Two Different Somali Perspectives: Hawo Ali and Abdi Ibrahim

Two Different Somali Perspectives: Hawo Abdi and Abdi Ibrahim
September 7, 2021 - October 23, 2021
Hawo Ali is a Seattle-based Somali-American artist and community activist. Centering on the flowers and scenery of her home country Somalia, her art is inspired by her arrival to the United States and the new flora of the land. Hawo’s paintings often include abstraction and strong colors to accentuate her portrayal of traditional Somali practices, artifacts, and narratives on Somali culture. These diverse narratives represent vivid depictions ranging from the resourcefulness of the native nomadic people to the native lions, tigers, and hyenas that make up the land.
Abdi Ibrahim is a Somali-American photographer based in Los Angeles. Raised in Seattle, Abdi is the son of two immigrants. Since his start in film photography at the age of 17, his work has been featured in numerous publications including New Yorker, Vanity Fair, and Billboard Magazine. Abdi also works as a film and commercial director, where he has worked on campaigns for Apple Music, REI, Subaru, and The Fader. Abdi photographs his subjects in what feels like abstract worlds — creating an image that tells a story and a surreal aesthetic that is meant to be imaginative but rooted in reality; a cross between documentary and conceptual.
Guided Tours
Both artists will offer four free tours of their work at the top of each hour starting at 2pm on opening day. Register for a slot here.
Two Different Somali Perspectives: Hawo Ali and Abdi Ibrahim is organized and presented by the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture and is curated by Ricky Reyes and S Surface in partnership with the ARTS at King Street Station Advisors. Support for the installation is provided by Benjamin Gale-Schreck and Blake Haygood.
Image: Purple Roses,Hawo Ali, Acrylic, 2018.
Banner image: Detail from Loungin,Abdi Ibrahim,
Noogu imow kulankeena Labo Ra'yi ee kala duwan oo Soomaali ah: Hawo Ali iyo Abdi Ibrahim, Kulanku wuxuu dhaciyaa September 7 ilaa October 23, 2021 Waxaana lagu qabaiyaa ARTS at King Street Station.
Xaawo Cali waa farshaxanley Somali-American ah oo joogta Seattle, bulshadana way u doodaa. Farshaxankeedu wuxuu u badanyahay ubaxyada iyo muuqaalka dalkeeda hooyo, Imaanashaha maraykankana iyo dhirta cusub ee dhulka ayaa dhiirrigeliyay inay sii wado. Sawirada Xaawo inta u badan waxaa ka muuqdo midab xoog iyo tayo leh. Midabkaas ayaa ka caawiyay inay xoojiso sawirkeeda, dhaqanka Soomaalida, farshaxan -yahannada, iyo sheekooyinka dhaqanka ee Soomaalida.
Cabdi Ibraahim waa sawir qaade Soomaali-Mareykan ah oo deggan Los Angeles. Wuxuu ku soo barbaaray magaalada Seattle waxaana dhalay labo somaali ee soo -galooti ahaa. Cabdi wuxuu dadka ku sawiraa adduunyo qurxoon - wuxuu qaadaa sawiro ka sheekeynaya sheeko iyo bilicsanaan dhab ah oo loola jeedo inay noqoto riyo ku jirta xaqiiqda hada; Tani waa talaabo u dhaxaysa dokumenteriga iyo fikirka guud.
laga bilaabo 2 duhurnimo ilaa 5 galabnimo markay tahay Talaado, Sebtember 7.Labaduba waxay qaban donaan kulamo 30-daqiiqo ah ee loogu talagalay in dadka la tuso shaqada ay qabtaan. Halkan iska diwaangeli:
ARTS -ka ee ku yaal Saldhigga Tareenka ee wadada King waa lacag la'aan wuxuuna u furan yahay dadweynaha, Talaadada ilaa Sabtida, 10ka subaxnimo ilaa 6 da fiidnimo. Waxaan tixraacaynaa waajibaadka gobolka ee waji xirka gudaha, iyadoon loo eegin heerka tallaalka dhammaan booqdayaasha waxaa laga rabaa inay wajiga xirtaan inta ay ku jiraan goobta dhexdeeda.