Taylor Creek Restoration Project
Review Status
On August 1, 2019, we reviewed the schematic design phase for the Taylor Creek Culvert Replacement project. At this meeting we approved the schematic design with several recommendations. We will review the project again at a future date.
Project Description
Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) has acquired several properties near the lower portions of Taylor Creek, between Lakeridge Park and Lake Washington. The purpose of the project is to restore creek habitat and to reduce soil erosion within portions of the Taylor Creek watershed near Lake Washington. The project proposal includes providing a sediment retention facility, accessible nature area, and corridor safety improvements along Rainier Ave S as well as replacing the existing culvert located beneath Rainier Ave S. SPU is partnering with Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) to address corridor improvements and Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) for the long-term ownership and maintenance of the nature area. We previously reviewed the project under the title "Lower Taylor Creek Culvert Replacement Project"