About Us

The Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board was created through Resolution 25534 on May 11th, 1977 to advise the City on the concerns and needs of the growing bicycling community. It is composed of 11 Seattle residents that serve for up to two 2-year terms. In 2001 it added an additional position for the YMCA Get Engaged Program that serves for a 1-year term.

Vision: Make Seattle a world-class city for bicycling. Make bicycling a viable transportation choice by encouraging active participation in policy and planning efforts through all levels of government. Build a more inclusive bicycling community by representing the needs of the diverse population of bicyclists in the city.


Who We Are

Public Art on Utility Cabinet Blends with Bike Share Bike at Transit Stop

The Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board (SBAB) advises the Mayor, City Council, and City Departments and Divisions on projects, policies, and programs that improve and/or affect bicycling conditions in Seattle.

Board Members

Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board

The Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board advises the City Council, the Mayor, and all departments and offices of the City on matters related to bicycling and the impacts that actions of the City may have upon bicycling. SBAB also contributes to the City's planning processes, insofar as they relate to ...