2024 Tree Options
Evaluate your planting site and this year's tree options. Select the tree best suited for your space.
- Yard space? Choose the largest tree appropriate for the site to maximize the benefits to your yard and neighborhood.
- Planting along the street? Review the minimum planting strip width requirements before selecting your tree.
- Under power lines? Select one of the power line approved trees that reaches a maximum height of 25 feet.
The power line approved trees are the most popular species we offer. Please apply for power line approved trees only if you are planting under high voltage power lines.
The Trees for Neighborhoods 2024 application has closed.
Plant a tree in 2025! Click here to sign up for an email notification in 2025. We will email you in June 2025 with the tree selection options and then again in July 2025 with the application link.
Download the 2024 tree guide to help you decide which tree is best for your space or to share with your friends and neighbors. You can also click on the name of each tree below for a page with more detailed information and links.
Yard Trees (in limited situations for streets) | Height / Spread |
Street Tree Planting Strip Width |
Description |
Douglas fir |
80' / 20'
12+ feet
The classic Pacific Northwest evergreen conifer. Known for its noble, upright growth and lush needles which form a beautiful downward sweeping canopy. This tree is great for wildlife habitat. 5 gallon container tree |
Ponderosa pine |
80' / 20'
12+ feet
Native to eastern Washington, this tree is an ambassador to the western United States. It doesn’t attain the same size here in the Puget Sound, but it does retain all the beauty. On older trees, the bark develops cinnamon-yellow colored plates that are separated by deep fissures. The seeds are an important food source for wildlife. 5 gallon container tree |
Green Giant Western red cedar |
60' / 20'
12 + feet
A cross between our native Western red cedar and Japanese arborvitae. Dense and pyramidal, it is great for screening. No hedge trimmers needed. It is tolerant of damp soils. 6 gallon container tree |
Incense cedar |
55' / 20'
12 + feet
Lovely, lush and almost fluffy in appearance, this evergreen has glossy, bright green foliage and a pyramidal growth habit. Native to northern California and Oregon, the tree is adaptable to a variety of growing conditions from wet to dry and will grow very quickly in sunny, moist areas. 5 gallon container tree |
Street Trees (for yards too!) |
Height / Spread | Street Tree Planting Strip Width | Description |
Tupelo Tower black tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica 'WFH1') |
40' / 15'
6 + feet
A straight central leader and columnar form along with its pest resistance make this tree a reliable performer. The beauty of its glossy green summer foliage gives way to a spectrum of fall color from yellow to red. This is a female cultivar that produces a small dark blue fruit that is enjoyed by birds. |
Allee elm |
50' / 30'
8+ feet
A vase shaped tree with small glossy green leaves that turn shades of yellow to pink in the fall. The tan, orange, and green patchwork bark provides year long interest and is quite stunning in the landscape. Toughness and pest resistance makes it all the more desirable. 7 gallon container tree |
Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis ) |
50' / 30'
8 + feet
A tough tree for urban environments. Mature bark has corky ridges and a warty texture. The sweet fruit is attractive to wildlife, especially birds. 7 gallon container tree |
Street Keeper honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos 'Draves') |
50' / 20'
8 + feet
A thornless and columnar cultivar of a tough urban tree. The compound leaves on this tree are made up of tiny leaflets. This fern-like foliage turns an attractive golden yellow in the fall. The upright form of this cultivar allows it to fit into more urban spaces than the species. 7 gallon container tree |
Chinkapin oak |
55' / 25'
8 + feet
This is a low maintenance shade tree with a rounded habit. The narrow, coarsely toothed leaves which differ from most oaks, look more like chestnut leaves. The acorn is a favorite of wildlife. 7 gallon container tree |
Power Line Approved Trees | Height / Spread | Street Tree Planting Strip Width | Description |
Copper Curls Chinese tree lilac |
25' / 20'
5+ feet
A beautiful street or yard tree that works well under power lines. This tree provides a lovely show of creamy white flowers in May to early June. The tree also has attractive peeling orange-copper bark for winter interest. All of this while tolerating tough urban conditions. 7 gallon container tree |
Satomi dogwood
(Cornus kousa 'Satomi') |
20' / 20'
5+ feet
This Chinese dogwood’s beautiful pink flowers are a magnet for pollinators in late spring. In late summer these flowers become a berry-like fruit which is enjoyed by birds. The lush green leaves turn to glorious shades of red and orange in the fall. 7 gallon container tree |
25' / 20'
5+ feet
A great small tree for sunny places. It has clouds of showy white flowers in mid-late summer when not many other trees are blooming. The beautiful glossy green leaves turn a blazing orange-red in the fall. The peeling cinnamon colored bark rounds out this tree’s year long appeal. 7 gallon container trees |
American smoke tree |
25' / 20'
5+ feet
A small tree with many favorable attributes. The blue-green leaves of summer turn to riot of yellow, orange, red, and reddish purple in the fall. After the flowers are spent in mid- summer, they produce little hairs that give the tree its “smokey” appearance. Older specimens develop scaly bark that is attractive in winter. This tree performs well in tough urban conditions. 7 gallon container trees |
Evening Light Japanese snowbell |
25' / 15'
5+ feet
This enchanting cultivar of the Japanese snowbell has an upright oval habit. The standout characteristic for this tree are the purple-green to maroon leaves that make a great backdrop for the showy white bell-shaped flowers. Attractive fruit in late summer adds to the beauty of this tree. 10 gallon container trees |
Contact us at treesforneighborhoods@seattle.gov or (206) 327-2434 with questions.