News and Updates

Tree Protection Ordinance

In May 2023, City Council passed and Mayor Harrell signed the updated Tree Protection Ordinance. A history of the activity leading to development and passage of the ordinance can be found on the UFC's Resources page. The new ordinance took effect on July 31, 2023. The Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections has posted information on the changes in tree regulations on their Building Connections webpage.

One Seattle Plan Update Process

The Office of Planning and Community Development is managing the process to the update the city's Comprehensive Plan. Visit the Community Engagement Hub for information on this effort. The draft Plan and draft Environmental Impact Statement were released in March 2024 and the public comment periods are now closed. 

Updating Seattle’s Neighborhood Residential Zones Report
Accompanying the Draft Plan is a report on zoning changes in Seattle’s neighborhoods to increase housing choices, particularly middle housing options like 3-plexes, 4-plexes, and other attached and detached housing types in all of our Neighborhood Residential areas. Email your comments on this report to

Urban Forestry Commission Mailing List

To keep track of Urban Forestry Commission (UFC) activity, please join the mailing list. You will receive notices of agendas, meeting minutes, and copies of any recommendations or other documents created by the UFC.

UFC By-Laws

The UFC amended its Bylaws in February, 2024.

About Us

The City of Seattle set the bold goal of achieving 30% tree canopy cover by 2037 to increase the environmental, social, and economic benefits trees bring to Seattle residents. The Seattle Urban Forest Stewardship Plan (UFSP), adopted in 2013, is a comprehensive strategy for increasing Seattle's tree canopy cover to meet the 30% target. The UFSP lays out goals and a broad range of actions to be implemented over time to preserve, maintain, and plant trees as well as restore the public forested areas remaining in the city.

The City passed Ordinance 123052 in August 2009 establishing Urban Forestry Commission (UFC) to advise the Mayor and City Council concerning the establishment of policy and regulations governing the protection, management, and conservation of trees and vegetation in the City of Seattle. The Ordinance was updated in 2017 to increase the membership with Ordinance 125415.


Who We Are

Couple walking downtown under cherry trees

The UFC is composed of thirteen members, six appointed by the Mayor, six appointed by City Council, and one (Position #9) is elected by the Urban Forestry Commission.

All positions serve without compensation, are confirmed by City Council, and have three-year terms after the initial round of appointments, which were staggered. Appointments can be renewed once. Position #10 (Get Engaged) has a one-year non-renewable term.

Commissioners will have knowledge in the areas specific to the position for which they are applying and a willingness to devote approximately 10 hours a month to UFC meetings and other Commission duties.

Applications are accepted on a continual basis and press releases are sent out before each series of interviews, which occur when there are vacancies.

Membership and Roster

The Urban Forestry Commission provides recommendations on and monitors implementation of plans, policies, and legislation related to the protection, management, and conservation of trees in Seattle.