Urban Pinnacle® Oak

Urban Pinnacle® Oak

Quercus macrocarpa 'JFS-KW3' PP22815

An upright cultivar of the bur oak that has a strong central leader. Its glossy green leaves turn yellow in fall and are resistant to leaf diseases. The acorns are smaller than typical bur oak acorns. Once established, this tough tree is heat and drought resistant.

Power Line Approved: No

Min. street tree planting width: 8 feet

Mature Height: 55 feet

Mature Spread: 25 feet

Tree Shape: Upright oval

Where to Plant: 
Great specimen shade tree for a narrow space in your yard or in a planting strip without overhead power lines.

Glossy green with rounded lobes. Yellow-russet fall color.

An acorn that is much smaller than typical for the species.

Preferred Site Conditions:
Full sun. Prefers moist but well drained soil. Drought and heat tolerant once established.

Potential Problems:
No serious or disease problems.

Minimum Planting Distances:

  • 15b feet from house or building
  • 3 ½ feet back from the face of the curb
  • 5 feet from underground utility lines
  • 10 feet from power poles
  • 7 ½ feet from driveways (10 feet recommended)
  • 20 feet from street lights and other existing trees
  • 30 feet from street intersections

Additional Resources