle Municipal Archives. The Clerk's Office provides information services to the public and to City staff.